Top 10 Kitty & Red Moments on That '70s & '90s Show

#10: Getting Through Red’s Health Scares
“That ‘70s Show” (1998-2006)
A man this devoted to beer, meat, cheese, and rage is bound to rack up a few health issues. Fortunately or unfortunately for Red, Kitty’s a loving wife and a qualified nurse. So, when he lies about his checkup, she goes above and beyond to improve his health— not that he’s all that appreciative. Later, in season five, Red suffers a heart attack following Laurie and Fez’s shocking news. This forces Kitty to double down on her efforts, controlling everything he eats, chucking out the liquor, and always staying one step ahead of him. Kitty’s very dedicated to ensuring her husband sticks around to put plenty more feet where they don’t belong.
#9: Trying to Help Kitty Through Menopause
“That ‘70s Show” (1998-2006)
In season five, Kitty announces she’s pregnant, only to learn she’s actually starting to go through menopause. It’s a rough time for her; unfortunately, the men in her home don’t handle the situation particularly delicately. And to no one’s surprise, Red doesn’t exactly share his wife’s bedside manner or knack for healthcare and wellbeing, and it really shows here. However, he does eventually come through when he brings home a puppy in a desperate attempt to cheer her up. Sure, he could’ve been more sensitive overall, but it’s super sweet that he goes to such effort to make his wife happy— even if cute little Schatzi keeps sitting in his chair.
#8: Good Cop, Bad Cop
“That ‘90s Show” (2023-)
After Leia lies to her grandparents about going to the movies, Red finds an oddly dressed Ozzie waiting alone in their driveway. The couple takes on a good cop, bad cop role to coax the teen into revealing where Leia really went. Of course, Kitty’s the sweet and gentle one while Red can only see, well, red. That makes it all the funnier when Leia ultimately gets caught, and they switch roles. Watching Kitty lose it is hilarious; when she goes rogue, she takes no prisoners, and even her granddaughter isn’t safe from her wrath. Meanwhile, Red shows that embodying the unforgiving disciplinarian takes a lot of practice. Either way, they make a great team!
#7: “Tell Me Something Good”
“That ‘70s Show” (1998-2006) & “That ‘90s Show” (2023-)
The entertainment biz doesn’t always like to show mature characters getting intimate. But not Red and Kitty. Even after decades of marriage, they’re about as randy as the teens who take over their basement. Usually, you know that they’re about to get it on when they suddenly race up the stairs. Or, if “Tell Me Something Good” by Rufus and Chaka Khan plays, which is a running gag they continued in the “‘90” spinoff. It’s refreshing to see an older couple still physically attracted to one another and who looks for any opportunity to spend some alone time together. Red and Kitty might just have one of the healthiest relationships we’ve seen on television.
#6: Enjoying Time Together
“That ‘70s Show” (1998-2006)
Speaking of enjoying each other’s company, there’s a lot this couple relishes doing together outside the bedroom. In season one, with all the kids headed to Jackie’s ski cabin, Red plans a romantic evening for two, but Kitty remembers a past indiscretion that puts a damper on his plans. In the lead-up to their 25th anniversary in season eight, Red’s feeling extra amorous and ups his romance game. He’s made plans for the two of them, unaware that Kitty intends to throw a surprise party. Their relationship may best be summed up by this season three moment: Red tells Kitty that there’s no one he enjoys spending time with, but she’s the rare exception.
#5: Encouraging Kitty to Go Back to Work
“That ‘90s Show” (2023-)
In “That ’70s Show,” Kitty steps up as the breadwinner when Red faces some setbacks at work, ultimately being made redundant. By the time we reunite with them in “That ’90s Show,” both are enjoying retirement. However, with the summer almost over and Leia soon heading home, Kitty considers returning to work. At first, Red isn’t very supportive; in fact, he’s downright dismissive. However, when Kitty starts doubting herself, he finally gives her the encouragement she needs. He reminds her that she’s a great nurse and can do anything she puts her mind to. Despite his earlier reservations, he’s genuinely happy when she gets the job.
#4: Red “Makes” Dinner
“That ‘70s Show” (1998-2006)
When Kitty has to work extra shifts, Red assures her he can take care of things at home. This is a pretty big deal as a man keeping house while the woman goes out to work was far less common back then. However, it soon becomes clear that he’s not much of a cook. That makes it all the sweeter when Kitty comes home after a rough shift and Red has dinner ready for them to enjoy together. Sure, it’s takeout, but it’s the intention behind it makes it worthy of a place on our list. It might not be the nutritious home cooked meal Kitty might've hoped for, but it’s the thought that counts, right?
#3: Kitty Turns the Tables on Red
“That ‘70s Show” (1998-2006)
Season five was rough for Kitty, culminating with Eric and Donna’s upcoming nuptials and plans to move in together. The final straw is when Red gives the teens his blessing, much to her dismay. Kitty loses her cool entirely, resulting in a rant that requires a lot of bleeping. The icing on the cake is when she concludes her angry venting with one of her husband’s favorite words. Red loves throwing that word around, so there’s nothing more satisfying or hilarious than seeing it used on him by an irate Kitty. Red’s too stunned to react, although that’s probably for the best because one wrong response and she might’ve borrowed another of his catchphrases.
#2: Red & Kitty Dig into Some Special Brownies
“That ‘70s Show” (1998-2006)
Things get a little colorful when the adults accidentally get into Hyde’s special brownies. They end up in their own Circle that’s just as funny, if not funnier, than the gang’s usual smokey sessions. Kitty gets a little looser-lipped and more even giggly, while Red shows a side of himself we didn’t even know existed. Seeing the older Formans and their friends under the influence is one the most hysterical things to ever happen to the show. Watching them handle the munchies at the end of the episode is a close second. Seriously, how did we not get more episodes with these two accidentally or even intentionally joining the Circle? It would’ve been so lit!
Before we unveil our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions.
Mrs. Forman Takes the Fun Out of Funnel Cake, “That ‘70s Show” (1998-2006)
Kitty Takes the Wheel When Red Gets a Tad Too Involved at the Car Show
Eric Gets the Talk, “That ‘70s Show” (1998-2006)
A Comically Confusing Talk about the Birds & the Bees from Mr. & Mrs. Forman
Kitty’s Hair, “That ‘70s Show” (1998-2006)
Red Brings Hair-Mony with a Hug
Red Forgets to Record, “That ‘70s Show” (1998-2006)
For the Record, This Is Super Relatable & Hilarious
Red Has Kitty Vision, “That ‘70s Show” (1998-2006)
Find Someone Who Knows You So Well They Don’t Have to Look up to Know What You’re Thinking
#1: The Way They Might Have Met?
“That ‘70s Show” (1998-2006)
After almost 25 years of marriage, some earlier relationship moments may become fuzzy. Kitty reprimands her husband after he botches the story of how they met. But it soon becomes clear that she’s none the wiser either. It’s only later, over a couple of Manhattans, that the memories come flooding back, and it’s as amusing as it is adorable. We love their story, but they’d be happier if one of their misremembered accounts were true. In another memorable flashback, we’re taken back to a Halloween when Kitty learns she’s pregnant, and Red comes up with his signature term of endearment. Still, nothing says “meant to be” more than their hilarious meet cute.