Top 10 Jackass Stunts That Didn't Make It Into The Movie

“Jackass” has some incredible stunts, but not all of them make it into the movies. For this list, we’re looking at stunts that were cut from the theatrical releases of the “Jackass” series, but which DID appear in “Jackass 2.5”, “3.5” and “4.5”. Our countdown includes The Flaming Gauntlet from “Jackass 3.5” (2011), the Cajun Obstacle Course from “Jackass 2.5” (2007), the Covid Safety Meeting from "Jackass 4.5" (2022), and more! Let us know in the comments which stunt you think should have been put into the actual movies! And we hope it goes without saying that you should NOT try any of these stunts at home.
#10: Driving Range
“Jackass 2.5” (2007)
Causing chaos on a golf range is “par for the course” for the “Jackass” crew, but these golfing segments didn’t make it into the second movie. First off, they decide they’re going to tee golf balls off each other’s bodies while a driving range is in use by people who just wanted to enjoy their afternoon. They enlist one such golfer to tee a ball from Bam’s crotch, since Knoxville’s teeing skills definitely aren’t up to much. Once that’s over with, out come Chris Pontius and Wee Man carrying some lawn chairs, ready to catch some sun on the middle of the range. The golfers are instructed to try and hit the duo with predictable, but always hilarious, consequences. At least they wore helmets.
#9: Horseback Base Jumping
“Jackass 3.5” (2011)
It’s in this movie that we’re introduced to “Darf”, Dave England’s evil, alter-ego that comes out when he gets especially drunk. England has obviously never met Darf, but the audience is treated to some choice footage of him causing general chaos in a bar. That’s where this stunt came from: it was conceived to get revenge on England for his bad behavior, with the entire crew knowing the stunt wasn’t going to work. The idea is that England launches himself from the back of a horse and opens a parachute, though he's not high enough or travelling fast enough for it to do anything. He lands in the mud over and over again, and the other guys relish in it.
#8: Cajun Obstacle Course
“Jackass 2.5” (2007)
The third movie gave us gems like the Electric Avenue stunt, where the guys had to make it through a corridor full of tasers. But this cut stunt from “2.5” may have been a precursor to that, albeit one far, FAR grosser. They’ve got to make through an alligator pit, crawl through live pigs and pig waste underneath barbed wire, and then drink a shot-sized spittoon each. Pigs, alligators, and barbed wire are to be expected from a ruthless obstacle course, but drinking spit is a bridge too far. Bam’s not excited for the stunt and nor was anybody else, and we’re sure they were even more frustrated that their efforts were relegated to the spin-off movie rather than the main one.
#7: Slip’n’Bowl
“Jackass 3.5” (2011)
As Knoxville explains, this entire stunt was just an elaborate trick. What the guys thought was a game of human bowling involving a giant waterslide covered in gallons of lubricant, was a way to actually shoot them all at length with an RC helicopter mounted with two paintball guns. With the boys covered in lube and unable to stand up, they’re left floundering and getting ruthlessly shot up by the gunner – who is, of course, Knoxville himself. Even when the stunt is over they still struggle to get off the slippery surface. Pontius pees on Knoxville to get his revenge.
#6: Bed of Nails
“Jackass 2.5” (2007)
“Jackass Number Two” came hot on the tails of “Wildboyz”, Pontius and Steve-O’s spin-off that focused largely on animal stunts. Jeff Tremaine was still inspired by the things they’d gotten up to on “Wildboyz” and wanted to more, similar stunts for the “Jackass” sequel. The boldest stunt involved somebody lying on a bed of nails with a venomous snake on his chest, surrounded by snake charmers and elephants. Unsurprisingly, it was Ehren who got this honor because everybody else refused. It was certainly an ordeal and is easily one of the most difficult stunts Ehren had to do, making for some uncomfortable viewing. And despite all that, it didn’t make the final cut; that’s gotta hurt.
#5: The Flaming Gauntlet
“Jackass 3.5” (2011)
We’re absolutely astonished that this stunt found its way onto the cutting room floor, given how elaborate it was AND how much Steve-O went through. A huge rig was built in an empty warehouse featuring a balance beam, two pits of burning coal on either side, and four swinging balls also on fire. To make matters worse, they laid down steel sheets underneath the coal to protect the floor, inadvertently creating two massive frying pans hot enough to cook an egg. It won’t surprise anybody to know that Steve-O falls from the beam onto the coal, landing himself with severe burns on his left arm and leg that sent him to a burn unit.
#4: Animal Swingset
"Jackass 4.5" (2022)
Dressed as a flamingo, cow, sloth, and lobster respectively, Knoxville, Jasper, Dave England, and skater Nick Merlino are tasked with making their way through a deadly swingset. The others are on the swings trying to kick them off the conveyer belt carrying them, with painful results. One by one they go flying, with Dave suffering the most. He’s kicked hard by Ehren and spins around in the air, landing on his head. Finally, it’s Merlino’s turn, carrying a yoga ball. Pontius lands a kick right on the ball and Merlino wipes out as well, exactly as you’d expect.
#3: Covid Safety Meeting
"Jackass 4.5" (2022)
Just weeks after filming began for “Jackass Forever”, production had to shut down because of the onset of the pandemic back in March 2020. It wasn’t until October that filming was able to resume, and Knoxville had the bright idea to stage a prank on the very first day back on set – under the guise of a Covid compliance meeting. The guys are all gathered around a table ready to learn about how to stay safe and protected from the virus, when the table explodes. An entire bouncy castle was planted underneath it, which rapidly inflates and knocks them all back.
#2: Big Game Hunting
"Jackass 4.5" (2022)
Another animal-themed bit, this time half the guys are dressed up as big game hunters, while Preston, Zach, and Wee Man are the elephants. They’ve got with them a gigantic gun loaded with tennis balls, firing them at a very high speed. This is one time when the pain becomes too much for the participants, notably Preston, who gets badly injured by one of the tennis balls. Because Tremaine insisted Preston was good to carry on even when he wasn’t, Knoxville turns the gun on him and hits him in the back. It only gets worse for Preston, though, as later on in the movie tennis pro Shannon Gibbs hits him in the exact same spot.
#1: Blindfold Race
"Jackass 4.5" (2022)
It may not be the most bombastic or complicated stunt the “Jackass” crew have ever pulled off, but its genius lies in its simplicity. Half a dozen of the guys are blindfolded and asked to compete in an easy enough race on an open field. Of course, though, it’s never easy on this set. As soon as they can’t see what’s going on, the others descend to place obstacles in their way, and we see them all trip and fall over and over again on all manner of things – including some of the others. Poopies is the clear winner, but what makes this stunt so great is the sense of comradery. The whole cast are in this together, the way it’s always been.