Top 10 Legally Blonde Quotes

#10: Costume Party
Elle and Vivian’s relationship is fraught for a lot of the movie. Vivian’s disdain for her is perhaps most obvious when she tells her about an upcoming party. That sounds nice, right? It would be, except Vivian lies and tells her it’s a costume party. Needless to say, Elle stands out like a sore thumb when she arrives in her adorable bunny outfit. It’s an awkward moment, and it would have been enough to make anybody run away humiliated. But not Elle Woods. Not only does she stay; she delivers this amazing comeback when Vivian sarcastically compliments her look. Vivian may not have been dressed like a clown here, but our favorite law student certainly makes her seem like one.
#9: Wise Words
The movie reaches a really pivotal point after Professor Callahan acts in an extremely inappropriate fashion towards Elle. As if that wasn’t bad enough, Vivian completely misreads the situation. Needless to say, Elle is left feeling defeated and decides to go back home. As she and Paulette exchange tearful goodbyes, all seems lost. That is, until the dramatic moment where Professor Stromwell unexpectedly speaks up. She lets Elle know she should stay with this quote that captures the situation perfectly. It’s a really empowering moment between the two, as Elle realizes Stromwell believes in her. And it’s what gives her the boost she needs to come back, stronger than ever. Who knows what would have happened if Professor Stronwell hadn’t been at the salon that day?
#8: Legal Jargon
Elle Woods’ Harvard Law video admissions essay is a pure work of art. It’s full of hilarious quotes and tidbits. The most memorable has to be when she demonstrates her knowledge of legal terminology. While walking down the street, she aptly responds to a man whistling at her by objecting. Elle doesn’t miss a beat here, demonstrating just how at ease she is with the language used in the field of law. And her perfectly placed smile at the end really adds a layer of humor. While it may not technically be how objections work in the courtroom, we think Elle absolutely nails it. Clearly, the Harvard board of admissions agrees!
#7: Perm Maintenance
While there’s no doubt that “Legally Blonde” is full of hilarious moments, there are some rather serious ones as well. A prime example of this is the courtroom scene, where Elle takes over as Brooke’s attorney. At first, it seems like she’s going to lose the case. But soon enough, she finds a hole in Chutney’s story. That’s when she gets into an unstoppable rhythm. Jaws everywhere drop as she delivers this line about perm maintenance that serves as the nail in Chutney’s coffin. And when reporters ask her how she cracked the case afterwards, Elle delivers another amazing line that makes it seem like no big deal. After all, if there’s one thing Elle Woods knows, it’s hair care.
#6: Graduation Speech
There is a real sense of satisfaction when the story flashes forward and we witness the Class of 2004’s graduation ceremony. The moment Professor Stromwell announces that the class-elected speaker is none other than Elle Woods herself is priceless. Of course, she delivers with her speech. It’s moving from start to finish. We always hold back happy tears when she gives her classmates some unbeatable advice: to believe not only in others, but also in themselves. Through this quote, we see just how far Elle has come, and it’s touching. Plus, it’s hard not to feel like she is speaking directly to us as viewers!
#5: The “Bend & Snap”
The friendship between Elle and Paulette is truly a beautiful one. They grow increasingly close as the story progresses, and soon enough are there for each other through thick and thin. So when Paulette struggles to interact with her crush, Elle does what any good girlfriend would and lends her expertise. Naturally, it wouldn’t be Elle Woods if her advice wasn’t a little out-of-the-box. Obviously, we’re talking about the infamous “bend and snap”. Elle’s explanation of its high success rate has us seriously impressed. Not to mention the demonstration itself is epic. It’s no wonder this maneuver has become a fan favorite!
#4: The Endorphin Effect
When Elle realizes that the client the firm is defending is none other than Brooke Taylor, she’s ecstatic. After all, they share that Delta Nu bond. Unfortunately, everyone thinks she’s guilty. Except for Elle, who explains with this one simple line why she doesn’t believe that Brooke murdered her husband. Everyone in the room is skeptical, but her reasoning is seemingly flawless. While most of her classmates - and Professor Callahan - don’t take her seriously in this instance, we know better than to doubt Elle Woods. As a bonus, if you ask any “Legally Blonde” fan to explain the benefits of exercise to you today, odds are they won’t have any trouble.
#3: Telling Warner Off
After Elle emerges victorious in court, Warner comes crawling back. But she now realizes that she deserves a lot better than him. It’s incredibly satisfying to watch her tell him so. Elle initially makes it seem like she might jump right back into his arms, before quickly delivering this brutal remark. Notably, it’s a spin on what he said when breaking up with her, which makes watching her kick him off his high horse that much better. Elle may have applied to Harvard for Warner, but she quickly discovered a passion - and talent - for the law. We’d say everyone got what they deserved by the end of the movie!
#2: Orange Is NOT the New Pink
When it’s time for Elle to present herself to a group of law students, she doesn’t disappoint. She starts off by introducing not only herself, but also her adorable pup Bruiser. Naturally, that means listing their zodiac signs and dietary needs. But it gets better. She then proceeds to tell a story about how she convinced Cameron Diaz not to purchase an ugly sweater. This leads to her priceless quote about pink reigning supreme over orange, no matter what anyone else says. Everyone there is so serious, so Elle’s bubbly personality acts as a nice contrast. Of course, everyone looks at her like she’s an alien. As for us, we keep her wise words in mind whenever we go shopping.
Before we unveil our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions.
The Prada Shoes
A Showdown at the Water Fountain Leads to a Breakthrough
Knowing Your Worth
Elle Takes Charge
Charmin vs. Generic
The Battle of the Toilet Paper Brand
Elle’s Supportive Friends
They Don’t Know What’s Going on, but They’re Here for Her
Making Sacrifices
Elle Worked Hard to Get Into Harvard
#1: Making It Look Easy
As Elle walks down the halls of Harvard Law school with her perfectly crafted outfit and a pep in her step, she spots Warner. This is her moment to show him what a mistake he made by dumping her. Naturally, she plays it cool. Warner, on the other hand, is clearly in shock that she got into the same law school as he did. When he asks her about it with pure disbelief in his voice, she quips back with this now iconic line. With this short but incredibly sweet quote, Elle makes her acceptance look effortless. Plus, Reese Witherspoon’s delivery is flawless, which makes the whole thing that much more unforgettable.