Top 10 Mario Easter Eggs You Missed in Non-Nintendo Games

The mushroom kingdom's influence can be felt far and wide - if you know where to look! These are the secrets, references and hidden easter eggs found in various non-nintendo titles, games and IPs that pay homage to the mustachioed plumber and his indomitable franchise! Welcome to and today we're counting down our picks for the Top 10 Mario References You Missed in Non-Nintendo Games!
Special thanks to our user “DaveVsTheWorld” for suggesting this topic using our interactive suggestion tool at http://WatchMojo.comsuggest
Wait a second… this isn’t the Mushroom Kingdom! Welcome to and today we’ll be counting down our picks for the top 10 Mario References in Non-Nintendo games.
For this list, we’re looking at the best Easter eggs, nods, cameos, or any other reference to the famous Italian plumber in any non-Nintendo game.
#10: Subspace Highway has “$” Blocks - “Scott Pilgrim vs. the World: The Game” (2010)
The adversarial world that Scott Pilgrim inhabits is chock-full of video game clichés, references, and in-jokes, so it’s no surprise it pays respect to gaming’s biggest franchise. In the Video Game adaptation, Scott and his friends enter trippy, reality bending zones known as subspace highways that contain tons of gaming nods. It’s here where players can find giant blocks reminiscent to those of the Mario series, most notably ones with large dollar signs on them that are cheeky references to the famous question mark blocks, except instead of mushrooms these ones drop some good ol’ Canadian coinage.
#9: Mario & Luigi Saltatore - “Hitman” (2016)
You don’t get much more on the nose than this. In the 2016 reboot of Hitman it is possible to spot two plumbers working in the sewers of the Sapienza Italy stage that bear a strong, albeit more grizzled, resemblance to our favourite Italian plumbers. Creating, or taking on, an optional contract on the plumbers will reveal their names as Mario and Luigi Saltatore, leaving nothing left to the imagination. For those who don’t find it too grim, icing the brothers may prove a cathartic release for one too many game over screens.
#8: Red Menace Mini Game - “Fallout 4” (2015)
The wasteland may not be the safest place but a wanderer still has to have some fun, right? Scattered across the wasteland the vault dweller can find several playable Pip-Boy game tapes that are basically slight variations of retro games. One of these games is “Red Menace”, a straight up clone of the original Donkey Kong game with vault boy replacing Mario AKA Jumpman and the red menace standing in for Donkey Kong. What makes this entry even cooler is that by finding the cartridge in the game you are able to play it on your real world mobile device via the companion app.
#7: Hidden Warp Pipes - “Advent Rising” (2005)
In this overlooked third-person shooter, players take control of Gideon Wyeth as he attempts to stop a race of aliens from committing genocide on the human race… so, umm, naturally it contains a Mario easter egg? In the first chapter, by following a few convoluted steps including destroying lockers and hitting switches, Gideon will eventually activate a rainbow bridge road that leads to a warp pipe. Going down the warp pipe brings you to an 8-bit platforming level accompanied by matching music, that leads to three more warp pipes allowing the player to choose their next level.
#6: Secret Mario Inspired Level - “Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel” (2014)
The Borderlands series is known for it’s self-aware humor and video game Easter eggs, so unlike Advent Rising, a secret Mario inspired level makes perfect sense. Towards the end of the Pre-Sequel, you can find a secret 8-bit inspired level complete with yellow brick walls, platforming, and a few enemies. On top of all that, there are some pretty good items awaiting you if you can clear the room of all the enemies.
#5: Secret Mario Inspired Area - “SteamWorld Dig” (2013)
It seems developers really like adding Mario themed levels to their games. In the Wii U release of Steam World Dig, in the second area, steam punching a block to the left of a passage entrance will bring you to a secret area with an exclamation mark block and a castle resembling those of the first Super Mario game. Going inside the castle will send you into zone reminiscent of the underground world 1-2, with breakable blue bricks, collectible coins that can be sold, and enemies mirroring those of the Mario series like mechanical turtles, and bottle throwers positioned like hammer bros.
#4: Mario with F.L.U.D.D. - “Asterix & Obelix XXL 2: Mission Las Vegum” (2005)
They say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, if that’s the case then this game sure flatters. Based on the French comic series, “Asterix”, this action-adventure title, released exclusively in Europe, parodies, spoofs or references nearly any video game franchise you can think of, not the least of which is our moustachioed friend. Appearing as one of the first recurring enemies in the game are roman soldiers dressed like Mario with his F.L.U.D.D gear from Super Mario Sunshine. To top it off, once defeated the soldiers will shout “Mama Mia” - very subtle.
#3: Jumpman – Donkey Kong Recreation - “Braid” (2008)
In this time manipulating 2D platformer the references to the Mario series are apparent straight out of the gate. Not only must Tim traverse a multitude of worlds and levels in order to save his princess, but the enemies he goes up against also seem a bit familiar. One of the clearest and most interesting references in the game comes from a level called “Jumpman” where the player must make use of their time bending powers to complete a puzzle which closely resembles the original “Donkey Kong” arcade game. We’re just glad this one didn’t eat all our quarters.
#2: “It’s-A-Me, Mario” - “Assassin’s Creed II” (2009)
Whoever said Family reunions were a bore? After the execution of his father and brother, Ezio attempts to escort his mother and sister outside Firenze, when the villainous Vieri and his goons ambush him. It’s then when a mysterious stranger comes to their aid. After a brief fight, Ezio thanks the stranger who, shocked that he doesn’t recognize him, introduces him as his uncle by reciting this classic Mario catch phrase. Setting the game in Italy, Ubisoft was bound to make some sort of tribute to Nintendo’s mascot and the unexpected and badass nature of this reference is perfect.
Before we unveil our top pick, here are a few Honorable Mentions:
King Rammus skin
“League of Legends” (2009)
Too Many to List
“Super Meat Boy” (2010)
#1: World 1-1 Recreation - “Dying Light” (2015)
Who would have thought a zombie game would contain such a cool Mario reference? In dying light, finding a specific roof on old town will have a chimney with a green pipe sticking out. Interacting with the pipe will allow you to enter. Once inside you are treated to a first-person re-creation of Super Mario’s world 1-1, complete with Zombie goombas and more green pipes. Not only that but finding a hidden purple block in the level is the only way to obtain the blueprint to the Pyza Suit, which allows you to glide in the air for a short while… y’know like a certain other suit?