Top 10 Most Badass Daryl Dixon Moments

If you cross this man, an arrow may be the last thing you ever see. Welcome to, and today we're counting down our picks for the Top 10 Most Badass Daryl Dixon Moments.
For this list, we're looking at the highlights of Daryl's post-apocalyptic career on “The Walking Dead.” Since some of these awesome moments uncover important plot points or deaths: SPOILER ALERT.
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If you cross this man, an arrow may be the last thing you ever see. Welcome to, and today we’re counting down our picks for the Top 10 Most Badass Daryl Dixon Moments.
For this list, we’re looking at the highlights of Daryl’s post-apocalyptic career on “The Walking Dead.” Since some of these awesome moments uncover important plot points or deaths: SPOILER ALERT.
#10: Daryl Dixon, Walker Expert
“Tell It to the Frogs”
By the time the show was eight seasons in, everyone – even teenaged Carl – was a trained wasteland warrior. But at the beginning, there were but a few amateur fighters. In an early episode, it takes five group members to subdue and decapitate one walker. Shortly after, Daryl Dixon enters with freshly killed squirrels and some valuable advice. He notices the undead head is still moving and chomping, so he scolds the group for missing the brain, and then finishes what they started with an accurate arrow. Even though we don’t know much about Daryl in this first appearance, we know we’ve just met someone who’s ready to handle this hellish world.
#9: Ghost Rider Kill
Daryl has gotten himself out of some tight squeezes over the years. One of his closest calls came during a run outside of Alexandria. Lured by the promise of abandoned food, Daryl and his ally Aaron get caught in a deceitful trap set by the Wolves. They’re being pursued by trucks that are literally full of walkers, so you know that arrows and bullets alone will not be enough. In a hectic life-or-death decision, Daryl picks up a chain and decapitates three walkers in one swing. Hey, since Daryl has a motorcycle and knows his way around a chain, is he just one flaming head away from being Ghost Rider? Look out, Nicolas Cage!
#8: Funeral Home Fight
When Daryl and Beth discover an abandoned funeral home, it looks like they’ve found a true sanctuary. Geez, you know the world’s gone bad when a funeral home is a safe haven… But anyway, since this is “The Walking Dead” we’re talking about, it doesn’t take long for walkers to make an appearance. Daryl ends up frantically fighting off a horde in an exam room, using everything from gurneys to medical tools. Then he takes the fight to them in a disorienting and dark hallway. By the time Daryl breaks out of the mortuary, he’s proven himself to be more resourceful than ever. Too bad that doesn’t help him save Beth.
#7: Staring Down Negan
“The Cell”
Daryl and Negan’s relationship got off to a pretty rough start. In their first encounter, Negan, the leader of the Saviors, beats two of Daryl’s friends to death with a baseball bat. Next, he orders his men to take Daryl as a prisoner. After being tortured with repetitive music and forced to eat dog food, he tries to escape… but is stopped by Negan’s men. When the vicious leader himself emerges and swings his deadly bat around, Daryl doesn’t flinch an inch. Even in the face of death, he won’t submit to Negan. Although Daryl’s defiance leads to a beating, it proves he’s not easily broken.
#6: Threatening a Beatdown
Our favorite archer may be loyal to his friends, but he won’t hesitate to call them out. While on a treacherous supply run to find medicine for sick group members, Bob, a combat medic, chooses to fill his bag with a bottle of booze, instead. When this is discovered, an outraged Daryl tries to throw the bottle away, only for Bob to threaten him with a gun. It doesn’t work. Daryl steps right up, takes the gun and prescribes a verbal smackdown for the doctor. We know Daryl is a scrappy fighter, but sometimes his words hit harder than a punch ever could.
#5: Battling a Bridge of Walkers
Though Daryl might be reluctant to say it, he cares about other people. When he and his brother Merle see a family surrounded by walkers on a bridge, he rushes to save them, without hesitation. While his brother mostly watches, Daryl charges in fearlessly and takes down the undead, one by one, using everything from his crossbow to a car trunk to the tried-and-true “kicking them off the bridge” method. Daryl’s courageous efforts for total strangers demonstrate that, though he may not always express it verbally, the hardened warrior has a deep concern for the people around him.
#4: Proving He’s Un-Killable
If you’ve ever had a bad day, you should really compare it to Daryl’s. While searching for Carol’s daughter Sophia, his horse gets scared and bucks him on a hill. After rolling to the bottom, Daryl finds himself impaled on one of his own arrows. Though he’s suffering through hallucinations and blood loss, he fights walkers; killing one with the same arrow he was impaled with. But don’t worry: once Daryl arrives back at his camp with a necklace of walker ears, he’s greeted with open arms… Just kidding! Andrea grazes him with a sniper bullet. But he survives that too, and later comments on the accidental shooting with one badass quote.
#3: Blowing Up a Tank
“Too Far Gone”
The title pretty much says it all, but we’ll explain. The Governor was a recurring villain who just couldn’t help clashing with Daryl’s crew. After the one-eyed villain acquires a tank, he returns for one final showdown. The prison walls fall quickly against the heavy artillery, but Daryl refuses to go down without a fight. In the heat of battle, he throws a grenade down the barrel of the tank, watches it blow up, and finishes off the tank operator Mitch with a well-placed arrow to the chest. And you know what? That isn’t even the coolest explosion that he’s caused.
#2: Setting Fire… to a Pond
“No Way Out”
When a giant herd of undead comes knocking at your door, you’ll want Daryl there to answer them. Just as the town of Alexandria is overwhelmed by walkers, Daryl drives in with a risky plan. He unloads the contents of a gas truck into the town’s main lake and lights it on fire with an RPG. While the walkers are distracted by the fire, he wades into the horde and slashes his way through with a knife. Daryl’s crazy gamble was pivotal in the battle for Alexandria, as evidenced by the tons of undead corpses left in the group’s wake.
Before we reanimate our top pick, here are some honorable mentions.
- A Quick Slice
“Twice as Far”
- Shut Up, Walker!
- Worst Follow the Leader Ever
“First Time Again”
#1: BBQing Saviors
“No Way Out”
At this point, we’ve pretty much established that combining Daryl with explosions equals pure gold. In this case, Daryl, Abraham and Sasha are riding in a fuel truck when a gang of Saviors stops them. Outgunned, Daryl’s taken to the back of the truck at gunpoint while his friends are threatened. Just when it looks like Sasha and Abraham will meet an untimely end, an explosion blows the gunman and his gang to pieces. The next thing we see is a wounded Daryl holding the smoking barrel of an RPG. This explosive moment combines everything we love about Daryl: his resourcefulness, fearlessness and, most of all, how badass he is.