Top 10 INSANELY Huge Sharks

There's something in the water. From the Thresher, to the Bluntnose Sixgill, to the Hammerhead, these sharks are armed and dangerous. WatchMojo counts down the Top 10 INSANELY Huge Sharks.
#10: Bigeye Thresher Shark
Don’t let those big cute anime/teddy bear eyes fool you, this unique looking creature isn’t interested in cuddling. Found across the globe, the Bigeye Thresher Shark isn’t one that you should necessarily be afraid of - in fact, they have little to no interaction with swimmers and divers since they generally keep to the continental and open water rather than along the coast. But nonetheless, at an average at of 11 to 13 feet in length and 350 pounds in weight, Bigeye Threshers aren’t exactly a welcoming size either. The largest recorded specimen came in at 16 ft in length and weighed 802 pounds.
#9: Bluntnose Sixgill Shark
We prefer to call this shark by its full name because really, its other moniker, cow shark, doesn’t really do it justice. Hexanchoid sharks, of which the Bluntnose is the largest species, are identified by their long, low-lying tails. Found in temperate to tropical waters from regions around the globe, the Bluntnose Sixgill Shark is very much a relic of a bygone era, closely resembling more fossils of extinct species than those currently alive. While they average 11 to 14 ft in length, these ancient creatures have allegedly been known to grow up to 26 ft.
#8: Common Thresher Shark
We’ve already talked about the Bigeye Thresher (Alopias superciliosus), but its cousin, the common thresher shark (Alopias vulpinus), is even bigger. The largest in the thresher family, the common thresher is known for its massive, angular, fan-like tail, which it can actually use like a whip to stun its prey. Unsurprisingly, this dagger-like tail has inspired numerous tall tales over the years, but in reality the sharks actually have very little interaction with humans. They might look scary, but they’re actually rather shy creatures. That being said, given that they’ve been known to grow to 19 ft in length and over 1,100 lbs, probably best to give them their space.
#7: Great Hammerhead Shark
Our last few sharks were likely new to you unless you’re a shark enthusiast, but this beast from the deep has a reputation that precedes it. With its unique head shape and wide-set eyes, the aptly named Great Hammerhead shark is one of the more distinct looking creatures on the planet and a testament to the interesting paths that evolution can take. A loner and formidable predator, the Hammerhead is known to eat a wide variety of prey, including smaller sharks. The largest recorded Hammerhead was 20 ft long, while the heaviest weighed 1,280 lbs.
#6: Greenland Shark
Also known as the Gurry Shark or Grey Shark, the Greenland Shark stands out in a number of ways in addition to its remarkable size. It’s been the subject of substantial speculation and research because of its incredible longevity. It’s been estimated that this species lives anywhere between 300 and 500 years - the longest lifespan of any vertebrate. Then there’s the fact that its meat is toxic and needs to be treated before consumption due to a buildup of trimethylamine N-oxide - a result of the depths at which they live. Given their longevity, the maximum size is hard to judge, but its been estimated up to 24 ft long and over 3000 lbs.
#5: Pacific Sleeper Shark
Hailing from the same family as the Greenland Shark, the Pacific Sleeper Shark lives in the Northern Pacific in the Arctic. Despite its size, this shark moves through the water with minimal movement, which makes it a formidable predator. Consuming a diverse diet, it’s not above eating smaller crustaceans, but is equally known to target porpoises, juvenile sea lions and (wait for it…) giant squid. Though they only average about 12 feet in length and 800 lbs in weight, it’s been estimated that they could grow to 23 feet, based on a specimen that was spotted in 1989 but never caught or studied.
#4: Tiger Shark
The only surviving species of the Galeocerdo genus, the Tiger shark typically only grows to about 11 to 14 feet in length, but it often tops out at as much as 1,400 lbs. That being said, there have been reports of a tiger shark measuring a staggering 24 feet in length - though this claim remains disputed in the scientific community. The thing that makes the tiger shark so intimidating is its bulky, muscular build. It is a terrifying macropredator - stealthy, powerful and lightning quick. It’s also second on the list of sharks with the most human bites to its name.
#3: Great White Shark
Here’s another iconic shark that requires no introduction. Widely considered to be an apex predator, the Great White Shark is the reason some people are afraid to go in the ocean. Though they’re responsible for the most attacks on humans, the actual incidence of attacks is relatively low. Great whites rarely treat humans as prey, but the unprovoked attacks that do occur, coupled with the depictions of great whites in popular media, have earned them an infamous reputation. And quite frankly, considering their bite force, speed and size, you’re probably better playing it safe than sorry. The largest verified great white measured 20 feet in length and weighed between a 4,200 and 5,000 lbs.
#2: Basking Shark
The second largest shark currently living, the Basking Shark is, unlike our last few entries, totally disinterested in taking a bite out of humans. A gentle giant, it spends its life migrating with the seasons and following plankton, its primary source of food. Though that huge, almost snakelike mouth might be intimidating, it’s used as more of a net as part of the Basking Shark’s ram feeding. It can filter roughly 450 tons of water in an hour to get the plankton it needs. The largest Basking Shark ever measured was 40 feet long and weighed over 35,000 pounds. On average though, they come in at closer to 20 to 26 feet and 11,400 pounds.
#1: Whale Shark
Here it is folks, the largest living shark known to man. Just its mouth alone gets to be about 5 feet wide around maturity. Thankfully, like the basking shark, it also uses it to filter plankton and is thoroughly disinterested in tasting human flesh. On average, it grows to a length of 32 feet and a weight of 20,000 pounds, but the largest recorded specimen was 41.5ft long and weighed in at 47,000 pounds. Though they’re unverified, there are historical claims of whale shark sightings up to 59 feet in length. Whatever their actual maximum size might be, they’ve more than earned their place as the world’s largest shark.