Top 10 Memorable One Tree Hill Moments

CW's One Tree Hill is a teen drama classic! In this video we take look at the Top 10 One Tree Hill Moments! We've included Lucas and Peyton's wedding, Lucas chooses Peyton, when nanny Carrie kidnaps Jamie, series finale, when the limo goes over the bridge and when Dan kills Keith.
#10: Lucas & Peyton’s Wedding
“Forever and Almost Always”
So many events almost got in the way of this wedding, including Lucas’ wedding to another woman, which was called off at the last minute. Upon finding out they were having a baby, but that the pregnancy might kill Peyton, they moved up the wedding – just in time, might we add, because as soon as they got home after the reception, Peyton collapsed into a coma as a result of a complication. Both mother and baby were fine in the end, the wedding was beautiful, and according to the other characters in the final season, 'Leyton' lived happily ever after.
#9: Psycho Derek Kidnaps Peyton
“You Call It Madness, But I Call It Love”
After Peyton started posting videos online, she (no surprise there) found herself an internet stalker. Not long after, her long-lost half-brother came into her life. But because this is Tree Hill, her so-called brother was actually said stalker, an imposter who was obsessed with her because she looked like his deceased ex-girlfriend. He ended up holding her and Brooke hostage in her own home on prom night, and even though they were still fighting over Nathan and Brooke’s sex tape, the girls worked together to outsmart Psycho Derek, real name Ian Banks. Maybe now that he’s in jail he can deal with the demons from his past instead of kidnapping strangers.
#8: Brooke vs. Xavier
“Things a Mama Don't Know”
Xavier had us screaming at our TVs in frustration. Not only did he attack Brooke in her own store and cause the confident girl we all know and love to become broken and afraid, but he also KILLED QUENTIN FIELDS. No one realized until much later that the two incidents were related, but Xavier was responsible for so much grief in Tree Hill. He even held his own brother and Brooke’s foster daughter hostage, but luckily Brooke saved the day and viewers got the satisfaction of watching her hold him at gunpoint. After serving time, he came back with a vengeance, but Brooke just beat him again.
#7: Lucas Chooses Peyton
“Some You Give Away”
Four seasons of will-they-or-won’t-they led up to this moment, when Lucas and Peyton finally become official. A part of Lucas had always been in love with her, but over the seasons he’d also had an on-and-off relationship with Brooke, and dated other girls as well. After he and Brooke ended things for good, he finally realized the person he wanted by his side at the end of the day was Peyton. This is exactly what he tells her before they kiss in the middle of the basketball court after winning their championship game.
#6: Nanny Carrie Kidnaps Jamie
“You've Dug Your Own Grave, Now Lie in It”
After Nanny Carrie, we would think twice about letting someone else look after our kids. Not only did Carrie express obvious feelings for Nathan, but she also became obsessed with Jamie to the point that she kidnapped him during a wedding and tried to dye his hair. She almost gets away with it too, but Dan of all people caught her red-handed. She later gets her revenge by kidnapping Dan, but this time her plans were foiled by Jamie, Haley, Deb, and a bottle of wine. We almost feel bad for her… almost.
#5: Series Finale
“One Tree Hill”
Fans were obviously sad to see the show go, but at least the drama, which lasted 9 seasons, got a well-deserved sendoff. Gavin DeGraw performs at Tric’s tenth anniversary, prompting characters to sing along to their own theme song. And once again, we saw the series jump ahead in the future, this time by 5 years, and all of our favorites were happy and headed off together to Jamie’s basketball game, where he is shown to be an even better player than Nathan or Lucas. Basketball was what brought the characters together in the first place, and it was nice to know it would keep them together through adulthood.
#4: Nathan & Lucas Play Each Other for the 1st Time
Despite all the drama, at its core this was a show about basketball. And one thing that estranged half-brothers Nathan and Lucas had in common was that they were both really good at it. However, Nathan was a star player on the high school team, and Lucas played on the town’s tiny court with his friends. At the end of the pilot episode, the boys play each other to decide whether Lucas will join the school team since they are in need of new players. Lucas wins, and it sparks the beginning of a great rivalry first, an equally great friendship later on, and eventually, brotherhood.
#3: The Limo Goes Over the Bridge
“The Show Must Go On”
“One Tree Hill” is a show that proves time and time again how good it is at creating epic cliffhangers. This one in particular involved a drunken Rachel and Nathan’s Uncle Cooper crashing the limo over a bridge during Nathan and Haley’s wedding. Nathan jumped in after them and never came back up. The episode ended with Haley screaming for him from the bridge with a final shot of the famous 'Naley' bracelet floating on the water. Of course, everyone ended up surviving (though Cooper spent some time in a coma), but still - that ending was brutal.
#2: Haley Gets Hit By a Car & Lucas' Heart Stops
“Some You Give Away”
The only good thing that came from this basketball game – besides the team winning – was Lucas and Peyton getting together. Otherwise, the rest of the night was kind of crazy. It all started with Nathan making a deal with some thugs to lose the championship game, so when he didn’t they retaliated by running Haley over right after she told Nathan their baby is a boy! She and the baby were fine in the end, but her accident caused Lucas to go into cardiac arrest. Further still, Nathan beats the guy who hit her to death, though Dan ends up taking the fall for it to protect him.
Before we reveal our number one pick, here are a few honorable mentions.
Lucas Tows Peyton's Car
Haley Leaves Town with Chris Keller
“The Hero Dies in This One”
Lucas & Brooke in the Rain
“The Wind That Blew My Heart Away”
#1: Dan Kills Keith
“With Tired Eyes, Tired Minds, Tired Souls, We Slept”
The name Dan Scott is one that inspired hatred in characters and viewers alike, but he somehow also became one of TV’s most likable villains over the seasons. However, the one thing he will never be forgiven for is killing his brother Keith in cold blood in the aftermath of the school shooting. Dan was always jealous of Keith, mainly because everyone liked him better. Even his own son looked at Keith as a father figure. So, Dan was a piece of work… but let’s be honest. Who didn’t shed some tears when Keith welcomed Dan with open arms to the afterlife after the younger Scott dies in one of the series’ last episodes