Top 10 Lucas the Spider Moments

#10: “One Man Band”
This video may not feature the baby spider talking in his adorable mumble, but it is one of the longest created for YouTube. And even without Lucas’ vocal talents, it’s still just as precious. Showing that he’s a lot more than just another furry face, Lucas plucks at and drums on five different musical instruments, including a harp that we learned in a previous episode he made himself. Soon, he’s playing an upbeat and very catchy tune for us in his one-spider-band, a song that we can’t help but bop along to.
#9: “Giant Spider”
Though this video is called “Giant Spider”, Lucas is still his regular, diminutive size. Thus he quickly proves that perception is everything, because to a tiny wooden village he stumbles upon, and then accidentally demolishes, he might as well be Spiderzilla: a towering even though completely delightful monster knocking down everything around him. Of course, the cutie of an arachnid apologizes profusely, and even as he stands sheepishly amid the wreckage of a once prosperous and lively wooden village, we can’t help but forgive him.
#8: “Spinning Webs”
Everybody wants friends, including spiders. And although Lucas attempts to make new friends in an unconventional way - by catching them in a web - we know he means well. The amicable spider clearly means no harm, and his web is made out of ordinary string and features a snazzy bell. In a later episode, we see just how surprisingly effective this is, when it manages to attract a fly. But even Bzzt - as Lucas calls him - takes off before the two can become buddies. Hopefully, Lucas will persist, because we just know there’s a new friend waiting for him out there somewhere.
#7: “Naptime”
After a long day, we all need a place to rest our weary heads now and then. And the same is true for even the smallest and hairiest of creatures, like little Lucas. But as he hunts both inside and outside for a place to sleep, he finds the tailpipe of a car to be too smoggy and a bird’s nest to already have occupants. Fortunately, he soon discovers the perfect spot in the scoop of a toy bulldozer. It can even rock him to sleep!
#6: “It’s Cold Outside”
Sure, he might be a spider, and scary to some; but all he really wants is to warm his little legs by the fire. As he gazes in on us from a cold and wintery night, perhaps some of us are moved by the tiny arachnid’s chilly plight. But while Lucas makes it difficult to be afraid of spiders - especially with those big pleading eyes - it’s slightly harder to let a spider into one’s home. So, the friendly spider gives up and heads for the garden shed.
#5: “Playtime”
For our number five spot, let’s add a little bathroom humor. The bathroom sink, in particular. In this episode, Lucas is seen sliding from one side of a porcelain sink to the other, giggling gleefully as he goes. We guess when you’re small, anything can be your playground. After jumping over the drain opening a couple of times, he stops and stares down into the deep dark hole. It’s too tempting not to investigate - who knows what could be down there? And just like that, he disappears, with one final exclamation of joy.
#4: “Musical Spider”
This spider not only knows how to have fun; he also knows how to sing. And sing he does. With a small thumb piano, the tiny spider plucks out a song about his desire to be our friend and not to get squished. In another episode, Lucas plays and sings his version of “The Itsy Bitsy Spider” on a homemade harp. Sadly, an inquisitive bird takes a liking to it. Despite his momentary disappointment, the ever-upbeat Lucas scampers off to make another harp. Hopefully to sing us another song?
#3: “Polar Bear”
We can’t help but giggle at Lucas discovery of a ‘polar bear’ in the kitchen. The large white beast showed up about a week ago, apparently, but hasn’t yet been formally introduced to the friendly household spider. As he watches the sleeping animal from a chair, Lucas seems more curious than scared; what better way to make a new friend than with a “boop” right on the nose? Lucas goes for it, then hightails it out of the room with the ‘bear’ lumbering after him.
#2: “Captured”
Who knew a game of hide and seek could go so wrong? Well, Lucas knows now. He’d been playing this normally harmless game with a human in the house when suddenly a glass was placed on top of him, trapping him on the table. Even when he’s scared, it’s hard to deny just how cute he is. Luckily, when the captor in question walks away, the quick-witted spider manages to push the wine glass over the edge of the counter just enough for him to make a daring escape.
#1: First Time Meeting Him
This was the moment the world first fell in love with the tiny spider. And it’s not very hard to see why. Just look at those big eyes and fuzzy little legs. Listen to that mumbling, rambling, and positively adorable voice. Lucas spun us in his web of cuteness from the second he crawled onto the screen and introduced himself. Joshua Slice, the creator, claimed to have wanted to make the world less fearful of spiders, and right out of the gate, he definitely nailed it.