Top 10 Most Brutal TV Deaths

#10: Anatoly Ranskahov
“Daredevil” (2015-18)
A word of advice? Never get on Kingpin’s bad side. If you do, he’ll be sure to show you the door. The car door, that is. See, when Anatoly accidentally embarrassed Fisk in front of a woman, the temperamental villain pays him an up-close and personal visit. We’ll leave it at this; Kingpin’s methods are not for the faint of heart. And that’s before he uses a car door as a modern-day guillotine. By the time all is said and done, Anatoly is a few pounds lighter, and the Russian Mafia is no more. Now, just imagine how bad it would’ve been if Anatoly had actually done anything wrong.
#9: Doctor Robert "Rocket" Romano
“ER” (1994-2009)
This guy has really bad luck around helicopters. A malfunctioning rotor claimed Romano’s arm in season nine, and six years later, it came back to take the rest of him. This time, by spinning off the helipad and plummeting onto him like a fiery comet. Even for a doctor as uniquely detestable as Robert Romano, death via a falling aircraft feels way over the top. Then again, this is the same episode he tried to fire two of his fellow doctors. It’s only fitting that, in an ironic twist of fate, Romano’s the one who ends up on the cutting room floor. Somewhat literally.
#8: Ragnar Lothbrok
“Vikings” (2013-20)
Heads up; if you’re scared of snakes, this is not the scene for you. Apparently, it’s not enough for Ragnar to be tortured, interrogated, and separated from his kids. King Aelle also drops him into a pit of hungry, slithering reptiles. Just the sight of it alone is enough to make anyone squirm. The only silver lining is that Ragnar dies without so much as a whimper for mercy. Instead, he remains honorable and unbroken until the very end. It’s a small victory in a farewell that, quite frankly, is gruesome to the point of excess. Although, to be fair, they don’t call it a warrior’s death for nothing.
#7: Blue Hawk
“The Boys” (2019-)
There’s no better way to blow off steam than with a good workout. So, when A-Train discovers Blue Hawk is responsible for his brother’s paralysis, he drags his new friend along for a quick jog. Emphasis on the word “drag.” Let’s just say that, despite his name; the trail Blue Hawk leaves behind is more red than anything else. That is, if you can even recognize him at all. Once A-Train’s done with him, there’s barely a body left to identify. Only a smoldering pile of remains. The term “hero” is used pretty loosely in “The Boys,” but this kind of graphic murder is straight-up villainy, no question about it.
#6: Warren Mears
“Buffy the Vampire Slayer” (1997-2003)
She may be the Slayer, but Buffy is the least of Warren’s problems. He killed Tara, and as such, he has the heartbroken Willow to worry about - the very same Willow who just flirted with some dangerous dark magic. Boy, does she know how to use it, too. In a stomach-churning execution, Willow tortures Warren with a slow-moving bullet before flaying him from head to toe. And then she sets him on fire, too, just for good measure. Warren definitely had it coming, but this is still several steps too far for someone who’s supposed to be one of the good-guys. It’s no wonder Willow was never the same.
#5: Dawn Trager
“Sons of Anarchy” (2008-14)
In a series where everyone’s colored in shades of gray, Dawn’s only real crime was being born to the wrong man. But, in these parts, that’s punishable by death - and a nasty one, at that. Tig Trager’s daughter is kidnapped, thrown in a hatch, and doused in gasoline. Then, all it takes is a flick from a cigar, and just like that… Dawn Trager is no more. Although, it’s hard to say which is worse: Dawn’s cruel and unusual fate, or the fact that Tig has to watch it all go down. Either way, this is one fiery end that the Trager family will never forget.
#4: Glenn Rhee & Abraham Ford
“The Walking Dead” (2010-22)
Following up on the previous season’s viral cliffhanger, everyone came into this episode knowing someone wasn’t making it to the credits. But, few could have imagined just how bloody it would get. Surprisingly, there isn’t anything fancy at play. It’s just Negan, his bat, Glenn and Abraham’s faces, and a whole lot of convincing practical effects. However, it’s executed with so much animosity that it sparked a bonafide media storm about the growing use of violence in television. If that doesn’t prove how rough Glenn and Abraham had it, we don’t know what will. Compared to what they went through, being devoured by walkers would’ve been a mercy.
#3: Gus Fring
“Breaking Bad” (2008-13)
Ding-ding, Gus Fring’s just desserts are ready - and this is a dish best served dramatically. Fring’s arch rival, Hector Salamanca, gets the honors by activating a jerry-rigged bomb in his wheelchair. To say he went out with a blaze of glory would be an understatement. For what it’s worth, Gus makes it out of the room and even has the wherewithal to straighten his tie. But, that’s as far as he goes. With a final look at the camera, one of television’s most menacing villains finally meets his maker. It was a true face-off in more ways than one. But, Walter White sums it up best himself: he won.
#2: Oberyn Martell
“Game of Thrones” (2011-19)
There are more brutal deaths in “Game of Thrones” than names on Arya Stark’s list, but Oberyn Martell tops them all. The Viper’s trial by combat isn’t much of a trial…and before too long, Gregor Clegane drops his sword and defaults to a good, old-fashioned fisticuffs execution instead. Oberyn loses his teeth, his eyes, and his honor in one fell swoop. Although, he doesn’t have much time to mourn them before he’s gone, too. We’d say it’s gratuitous, but this is “Game of Thrones” we’re talking about. It’s not exactly known for being warm and cuddly. If Queen Aemma’s botched childbirth is any indication, “House of the Dragon” won’t be any different. Still, Oberyn’s butchering is grotesque even by Westeros standards - and that’s saying something.
#1: Chrissy Cunningham
“Stranger Things” (2016-)
Clearly, Vecna doesn’t know the meaning of the word “subtlety.” Or clemency. Or, really, anything to do with quick and painless ends. Instead, he snatches poor Chrissy in his claws, and treats her to a cross-dimensional slaughter that needs to be seen to be believed. He doesn’t let go until she’s a mangled doll of a person; head, shoulders, knees, and toes included. Take our word for it, the imagery is something straight out of a horror movie. Stranger things have happened, just not on “Stranger Things.” Or any other television series, for that matter.Yeah, we’re with Eddie on this one; we don’t like it one bit.
Did we miss any unforgettable TV deaths? Let us know in the comments below!