Top 10 Meghan McCain Fights on The View

#10: Spoiling “Game of Thrones”
Meghan McCain has had her fair share of viral moments, but few could have predicted this one. When the panel brought up the series finale of “Game of Thrones,” the co-host jumped in to mention how disappointed she was with the ending. Throwing caution to the wind, McCain dropped some major spoilers in the process. Naturally, this drew gasps from the crowd. Even panelist Sunny Hostin expressed her frustration, as she wasn’t caught up with the show. But the talk personality stood her ground, implying that anyone who didn’t watch live wasn’t a real fan. A defensive McCain’s loose lips provided us with an unexpectedly fiery argument.
#9: Calling Joy Behar “Snippy”
In a talk about Ivanka and President Trump’s Goya beans photo sessions and the boycott campaign, Joy Behar and Meghan McCain came to blows. Expressing her disappointment over the move, Behar criticized the President’s decision, and explained how boycotts were important and effective protest tools. As McCain gave her rebuttal, the former comedian couldn’t help but press her rival for more details. But McCain wasn’t having it, which was made abundantly clear when she called Behar this. Thankfully, things between the rarely cordial duo didn’t escalate much further. But this is just one example of how even seemingly tiny comments can lead to a large dust-up on “The View.”
#8: Not Caring
When questioned about his summit with Putin, President Biden gave a fiery response to a reporter at a press conference, later apologizing. While discussing the event, both Whoopi Goldberg and Joy Behar felt the remarks were business as usual for the commander-in-chief. But McCain disagreed, and didn’t miss a chance to stir the pot with her thoughts on Biden. This led to a heated moment between her and Goldberg, with both admitting that they didn’t care what the other thought. The entire exchange became a playground spat, as the two couldn’t help but argue like kids. Even with apologies after a commercial break, there was still the sense that the fight got under each host’s skin.
#7: Throwing a “Hissy Fit”
“The View'' panelists saddled up to talk about Senator Klobuchar’s presidential campaign announcement — and ensuing feud with President Trump. From the jump, McCain didn’t appear to be a fan of the story. But the spotlight was mainly on her co-hosts, as they discussed the way Klobuchar clapped back at Trump by poking fun at his hair. Never silent for long, this segment brought out the fire in McCain. She forcefully stepped on her colleagues’ words, demanding the opportunity to speak. It all culminated in an iconic turn of phrase from Behar about the behavior on display. It’s fair to say McCain’s angry gaze afterward could boil water.
#6: Not Being Missed
While analyzing infighting within political parties, Joy Behar speculated that the Republicans were more fractured than the Democrats. But McCain jumped in while she was still speaking to defend her party. And let’s just say things got rather personal from there. Indeed, Behar was quite frustrated by the interruption, and the tension was piping hot. So when McCain — who had recently returned from maternity leave — teased that her colleague must have missed her and their bickering, she didn’t sugarcoat her feelings. Behar’s response was blunt, to say the least. As you can imagine, it didn’t sit well with the conservative panelist, and she let everyone know just how rude she found it.
#5: Insulting Joy Behar
Discussing the beginning of Trump’s 2020 re-election campaign, the panel criticized his controversial remarks at a rally. Speaking about the crowd’s enthusiasm, Meghan McCain speculated that support for the President was so intense because of a shared hatred of various things. When Joy Behar pressed to know who exactly he and his supporters disliked so much, a shouting match between the pair ensued. McCain went on to express her unhappiness with the fact that she took the heat as the panel’s go-to Republican, which culminated in her calling Behar the “b” word. Though most people seemed shocked by the insult, McCain admitted it was a common occurrence for the duo. For frequent watchers of “The View,” it’s abundantly clear why they would exchange such pleasant nicknames.
#4: Getting Cut Off
In the thick of the pandemic, Congress member Marjorie Taylor Greene expressed some extremely problematic opinions about mask mandates. Preparing her own comeback to the representative’s comments, McCain revealed how she felt about Greene. But soon enough, she brought “The Matrix” and red pills into it. Whoopi Goldberg couldn’t contain her contempt at that point. As is often the case, McCain couldn’t quite slow and pause long enough to let the show go to commercial break. To say she was upset when Goldberg cut her off would be an understatement, with their interaction saying it all. While nobody likes to be stopped mid-sentence, McCain took things to the next level with her reaction.
#3: Leaving the Set
While the panel was tackling the matter of a whistleblower complaint centered around Donald Trump and Ukraine, McCain shifted the conversation to WikiLeaks and Julian Assange. And the panel got increasingly heated from there, though things remained relatively civil at first. But co-host Ana Navarro took issue with McCain raising her voice, and that was the last straw. All of this led to the latter co-host leaving the stage in protest after Behar announced a commercial break. While the hosts spar all the time, it’s especially rare that a scuffle causes one of them to storm off. McCain later returned to set, but that didn’t make this moment any less unsettling.
#2: Demanding to Be Listened To
It’s no secret that the ladies of “The View” don’t always agree on everything. Look no further than this moment where Joy Behar gave her thoughts on immigration and border security to see what we mean. Pretty soon, she and McCain were talking over one another. And the latter panelist fired back at her colleague with this now infamous remark. While the moment may seem like business as usual for the talk show, it doesn’t make it any less tense. How often does a panelist’s anger come out in such a quotable and direct way? Thankfully, Whoopi Goldberg saved the day and extinguished the flames before they got too hot!
#1: Being Told to Stop Talking
Considering the panel was taking on the divisive topic of Trump’s impeachment, there was a sense that things would get intense. In a classic move, Meghan McCain came in hot to let her opinions be known. And though she’s often the one to keep her cool, Whoopi Goldberg reached her wit’s end. She had finally had enough with her co-host's interruptions, and seemingly put all of her pent up frustrations into this moment. In return, her miffed colleague sarcastically promised that she'd shut up for the rest of the program. As the dust settled, it was clear that this verbal altercation would remain one of the show’s most memorable.