Top 10 Memorable Teen Couples in Horror Movies

#10: Beverly & Bill
“It” (2017)
Ah, young love. Of course, it might be slightly more romantic if you DON’T have a killer clown on your heels at all times, but beggars can’t be choosers! In 2017’s “It,” Beverly and Bill band together with a group of misfits to defeat the evil Pennywise the Clown. After saving Beverly from a dreadful, floating fate, the kids make a blood pact, and Beverly and Bill kiss. Although Beverly and Bill don’t actually end up together – Beverly actually ends up marrying their friend Ben in “It Chapter Two” – this couple has a special place in our hearts. They both represent loss of innocence, and the way they’re able to connect over that in the first movie is beautiful.
#9: Ian McKinley & Erin Ulmer
“Final Destination 3” (2006)
The prospect of a violent and grisly death will really bring two goth teens together. “Final Destination 3” follows in the footsteps of its first two gory volumes, bringing death and destruction to all teens who enter – and Erin and Ian get some of the best death scenes of all. While working at a hardware store, Death comes for Erin and causes her to trip and fall on a nail gun, doing some gnarly damage to her head. Wrecked over his girlfriend’s death, Ian makes it a little bit further, but is eventually crushed by construction equipment. One thing we’ll say about this couple – they certainly did go out in style.
#8: R & Julie
“Warm Bodies” (2013)
Move over, Edward and Bella! There’s a new supernatural couple in town. This sweet little horror romance won our hearts in 2013, and gave us one of the best horror movie couples to date. R and Julie don’t start off on the strongest note. He is a zombie, after all, and his attraction to her stems from the fact that he ate her boyfriend’s brains – big yikes. As Julie and R get to know each other, though, his feelings for her slowly start to bring him back to life. In the end, “Warm Bodies” is really a story about the power of love. If you meet the right person, you just might feel your heart start to beat again.
#7: Needy & Jennifer
“Jennifer’s Body” (2009)
Sure, Needy and Jennifer aren’t TECHNICALLY a couple in this 2009 cult classic. But, you certainly can’t watch “Jennifer’s Body” without feeling the palpable yearning and tension between the two. This movie follows Jennifer, a teenage girl who becomes possessed by a demon after a virgin sacrifice gone wrong. Then there is her shy best friend Needy, who is desperately trying to figure out what’s wrong with her friend. While also possibly, maybe, most definitely harboring a crush on her. “Jennifer’s Body” provides a fun, fresh, feminist twist on the slasher flick, and features a couple at its center who are a mainstay of queer horror.
#6: Jaime “Jay” Height & Jeff “Hugh” Redmond
“It Follows” (2014)
Sometimes, you go on a date with a nice guy. Other times, that seemingly nice guy is actually being chased by a mysterious, sex-transfered demon, and intends to transfer said demon to you. Unfortunately for Jay and Jeff, this is the case in 2014’s “It Follows.” After a reasonably pleasant date, Jeff knocks Jay out, and she wakes up tied to a chair in an abandoned parking deck. As messed up as this premise is, it’s maybe the nicest thing Jeff could have done for Jay. After all, he waits for the demon to show up, and makes sure Jay sees it so she knows what she’s in for. It’s better than keeping her in the dark? We’ve got to get higher standards.
#5: Nancy Thompson & Glen Lantz
“A Nightmare on Elm Street” (1984)
If your death scene is this bloody, you and your girlfriend are bound to go down in teen horror history. When Freddy Krueger starts haunting the dreams of the children on Elm Street, Nancy Thompson and Glen Lantz decide to take matters into their own hands. The two come up with a plan to defeat Freddy – one that all depends on Glen’s ability to stay awake. Unfortunately, Glen shows early signs of not being up to the task – come on man, you had ONE job! Through that inability to keep his eyes open, Glen meets his demise in one of the franchise’s signature deaths, and leaves Nancy to fight Freddy on her own.
#4: Lynda van der Klok & Bob Simms
“Halloween” (1978)
Pro tip: if your boyfriend walks into the room hidden under a sheet, make sure it’s actually him under there before blowing him off. With Bob and Lynda, “Halloween” has one of the genre’s best examples of the “have sex and die” trope. After the couple sneak into a house for a little fun time, Bob goes downstairs for, what else, a beer – and is ceremoniously killed by the infamous Michael Myers. Michael, donning a sheet and wearing Bob’s glasses, goes upstairs to take care of Lynda, who doesn’t realize that she’s in danger. Alas, while these two didn’t make it far, they’ll always be remembered in the teen horror canon.
#3: Julie James & Ray Bronson
“I Know What You Did Last Summer” (1997)
“I Know What You Did Last Summer” is full of hot teenage couples – RIP Barry and Helen, you never had a chance. For this entry, though, we wanted to focus on Julie and Ray. The couple broke up in high school after the two of them, along with Helen and Barry, hit someone with their car and hid the body. That’s bound to put strain on anyone’s relationship, but when the teens start receiving threatening messages, fate brings them back together. It takes a whole movie and more than a few murders, but Julie and Ray eventually reconcile and decide to give things another shot. We hope it works out, just maybe this time with less manslaughter.
#2: Sidney Prescott & Billy Loomis
“Scream” (1996)
Being one of the most memorable couples in teen horror history doesn’t necessarily mean you had the healthiest of relationships. In fact, if you’re like Sidney and Billy, you might have had the least healthy relationship one could possibly imagine. Still reeling from the death of her mother a year earlier, Sidney has to deal with an overzealous boyfriend who wants to have sex. Oh, and the fact that a masked killer is stalking the town – and seems to be interested in her. You know, typical teen stuff. Well, surprise, Sidney! – turns out Billy was the killer all along! We’d say that means it’s time for a break up.
Before we unveil our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions.
Steve & Rachel, “Disturbing Behavior” (1998)
Like a Stepford Couple, But Teenagers
Chris Hargensen & Billy Nolan, “Carrie” (1976)
At Least They Died In Love
Maggie Thompson & Andy Hawkins, “Ma” (2019)
Proof That Teenagers Should Never Party With Adults
Kemper & Erin, “The Texas Chainsaw Massacre” (2003)
Being Chased By Leatherface Will Really Bring Two People Together
Ginny & Paul, “Friday the 13th Part 2” (1981)
Couples That Fight Jason Together, Stay Together
#1: Curt & Jules
“The Cabin in the Woods” (2011)
Sometimes the best couple isn’t the stereotype – it’s the stereotype of the stereotype …or something like that. “The Cabin in the Woods” is a smart, subversive satire that takes all your favorite horror movie tropes and turns them up to 11. No one is more exaggerated than Curt and Jules. The scientists running the little experiment in the cabin – yes, you read that right – release pheromones and chemicals in the air. This causes Curt and Jules to stop behaving like a normal couple, and start behaving like sex-crazed, irrational teens. The two meet their ends in fittingly grisly ways, but we’ll always remember the good times we had.