Top 10 Mistakes That Were Left in the Twilight Movies

#10: Alice’s Scarf
“The Twilight Saga: New Moon” (2009)
In the second movie, Bella is reluctant to make a big deal out of her birthday. Of course, it’s largely because her boyfriend is an immortal vampire and the thought of aging now freaks her out. But Alice is determined to celebrate. As she’s giving Bella her gift - and convincing her to accept an invite to the Cullen residence - something odd happens. Her scarf won’t stop changing styles! It seems the scene was filmed during two separate instances, and somebody failed to make sure the accessory matched up between shots. It all got stitched together in post-production, and we got a scarf that can’t decide what it wants to look like as a result.
#9: Bella’s Blood Pressure
“Twilight” (2008)
After Edward saves her from a potentially serious accident in the school parking lot, Bella gets checked out at the hospital. Naturally, this involves having her blood pressure taken. It’s done quickly, and we clearly see the cuff get removed by the nurse. She even talks to Charlie with her arm visibly free right after. Yet in the following shot, you can see that the machine is magically back on her arm, even though nobody is taking her pressure at this point. Then, when Carlisle walks in, it has once again vanished. Bella’s blood pressure was likely normal, but we might need to get ours checked after watching this scene.
#8: Changing Positions
“The Twilight Saga: New Moon” (2009)
As Bella and Edward head to see the members of the Volturi, the suspense in the air is palpable. From the moment they step out of the elevator, everyone is on edge. As they walk down the seemingly never-ending hallway, Bella is on the right of the screen and Edward is on the left. Yet when they enter the room, Edward has suddenly teleported himself to the right side of the screen and Bella is now on the left! Sure, vampires move fast. But it seems pretty unlikely that they randomly decided to switch sides. Instead, somebody likely got their left and right confused, which led to this mix-up.
#7: A Self-Cleaning Jeep
“Twilight” (2008)
As Bella and Edward pull up to the family baseball game, the Jeep they are in is visibly dirty. It is a muddy field, after all. Pretty soon, Laurent, Victoria, and James show up and ruin the Cullens’ good time. Edward realizes that the latter vampire is a tracker who is now obsessed with hunting Bella. Needless to say, they have to move fast. As the couple rush off in the Jeep, it’s still muddy. Yet in the next scene, as we see them speeding through even more dirt in the woods, it’s suddenly spotless. Where can we find a car with this feature?
#6: Moving Fingers
“The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 2” (2012)
In the final film, Edward and Bella must convince Aro and the Volturi that Renesmee is not an “immortal” child. She was conceived while Bella was still human, so the couple didn’t break any rules. Luckily, Renesmee has the power to literally prove this to Aro. What’s interesting is her hand placement on his face as she does so. When the shot’s focal point is Aro, we see Renesmee’s fingers clearly. She places them down on his cheek. Yet when the vantage point shifts to her face, her hand has moved! Then, as the shot switches back to the first angle, Renesmee’s fingers are back where they originally were. This may be a minor error, but it’s still pretty hard to unsee.
#5: The Smudged Page
“The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 2” (2012)
When Jasper and Alice unexpectedly take off, everyone is confused. The note she leaves on a torn out book page is helpful, but it doesn’t tell the whole story. The fact that she chose the title page from “The Merchant of Venice” is significant though, and Bella can sense that there’s more going on. As she looks at the note again, it’s in pristine condition - just as it was when they first found it. But when Bella grabs the novel it came from to investigate further, the page is suddenly stained! Bella ends up finding her answer, as Alice left a separate message for her eyes only in the book. But this mistake left us with more questions than anything else.
#4: Spelling Apotamkin
“Twilight” (2008)
At this point in the first movie, Bella is determined to figure out who - or what - Edward really is. After she reads about “The Cold One” in her new book, she decides to start investigating online. She finds an article about the species also known as "apotamkin", spelled without a second “p”. So she clicks on the link to read it. But on the web page, the spelling of the word has suddenly changed. The article’s title reads “apotampkin” with a second “p” after the “m”. We get it, spellings can vary on the Internet. But we don’t think expecting a little consistency from a single source is too much to ask for here!
#3: Victoria’s Corpse
“The Twilight Saga: Eclipse” (2010)
To say that Victoria is not Edward and Bella’s biggest fan is a pretty big understatement. She’s determined to take them down. Things really come to a head in the last part of “The Twilight Saga: Eclipse”. As she and Edward fight each other, it’s unclear who’s going to win. But after Bella cuts herself to distract Victoria, things get a little easier and Edward ultimately kills her. Pay close attention to her eyes when he does: they’re open, and stay that way as her head hits the snow. Yet the next time we see her, they’re suddenly shut! As far as we know, vampires don’t have the ability to magically close their eyes once they’re dead, so this feels like a pretty big oversight.
#2: A Migrating Book
“The Twilight Saga: New Moon” (2009)
When Bella wakes up at the start of New Moon, the classic story of “Romeo & Juliet” is sitting neatly by her head. Yet it doesn’t stay on her pillow when Charlie arrives bearing gifts to celebrate her birthday. There is a brief moment where the shot focuses on Bella’s dad and she is off-screen. At first we thought maybe she used that moment to quickly move the novel. But as the scene progresses, it resurfaces right next to Bella just as suddenly as it had vanished. Either this book has some seriously magical properties, or somebody really dropped the ball here!
Before we unveil our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions.
Outfit Change Mishap, “Twilight” (2008)
The Character’s Grey Vest Vanishes
A Fake Phone Call, “The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 1” (2011)
Bella’s Lock Screen Is Still Visible When She Calls Rosalie
A Traveling Dreamcatcher, “The Twilight Saga: New Moon” (2009)
It Magically Moves on Bella’s Headboard
Changing Shoes, “The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 2” (2012)
Bella’s Heel Disappeared During Battle
Some Visible Equipment, “Twilight” (2008)
Pay Close Attention to Bella’s Car Window
#1: Bella’s Oxygen Tube
“Twilight” (2008)
After an intense confrontation with James in the ballet studio, Bella winds up in the hospital. As she begins to regain consciousness, the camera is zero-ed in on her face. Her oxygen tube is placed so high on her face, it’s essentially brushing up against her eyelashes. We’re not doctors, but that just looks bizarre. What’s worse, when the shot subsequently pans out, the nasal cannula has suddenly moved to the correct position. And this happens more than once throughout the scene! It’s as though they placed Bella’s oxygen tube higher up for dramatic effect during the close-ups. But the difference between the shots is glaring, which makes the whole thing look rather silly.