Top 10 Memorable Buffy & Angel Moments

#10: Their First Kiss
It doesn’t take long for Buffy and Angel to share their very first kiss in the first season of the show, but it’s a shocking moment for Buffy when her new crush pulls away and his face transforms, revealing him to be a vampire. This moment sets up several seasons of drama, since our heroine is falling for one of the very creatures she is destined to destroy. Rather than deem the relationship a non-starter, Buffy dives right in by the end of the episode when the two share another kiss that leaves Angel branded.
#9: Angel Drinking Buffy’s Blood
"Graduation Day (Part 2)"
At the end of Season Three, Angel is injured and needs the blood of a slayer in order to survive. Luckily, there’s a spare slayer around, but she doesn’t make things easy. Buffy is willing to make a sacrifice and let Angel drink her blood in order to save his life, a favor that he’s uncertain about accepting considering Buffy could be killed in the process. The resulting scene is at once violent and sensual, seeming like it was the event we had been building to for three whole seasons.
#8: Going Skating
"What's My Line (Part 1)"
Buffy and Angel’s relationship is anything but simple, so in the odd moment when they get to behave like a regular couple, we can’t help but swoon. In Season Two when they’re together, Angel learns that Buffy loved to skate when she was younger and her life wasn’t quite so complicated. He arranges for the two of them to go skating, but of course, forces of evil get in the way and their date doesn’t exactly go as planned. It’s still totally romantic, though!
#7: Angel Returns from Hell
“Beauty and the Beasts”
Angel has come back from his stint in hell after Buffy was forced to kill him at the end of Season Two (more on that later), but he understandably isn’t quite himself. He is nearly unrecognizable in his feral and animalistic state, but by the end of the episode, he reverts back into the man Buffy knows and loves and falls to her feet when she comes for him. This moment is emotional for the characters and the audience, because seeing Angel’s transformation means he really is back.
#6: “Always”
One of the common themes of Buffy and Angel’s relationship is knowing that they can never truly be together despite being in love with each other. At the end of this dramatic episode (which has one of the best twists in the Buffyverse in our humble opinions), Buffy tells Angel she needs for them to have some time apart considering the difficult period they’ve had. Angel asks her if she’s still his girl, and she replies simply with “always.” It breaks our hearts every single time!
#5: Angel Giving Buffy the Claddagh Ring
Buffy’s birthdays pretty much never go as planned and her 17th is no exception. Her friends are planning her a surprise party, but that’s nothing compared to the surprise she’ll get later. As a birthday gift, Angel gives her a Claddagh ring, and explains to her what it signifies. Though the rest of their day together doesn’t exactly turn out well (more on that soon), this gift ends up being emblematic of their relationship and we’re betting any serious Buffy fan has bought a similar ring for a loved one.
#4: Their First Time
The most romantic moments of Buffy and Angel’s relationship are followed immediately by the most devastating. The two share “I love yous” for the first time and have another important “first” right afterwards. This is the episode where they both give in to the desires that they had been fighting since they first got together. This moment of happiness was so pure that it made Angel lose his soul, reverting into Angelus and kicking off the drama of the rest of the season. The events of the next episode where Angel treats Buffy so cruelly surely made many teen girls think twice before getting into bed with someone!
#3: Angel Gives Up Being Human
"I Will Remember You”
Most fans will agree that a majority of the best Buffy/Angel moments took place on the series that started it all, but that’s not to say its spinoff isn’t without some relationship highlights. Buffy goes to visit Angel in LA, and what follows is perhaps the most devastating episode of television ever. Angel becomes human and the two quickly realize that they can finally be together as they’ve never been able to before. This happiness can’t possibly last, though, and Angel has to turn things back, leaving him as the only one who will remember the time they spent together.
#2: Buffy Kills Angel
"Becoming (Part 2)"
Okay, we know we said the last episode was the most devastating episode of television ever, but we may have spoken too soon. The only thing that can close a hell dimension is killing Angel, and of course Buffy is the one who must take up the task. Because he has been the evil Angelus, it’s a bit easier for her, but right before she’s about to deliver her final blow, Angel regains his soul. He’s confused and doesn’t understand what’s happening, but Buffy has to go forward with the plan regardless and kill him after telling him she loves him.
Before we unveil our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions.
Angel Tells Her It was Love at First Sight
They’re Able to Go Outside Together
Angel Asks Buffy If He Has a Place in Her Future
#1: Prom
"The Prom"
In this episode, Angel breaks up with Buffy because he knows that in the long run, it’s best for both of them if they’re apart. He tells Buffy he wants her to have a normal life, with someone she can go into the light with. Despite this, he surprises her by showing up at her prom because he knows how important it is to her. It’s a bittersweet moment that we know can’t last because he has already said he’s leaving town. Despite this, watching the two share in this oh so normal teenage rite of passage is perfect.