Top 10 Kids Shows that Parents Find Annoying

Children are a blessing… however, watching some of the programs made for children can be a curse all parents know far too well. Welcome to, and today we're counting down our picks for the Top 10 Kids' Shows That Parents Find Annoying. For this list, we've chosen television programs are intended to teach children important lessons, build both problem-solving and educational skills, all while entertaining small children - and yet, leave parents struggling to maintain their composure when they watch them. Just to clarify, the shows in this list may be beloved by children and critics alike, but are all too often found to be just a bit too much for parents and other adults to handle.
Special thanks to our users Carlos Quezada and Izzyff for submitting this idea on our Suggestion Tool at http://WatchMojo.comsuggest
#10: “The Doodlebops” (2004-)
Aimed at preschoolers, this colorful creation incorporates music into the show to teach children about social skills all the while encouraging them to dance and sing along. Designed to look like real-life “cartoon characters”, the live action band members in this Canadian TV series may have inspired their target audience to join in with them, but their frightening appearances and over-the-top enthusiasm left adults puzzled and terrified.
#9: “Boohbah” (2003-06)
Only communicating by squeaks, squeals and clicks, these big-eyed, bouncing balls of fluff help give “presents” to the people of Storyland to advance the plot and set the theme of the current segment as presented by the human children. However, by watching this show, you’d be surprised if even that makes much sense. This kids’ show left parents in a constant state of WTF as the brightly colored Boohbahs wiggled, bounced, and murmured their way into the hearts of their children, but even the seemingly cute demeanor of these crazy creatures couldn’t distract adults from their strange behavior or the behavior of their human counterparts.
#8: “Veggie Tales” (1993-)
This wholesome show aimed at delivering biblical messages to the younger generation left parents everywhere scratching their heads. Seriously, what do vegetables have to do with the Christianity anyway? Clearly, this series of computer animated films sparked more questions than answers for most parents who sat through an episode with their kids… and for good reason! To this day, “Veggie Tales” remains one “healthy” kids’ show that will have you craving junk food to cleanse your palette.
#7: “The Wiggles” franchise (1998-)
This gang of keenly silly musicians made children everywhere crave fruit salad and hot potatoes, but gave parents indigestion with their bright and colorful world of revelry. Becoming a chart success in the kid music genre has kept this show on the air, along with their sold out live performances. Yet there is no denying the parents taking their kids to see these musical gurus may be a bit unnerved by their wild and crazy antics.
#6: “Little Einsteins” (2005-09)
Targeting musical, cultural, and artistic appreciation, this show aimed at 2-6 year olds may have jumped the gun for some parents when it comes to intellectual tastes. With criticism focusing on whether there was actually a need to teach kids such mature subject matter, the animated show made parents who didn’t make their kids watch it feel guilty for denying them an advanced education, and parents who did feeling like they were watching a college level class taught by kindergarteners.
#5: “Oobi” (2003-07)
While children’s television is no stranger to incorporating puppets into their cast of characters, this show left parents pining for some muppet fur to cover its low-budget tone. Starring literal “hand” puppets with googly eyes who speak in just few-word sentences, this series may have had the intentions to build academic skills in children, but it left their parents empty-handed.
#4: “Caillou” (1997-2010)
This Canadian show featuring the “adventures” of a four-year-old boy has been a dreaded staple of children’s television programming for adults due to its slow pace and “boring” tone. With parents arguing the merits of the show also point to Caillou’s constant “whining”, questionable scenarios, and bland animation, this young character created in the Great White North still has children glued to their TV sets to this day, and their parents longing to change the channel.
#3: “Dora the Explorer” (2000-)
While praised by critics for its bilingual design, infectious songs, and intentional aim to evoke engagement with the characters, there is no denying that when Dora pauses for your response… it feels a little creepy. Parents everywhere have followed Dora on her cheerful adventures, but they never really wanted to go along for the ride. Sparking spin-off series such as “Go, Diego, Go!” and a more “mature” Dora in “Dora and Friends”, this franchise has shown no signs of slowing down, much to the dismay of parents everywhere.
#2: “Teletubbies” (1997-2001; 2015)
Starring anthropomorphic antenna-ed creatures, this children’s TV series seems more acid trip than kid-friendly. Despite controversy surrounding the sexual orientation of one of the characters, this show from the United Kingdom became a stunning success and was loved by children on both sides of the pond. With little dialogue other than the murmuring sounds of these furry tubby custard-loving companions, a baby’s face embedded in the sun, and an extremely repetitive design, parents often found even one episode of this nightmarish show to be almost unbearable to watch.
Before we reveal our #1 pick, here are some honorable mentions:
“The Upside Down Show” (2006-08)
“Wonder Pets” (2006-13)
“Imagination Movers” (2008-)
“The Fresh Beat Band” [aka “The JumpArounds”] (2009-13)
#1: “Barney & Friends” (1992-2010)
Introduced in the early ‘90s, the titular big purple dinosaur has been hard to avoid ever since. Starring a cast of rotating children and a repetitive roster of songs, this show tackles themes of friendship, imagination, and building social skills. However, it’s all done with an unnaturally upbeat vibe that becomes nauseating after only a few viewings. The success of this timeless show has sparked backlash and praise alike. And with its continued success at engaging children the world over, there’s no denying this uncomfortably friendly dinosaur’s face will remain a thorn in the sides of parents for generations to come as long as reruns continue to air or if new episodes are made.
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