Top 10 Male Celebrities You Didn't Know Had Plastic Surgery

#10: Christian Bale
In keeping with the method acting approach, Bale is known for fully immersing himself into his roles. This often means Bale puts himself through intense physical transformations to match the demands of his character, the most notable of which saw him lose 62 pounds in just four months for his role in The Machinist. However, before his A-List fame, Bale underwent a notable transformation on the operating table. A native of England, Bale felt the need to overcome his country's stereotype of poor dental hygiene - so he got teeth implants. Yep, that's a real thing, and they seemed to have worked, as he's had great success with his new, "American" teeth.
#9: Howard Stern
This radio personality is best known for The Howard Stern Show. In the 90s however, with two bestselling books, an autobiographical movie and a sizeable fortune to his name, he proclaimed himself the “King of All Media.” He also chose to invest in himself, undergoing rhinoplasty to remove the bump on his nose, and liposuction to diminish the fat under his chin. While those are the only two procedures he’s openly admitted to, word on the street is that Howard may have also gotten a facelift - but that remains strictly in the realm of conjecture. What we do know however, is that he looks pretty good for someone over 60.
#8: Ray Liotta
Liotta is arguably best known for his role as mobster Henry Hill in 1990's Goodfellas. Since then, he’s been a persistent presence in Hollywood and has developed a substantial filmography, but the once sought-after actor admittedly doesn’t seem to be landing major roles as much these days. It’s a bit of a chicken/ egg dynamic. Is the plastic surgery an attempt to stay young and preserve star power, or has it diminished his ability to act expressively and hurt his career in the process? Although he has never acknowledged going under the knife, his surprisingly tight skin, as photographed at the 2016 SAG Awards, says it all.
#7: Michael Douglas
They say men often go on to look better with age. That may be true, but Douglas seemingly wasn’t willing to risk it - opting to let the knife take care of those worrisome wrinkle lines instead. Douglas has reportedly undergone numerous Botox treatments, as well as facial augmentation surgeries. Douglas’ acting ability is right up there with the best, and there’s likely many fans out there who would’ve preferred to see him age naturally and gracefully. But as far as plastic surgery goes, Douglas’s is frequently referenced as being among some of the best looking. If you’re going to get work done, it might as well be work well done.
#6: Gene Simmons
The rock 'n' roll lifestyle is one that inevitably takes a toll on the human body. Gene Simmons, the co-lead singer of KISS, is actually an exception to the rule and claims to have never gotten drunk or high in his career, and so he’s actually in better shape than most. Nonetheless, painting one’s face night after night can’t possibly be good for your skin... and Simmons has made no efforts to conceal the work he’s had done over the years. In fact, in 2007, he and partner Shannon Tweed openly got his and hers facelifts. He’s also allegedly gotten various Botox injections and blepharoplasty, which, for those of you who don't know, is eyelid surgery.
#5: Burt Reynolds
It's been quite some time since Burt posed for that infamous 1972 Cosmo cover; the Bandit was certainly smokin' back then. But with age, everyone gets self-conscious. And we can only assume that that goes double for sex symbols. At some point over the years, like Simmons, Reynolds clearly decided to embrace the scalpel. Unlike Simmons however, he has not spoken candidly about it. On the subject of his eyes, he did acknowledge getting work done, but referred to it as a necessary medical procedure. Based on the way his face has changed over the years however, online sources suspect Botox and more than one facelift.
#4: Sylvester Stallone
Sly definitely deserves credit for his physique. The man turned 70 in 2016, and despite being well into retirement age, he has continued to act, often in action films no less. However, staying in shape can only take you so far, and so, when it comes to Stallone’s looks, it must be acknowledged that the scalpel has played a role. According to Stallone, he had work done some time after Rocky’s release, but only to compensate for a droop on one side of his face resulting from nerve damage caused at birth. While that might account for some of the changes… it is widely suspected that he’s had more work done since.
#3: Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson
Unfortunately… the Rock is not 100% natural. We should note that he did build his behemoth physique mostly on his own, but Hollywood surgeons played a minor role in one particular area - his chest. You see, gynecomastia is a condition that results in the enlargement of the male chest through fatty deposits. In short, it causes man boobs or “moobs”. Well, as you may recall, the Rock used to have more rounded pectorals, so with his career in mind, he elected to have Gynecomastia Reduction surgery, relieving the effects of the condition by having the excess fat sucked out. Refreshingly, Johnson was totally open and upfront about the surgery and his aesthetic motivations.
#2: Simon Cowell
Simon's lucky his surgeries have gone well, because if they'd gone poorly, one can only imagine the sort of comments he’d receive. Considering he's made a name for himself criticizing others... we have a hunch they wouldn't exactly be of the kind variety. Thankfully for him, that’s not the case. Whatever work he’s had done, it’s yielded remarkably natural looking results. He’s admitted to having Botox in the past, and has been photographed with the tell-tale behind the ear sutures, leading to rumors that he’s had a face lift or two. Quite frankly though, we’d never know he’d gotten work done if it weren’t for before and after pictures.
#1: Gordon Ramsay
From one scathing British critic to the next, Gordon Ramsay, like Simon Cowell, has succumbed to the temptations of cosmetic surgery. In fact, it was reportedly Cowell who encouraged him to get work done. According to the celebrity chef however, it was his children trying to make his wrinkles hold coins that really gave him the final push he needed. In the end, he wound up opting for laser surgery rather than Botox. However, he’s since been suspected of getting everything from facelifts to hair transplants. We may never know the full extent of the work he’s gotten done, but there’s no denying those results - Gordon genuinely looks younger.