Top 10 Kickass Disney Princess Moments

#10: Cinderella Defends Herself
“Cinderella” (1950)
Cinderella seems like a weak female protagonist on the surface; but let’s not forget what her home life’s been like – reduced to being a servant by her wicked stepmother and bossy stepsisters for years on end. When a royal ball is held and every maiden is invited, Cinderella’s stepsisters just laugh off the idea of her attending the party. Finally, she stands up for herself, saying she deserves to go to the ball just as much as they do. Of course, her family sabotages her chance of attending, but it takes courage to be able to defend yourself in a household of psychological abuse.
#9: “I Am Not a Prize to Be Won”
“Aladdin” (1992)
The law says that Princess Jasmine must marry a prince, but she stubbornly refuses to find a suitor, despite her father’s insistence. You can't blame her; how would you feel if you were practically locked in your own palace, and didn’t get to decide who you marry or how to run your life? Fortunately, one love-struck street rat disguised as a prince gives her a taste of what true freedom feels like. She sticks to her guns, and in the end, Jasmine finally gets to decide her own betrothed –and what better pick than Aladdin, the one who saw her as more than some prize?
#8: Belle Calling Out the Beast
“Beauty and the Beast” (1991)
Right off the bat, Belle shows her bravery by taking her sickly father’s place as the Beast’s prisoner. Unfortunately, the Beast’s fearsome temper and vicious demeanor are enough to send even the bravest running. But after he saves her from a pack of wolves, Belle puts her fear aside and tends to Beast's wounds. A heated argument ensues, but Belle gets the last word as she calls him out about his attitude. This not only shows Belle conquering her fear of the Beast, but it also signifies the start of their improving relationship –slowly blossoming into something that wasn’t there before.
#7: Tiana Defeating The Shadow Man
“The Princess and the Frog” (2009)
Tiana clings tightly to her dreams throughout the film, but being turned into a frog tends to hinder even the best-laid plans. When she gets her hands on his talisman, The Shadow Man gives her one last tempting offer – a “vision” of her finally achieving her dreams, making her human again, if she hands over the trinket. However, Tiana looks past the allure, and smashes Doctor Facilier’s charm –watching as he’s dragged to the ‘Other Side’. It takes guts to resist temptation, but it pays off when she overcomes her personal wants for what’s really important.
#6: Rapunzel Standing up to Mother Gothel
“Tangled” (2010)
For most of her life, Rapunzel was raised by Mother Gothel as her daughter, and she was coddled into believing that she was too weak and naïve to survive the world outside her tower. However, when Rapunzel finally ventures outside her tower, she learns of a better life, and about her self-worth. She also discovers that she is actually a missing princess… and her so-called ‘mother’ abducted her. Her Stockholm syndrome broken, she calls Gothel out on all her lies – refusing to be undermined and manipulated by her any further, or be told that she can’t do anything - because ‘mother’ really doesn’t know best.
#5: Let It Go!
“Frozen” (2013)
After a childhood incident, Elsa has been forced to keep her ice powers on the down low. During her coronation, however, she accidentally reveals her abilities, and runs away –unknowingly bringing an everlasting winter to her kingdom. When she’s alone in the mountains, it finally dawns on Elsa that she may have left everything behind but she doesn't have to live in fear, or hide her powers anymore –as she demonstrates by constructing a massive ice palace, and a dazzling dress. Whether empowering or villainous, this earworm of a scene leaves a powerful message about being free to fully express yourself.
#4: Pocahontas Prevents a War
“Pocahontas” (1995)
The Natives have sentenced John Smith to death, and the Settlers are more than prepared to throw down. Right before the Chief can deliver the fatal blow, Pocahontas gets between him and John, refusing to budge… even at the risk of death. Her bravery and moving speech open the eyes of her father and everyone around her… well, almost everyone. Pocahontas had been unsure of what path in life she should follow, but she chose one favoring love and courage over the path of hatred. This not only saves a loved one, but also stops a conflict from escalating uncontrollably.
#3: Ariel Rescues Eric
“The Little Mermaid” (1989)
Ariel’s always been curious about the human world; and that curiosity leads to her approaching a human ship, and laying eyes on the handsome Prince Eric. When a massive storm hits the ship, everyone safely makes it off the boat… except Eric, who is saved when Ariel dives below and drags him to the shore. Her father would never approve of her rescuing a human, but Ariel doesn’t care; what matters to her is that the man she's smitten with is safe. Critics may question Ariel giving up her mermaid life for a guy she barely knows, but let’s not forget who rescued whom first.
2: Merida Shoots for Her Own Hand
“Brave” (2012)
Since she was little, Princess Merida has had tomboy attitude and a knack for archery. Now a teenager, she’s to choose a suitor from one of the allied clan leaders’ first-born sons, and they compete for her hand in an archery contest. Merida, herself a first-born child, takes advantage of a loophole, and shoots for her own hand. She lands not one, but three bulls-eyes and hits all three clans where it hurts: right in the pride. While harsh, she ultimately proves her skills as an archer, and defies her time period’s female royalty standards… even if her mother disapproves.
Before we unveil our number one butt-kicking moment, here are a few royal honorable mentions.
Belle Kicking Gaston Out of Her house
“Beauty and the Beast” (1991)
Anna Punching Hans’ Lights Out
“Frozen” (2013)
Rapunzel Fighting with a Frying Pan
“Tangled” (2010)
#1: Mulan Becomes a War Hero
“Mulan” (1998)
At first, Mulan struggles with living up to her culture’s norms; but when her father is called in to fight for a war, none of that matters. Instead, she steals his armor and impersonates a soldier to protect him – no matter the consequences. After a rocky start, Mulan earns the respect of her peers, and even saves her commanding officer from peril. Even after she’s dismissed, when trouble arises again, she leaps back in to save China in her own way. While she’s not technically royalty, Mulan’s actions and positive image have earned her a place as both an official Disney princess, and one of China’s greatest heroes.