Top 10 Most Badass Movie Couples

These couples kick a lot of ass. Welcome to MsMojo and today we’ll be counting down our picks for the top 10 badass movie couples.
For this list, we’ll be going over the couples from film that are the most badass, both individually and as a team. Because some of these couples come to an untimely end, there will be spoilers ahead.
#10: Princess Diana & Steve Trevor
“Wonder Woman” (2017)
As the eponymous Wonder Woman, Princess Diana, a.k.a. Diana Prince is naturally a complete badass. Having the powers of a goddess lets her pull of incredible feats of strength, agility, and heroism throughout. However, her love interest Steve Trevor is quite a boss as well. A spy and pilot during the First World War, Steve can handle himself well, if not to the degree Diana can. He also makes a touching and heroic final sacrifice to save lives. Together, these two make for an awesome, though tragically short-lived, couple.
#9: Scott Lang & Hope Van Dyne
Marvel Cinematic Universe(2008-)
As great as the previous generation of Ant-Man and the Wasp, a.k.a. Hank Pym and Janet Van Dyne, are, we have to give our props to the current duo. Scott Lang is a former thief, who may be a complete goofball, but he’s still quite brave and his ability to shrink and enlarge himself and other objects makes for plenty of badass moments. Hope is much more level-headed, and while she can only shrink herself, she can also fly, fire energy blasts, and is a much better fighter than Scott. Their banter and synergy in fights makes them entertaining, as well as cool.
#8: The T. Rex Parents
“The Lost World: Jurassic Park” (1997)
What’s more badass than the king of all dinosaurs? A pair of Tyrannosaurus parents trying to protect their kid! The second “Jurassic Park” film sees an injured T. Rex baby pursued by its parents after being freed from captivity. Despite releasing the young dino to its fierce parents, the terrible Tyrannosaurs still manage to wreak all kinds of havoc, both against a huge trailer, and in San Diego. While they may not have the same chemistry as some of our other entries, the T. Rex parents are nevertheless incredibly badass, no matter whether they’re rampaging together, or separately.
#7: Peter Quill & Gamora
Marvel Cinematic Universe (2008-)
A human thief who thinks too much of himself and an alien assassin who thinks too little of herself, these two are great Guardians of the Galaxy and a great couple. Quill is easily the less physically capable of the two, though he supplements his lack of coordination with gadgets, as well as some unconventional solutions. Plus, the fact that he’s practically half-god helps in some situations. Meanwhile Gamora is a more traditional badass, having been trained from childhood to be a warrior by Thanos himself. Together they’re true, if offbeat, heroes – just like Kevin Bacon. “We’re just like Kevin Bacon!”
#6: T’Challa & Nakia
“Black Panther” (2018)
The current king of Wakanda and his on-again/off-again girlfriend and spy, T’Challa and Nakia are a superb power couple who are also powerful. As the Black Panther and the king, T’Challa wields both political and physical power and possesses great strength, speed, and a suit with even more cool abilities. While her outfit may not be quite so versatile, Nakia is still an expert spy and warrior, even managing to hold her own against T’Challa’s villainous cousin, Killmonger. While T’Challa and Nakia’s philosophies initially conflict, their mutual respect for one another in spite of or because of those differences, is also pretty awesome.
#5: Neo & Trinity
“The Matrix” franchise (1999-)
These two are mindbendingly badass – and they certainly dress the part. Both are freedom fighters against oppressive future machines. Trinity is initially much more experienced a fighter and her many fights are incredibly iconic. Neo has her beat in raw power though, given that he’s “the One,” and can bend or break the rules of the Matrix even more than most. Their willingness to sacrifice everything for one another is another thing that makes them both badasses. Also, while they don’t need guns (lots of guns) to be awesome, they certainly help.
#4: John & Jane Smith
“Mr. and Mrs. Smith” (2005)
The assassins who loved each other, John and Jane Smith aren’t aware of each other’s chosen profession when they get married, but when they do find out, it leads to all manner of fun. Each is incredibly skilled in hand-to-hand combat and the use of both large and small firearms, to the point where they have a hard time killing each other. By the film’s end, the couple manages to stay together by slaying together, managing to take on a small army of trained killers and helping fix their marriage at the same time.
#3: Tony Stark & Pepper Potts
Marvel Cinematic Universe (2008-)
Tony Stark, the genius, billionaire philanthropist turned superhero, may have a reputation as a playboy, but ultimately he only has eyes for his gal Friday, Pepper Potts. Although Iron Man himself is renowned as a badass for his ingenuity and many mechanical suits, Pepper is a no slouch herself. Besides being one of the few who can match verbal wits with Tony, she also gained temporary fire powers, which sh, fighting side by side with Tony. We only wish they could have had a happy ending with their daughter.
#2: Han Solo & Leia Organa
“Star Wars” franchise (1977-)
One of the biggest film franchises ever also has one of the most badass couples in all of movies. Han Solo is a charismatic rogue and a capable smuggler and pilot, who’s also pretty handy with a blaster. Princess Leia Organa, on the other hand, is a leader of the galactic rebellion against tyranny, twice over, and isn’t a bad shot herself. Plus, being able to call on the Force is quite badass as well. Their memorable and acrimonious chemistry is legendary and just part of why this badass couple will be with us, always.
Before we get to our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions:
Will Turner & Elizabeth Swann
“Pirate of the Caribbean” franchise (2003-)
Mickey & Mallory Knox
“Natural Born Killers” (1994)
Harry & Helen Tasker
“True Lies” (1994)
William Cage & Rita Vrataski
“Edge of Tomorrow” (2014)
Arthur Curry & Mera
“Aquaman” (2018)
#1: Bonnie Parker & Clyde Barrow
“Bonnie and Clyde” (1967)
We’re going with one of the OG badass couples of cinema for our top pick! These two real life criminals tore up both headlines and the silver screen when their rebellious joy ride gradually leads to bank robbery. Robbing, killing, and living seemingly without care, Bonnie and Clyde manage to be symbols of youthful rebellion, a cautionary tale, and badass all at once, while having terrific chemistry to boot. While their escapades end in bloody tragedy, their life of crime together is still the epitome of cool while it lasts.