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Top 10 Luckiest The Price Is Right Moments

Top 10 Luckiest The Price Is Right Moments
VOICE OVER: Jennifer Silverman WRITTEN BY: George Pacheco
"The Price Is Right" had never been righter. Welcome to MsMojo, and today we're looking at times that contestants on “The Price Is Right” really lucked out! Our countdown includes free car, lucky taylor, big wheel riches, and more!

#10: Ooops!

In an unaired moment, a gimmicked “Plinko” table was all it took for one lucky contestant to win thirty-thousand dollars on “The Price Is Right.” Taping had to be stopped when host Drew Carey was informed that the “Plinko” table they were using was actually “fixed” for a commercial shoot. It had been rigged to win every time, but never got switched back to its original state. As a result, this “Price Is Right” contestant felt like the luckiest person in the world, until the truth came to light. Thankfully, the folks behind the scenes had a change of heart (or maybe were just afraid of a lawsuit) and gave away the money anyway.

#9: Big Wheel Riches

The Big Wheel has occasionally doled out some BIG bucks for lucky contestants on “The Price Is Right.” One ridiculous example was that time when three contestants won multiple thousands of dollars during a special episode where the dollar spot on the wheel was worth a cool thousand. Those contestants were crazy lucky, but they weren’t the first to make some magic on the wheel. An episode dated November 14th, 1984 featured a crazy rare occasion where there was actually a three way tie! All three contestants who spun the wheel landed on a dollar, proving that sometimes Lady Luck can indeed smile upon “The Price Is Right!”

#8: Snoop’s Got Skills!

Sometimes, a little good luck just isn’t enough on “The Price Is Right.” Sometimes, you need to just know the game and show off your skills. Snoop Dogg seemed to know exactly what he was doing back when he appeared on “The Price Is Right” as a co-host who also helped contestants play a few games for charity. It turned out that the rap icon was really good at the pricing games, and his assistance enabled many of the other contestants to win their games, as well! We highly recommend going back to watch this episode, it’s a feel-good bit of game-show television that’s bound to hit some nostalgic buttons in your heart.

#7: Missed It By THAT Much

Don’t let the title of this entry fool you. This contestant from “The Price Is Right” actually nailed her bid on the program’s Showcase Showdown from March 25th, 2020. A woman named Brittany placed her bid at twenty-three-thousand, four-hundred-and-fifty-dollars. The actual retail price? Twenty-three-thousand, four-hundred-and-fifty-six dollars. Talk about precision! She won both showcase prize packages as a result of this AMAZING bid, and Drew Carey’s reaction just sort of says it all, really. The host appears stunned, as if the card is wrong or something, but he soon realizes that it’s yet another lucky moment on “The Price Is Right!”

#6: No Strikes!

This episode of “The Price Is Right,” dated March 12th of 1986, featured a contestant named Heather Wilson. Heather’s appearance on the show was lucky right from the jump, as she got to win an extra hundred bucks by placing a perfect bid on contestant’s row. The cash and prizes only increased from that point on for Heather, as well, since she absolutely SMASHED it playing “The Price Is Right’s” pricing game, “3 Strikes.” Wilson won a new Corvette that was worth over thirty-thousand dollars at the time, not adjusting for inflation. She made it seem so easy, breezing through “3 Strikes” with ease to win a jackpot!

#5: Perfect Poker

The beloved “Price Is Right” host Bob Barker proved that he still had plenty of TPIR magic in his pocket during this episode from 2002. This was another episode where the contestant simply made it look so easy. According to Barker, this was only the third time in “Price Is Right” history that a contestant put together a perfect hand for this poker game. Said contestant, whose name was Debra, really knows her stuff when it comes to prices, and locks on to EVERYTHING that contains a nine, effectively creating an unstoppable hand for her to win it all.

#4: Lucky Taylor

Now THIS is how you celebrate a birthday! Taylor Randall turned nineteen on the day he appeared on “The Price Is Right” back on November 3rd, 2008. Randall chalked up nearly eighty thousand dollars in cash and prizes by the time he finished the Showcase Showdown. He couldn’t be stopped, beating the “Lucky Seven” pricing game for a new Mustang, winning over 25K on the Spinning Wheel and coming out on top for the Showdown segment. This kind of good luck certainly doesn’t land every day, but we think that landing on one’s birthday is just about perfect!

#3: Free Car!

Call this next entry “lucky…with an asterix.” That’s because it isn’t any wiley skill or knowledge of the game that enables “The Price Is Right” contestant Andrea to win a car. Instead, it’s a little bit of overzealousness on the part of the TPIR model, Manuela. The winning card is accidentally uncovered by Manuela after Andrea initially makes an incorrect guess. This resulted in an automatic win, and an instantly iconic moment, for better or worse, for “The Price Is Right” history. Meanwhile, Manuela, for her part, appears horribly embarrassed, but hey - it could’ve happened to anyone!

#2: A Plinko Record

It’s perhaps the easiest question for a “Price Is Right” fan to answer. What’s the best pricing game? “Plinko”…the answer is always “Plinko.” Winning on “Plinko” can be harder than it looks, however, which makes moments like this one all the more impressive. This particular episode from 2002 was celebrating the United States Army, and the contestant, Ryan Glass broke an all-time “Plinko” record with his winnings. The cash value of the board was increased on this night, in order to honor the servicemen and women, so when Glass landed on the twenty-thousand-dollar spot not once, but twice, he entered the “Plinko” Hall of Fame with honors!

#1: Clock Game Winner

Time was of the essence for this episode of “The Price Is Right,” a special night where contestant Cynthia Azevedo was able to win a cool million dollars! She did so via an unbelievably lucky guess for the TPIR “Clock Game.” Azevedo had to deliver the actual, precise bids on two different items within ten seconds, and she knocked the first one out of the park almost immediately. From there, it was another lucky couple of seconds and boom! Not only did Azevedo win both prizes, but she became another one for the “Price Is Right” record books.

Be honest: do you watch “The Price Is Right” everyday, or only when you’re home sick with a cold? Let us know the truth down in the comments!
