Top 10 MoistCr1TiKaL Moments

#10: UFO Meltdown
To say that Moist Critical has a rabid fanbase who support and enjoy his content would be an understatement…but that doesn’t mean disagreements can’t erupt during streams from time to time. One of the most hilarious examples stems from the time when he went to war with certain vocal members of his chat over the topic of UFOs, warp drives, and other sci-fi nonsense. Poor guy was nearly brought to the end of his tether. Though watching it unfold certainly made for a morbid delight!
#9: Charlie’s First Date
He may highlight, analyze and poke fun at embarrassing online stories all the livelong day, but don’t think Charlie is immune to it himself. In fact, he happily points out his own less-than-flattering moments from time to time. Case and point, when he brought up his first date. Needless to say, things didn’t go as smoothly as all parties might have hoped. Going full anime main character and using 800,000 subscribers as a flirting technique was apparently not a good pick up technique at the time. Still, it's endearing to see such a monumental internet personality showcase aspects of their past others might be too ashamed to.
#8: Charlie vs. Spicy Food
We’re compiling a few videos for this one, but the overarching theme remains the same – Charlie in absolute agony while attempting to take on various spicy foods. He barely lasted a minute while taking on the hottest wing eating challenge. Whereas the hottest chip challenge nearly made his soul eject from his body. Though nothing compares to when he decided, likely in a moment of madness, to make a tier list of the hot sauces used on Hot Ones. We’re honestly shocked he’s still with us.
#7: The Slap Mountain Saga
If you were to ask the master of moistness what he considers to be the greatest sport of all time, it’s safe to assume that Slap Fighting would be close to the top. Charlie has covered a variety of matches as both a spectator and commentator, but we have a soft spot for this mini-arc in particular, one that takes the slapping out of the arena and into the deep south. Even by slap fighting standards, this whole “tournament” is beyond unorthodox, leaving Charlie howling in laughter as random strangers get way too slap-happy with each other.
#6: Let You Down
Aside from video games, comics, YouTube drama, wrestling, tier lists, anime, movies and cultural events, one of Moist Critical’s biggest passions, and subsequent projects, is music. Along with Troy McKubre, the two formed the Gentle Men, and have released quite the number of bangers over the years. Naturally, a few got their own music videos, which brings us to Let You Down. While the song itself has a heaviness to it, Charlie decided that for the video he would take things in a…different direction. And by that we mean he performs a dance routine of such grace and magnitude that the audience starts weeping at the sheer majesty of it. It is, without question, a display that puts the likes of all Prima Ballerina Assolutas, past and present, to shame.
#5: The Odyssey of Creepy Text Messages
If there’s one rabbit hole that Charlie can’t help but dive into, it’s finding the most disturbing, cringe-worthy texts and parading their shame for all to see. There are too many examples to count here, from angry exes, to stalkers, to the wildest of weirdos, this iceberg seemingly has no bottom to it. Some of these exchanges are so dire that they pretty much fry Charlie’s brain. While it is a little scary to see so many of these unhinged individuals keep plaguing people, at the very least we’ll always get to see their lack of game be put through the ringer!
#4: The Moonfall Experience
No one loves bad movies as much as Moist Critical. That’s just a fact of life. One may even call him a connoisseur of crappy cinema. Atop this pantheon of pungent pictures is Moonfall, a film saturated in so much “so-bad-its-good” content that it became a life-altering event for Charlie. In his review segment, the Moist Meter, he dives deep into the absurdity of the film’s premise, the ridiculousness of its writing, and every other bonkers aspect, that when all pressed together – becomes a diamond of terrible movie making truly worth celebrating.
#3: Ruining a Scene in the Hunger Games
Katniss who? For many, this was their first introduction to Moist Critical’s channel – where he tells a quick story about how things didn’t exactly go smoothly during his Oscar-worthy performance as an extra in The Hunger Games, Mockingjay Part One. From the costume department struggling to find the right fitting for him, to having his one line cut, to being pushed all the way to the back of the set since his posture, poise and presence was too darn perfect. Oh, what could have been.
#2: Dating Twenty Women at Once
This might sound like a dream scenario for many, but in typical Moist fashion, he manages to turn it into comedy gold. Hosted on his collaborative second channel, simply known as The Other Channel, Charlie sets out to find love via the tried-and-true method of a speed dating show. Of course, there’s a twist, since his friends are feeding him lines to spice up the interactions. Combined with the rather…potent personalities of a few of his prospective lovers, the whole thing is a supernova of awkwardness that we cannot get enough of.
Before we reveal our number one pick, here are a few honorable mentions.
Charlie vs. US Immigration
The faceless bureaucrat keeping Charlie’s esports team out of the country has since become his nemesis
Moist Jesus
Apparently Charlie has a messianic quality about him
The Dad Drawing
Picasso himself would be awestruck by Charlie’s artistic ability
#1: The Ultimate Flex
Given his immense popularity and tendency to call out those for their wrongdoings, it’s fair to say Charlie has been targeted by other content creators over the years. This includes Sneeko, who eventually escalated things to an absurd degree, culminating in him showing off loaded bullets on stream as a low-key threat. And what did Charlie do in response? He educated him in the most savage way possible. Not only showcasing the difference between clips and mags, but also displaying his own assortment of firearms. Naturally we can’t show the size of Charlie’s weaponry – because Youtube – but let’s say…it’s a lot bigger than what Sneeko was packing.
What’s your favorite Moist Critical moment to date? Let us know in the comments, and be sure to subscribe to get more great videos every day.