Top 10 Most Cosplayed Video Game Characters Of All Time

Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for the Top 10 Most Popular Cosplayed Video Game Characters. For this list, we’ll be looking at the characters from popular video games that are most often cosplayed at various events and conventions. What’s the best video game cosplay you’ve seen? Let us know in the comments!
#10: 2B & 9S
“Nier: Automata” (2017)
Combine video games with anime character designs and you have the perfect cosplay formula. Platinum Games’ 2017 action rpg “NieR:Automata” features a post-apocalyptic setting (a popular scene for gaming narratives), and its main characters consist of androids. However, androids aren't synonymous with pots and pans robots, so protagonists 2B and 9S are actually humanoid, as well as attractive figures. This makes for prime cosplay opportunities, and those who have undertaken the project did not disappoint. The costumes themselves aren’t too complex in terms of details, but the allure and mysterious look has seen no shortage of convention entries.
#9: Commander Shepard
“Mass Effect” Franchise (2007-)
The “Mass Effect” franchise has a large following of loyal fans, and thus is often seen in the cosplay department. Everyone has their favorite character, and we’ve seen impressive costumes of characters such as Tali and EDI.. Arguably the most popular cosplay from this franchise, however, is Commander Shepard. The N7 armor has proven to be popular amongst convention-goers, and there are definitely some impressive versions of it out there. The armor itself isn’t easy to construct, as it’s all in pieces for mobility reasons, so we can imagine the workmanship involved with such an endeavor. The results are usually quite impressive, such as this Shepard by artist Angela Bermudez.
#8: The Mario Brothers
“Super Mario Bros.” Franchise (1983-)
What is more iconic than the Super Mario Brothers? There are a number of recognizable video game characters out there, but these plumber brothers and their buddies are arguably the OG royal family of the gaming world. Despite a multitude of options in the franchise, the most frequently seen cosplays are likely the brothers themselves or Princess Peach, who is never in the right castle but always in the right convention. Though you could just throw on a pair of overalls and a large red or green hat, some cosplayers have gotten very creative with their designs. Check out this post-apocalyptic take on Mario by cosplayer AKellyz!
#7: Leon, Jill & Wesker
“Resident Evil” Franchise (1996-)
Another long-running franchise, the first “Resident Evil” game in the series was released in 1996 and fans of the series are plentiful and passionate. There are a number of options for potential cosplays, such as Leon Kennedy, Albert Wesker and Jill Valentine, among others. Leon is a federal agent, handsome with a blonde emo haircut. Albert Wesker is a villain who looks like he fell out of “The Matrix” universe. Jill Valentine is an attractive, badass Special Ops Agent. The trio make for the perfect bait for any potential cosplayers, as the costumes can either be quite simple or quite complex, depending on the level of work one desires to put into it.
#6: Geralt, Ciri & Yennefer
“The Witcher” Franchise (2007-)
Let’s face it, we’d all like to be Geralt of Rivia. Even if it’s just for a day or two. But who has the time to put together a decent cosplay? Cosplayers, that’s who. Honestly, the rest of us would probably give up halfway and end up looking like Santa Clause on a bender. Check out cosplayer Taryn’s amazing take on the Witcher himself. As for the female characters, popular cosplay choices are the young Ciri and the mystical Yennefer; the two are arguably the most recognizable for anyone who’s only ever dabbled in the game franchise or seen the TV series. There are some truly impressive cosplays for these characters on the convention circuit.
#5: Lara Croft
“Tomb Raider” Franchise (1996-)
There’s nothing like a hot archaeologist to get the cosplayers going. The first “Tomb Raider” game was released in 1996, with Lara Croft donning the now iconic weird triangular features. Over time, her outfit has stayed relatively the same, making any cosplay instantly recognizable. There have been countless renditions of Lara Croft costumes; check out this “Larry Croft” cosplay by Knightmage! Though the practicality of Croft’s clothing is debatable (running through the thorny jungle in short shorts? really?) There's no question that it’s a great addition to any convention.
#4: Chun-Li & Cammy
“Street Fighter” Franchise (1987-)
Overly attractive martial artists are definitely a staple of the cosplay world, and the Street Fighter franchise stands at the top of this category in the cosplay world with its vast cast of characters. But these two iconic fighters stand out more than the rest. Check out Shappi Workshop’s flawless cosplay of one of the most iconic women in gaming, Chun-Li. Another popular “Street Fighter” character cosplay is Cammy, a more military character who works for MI6, as seen in these amazing renditions by Shiiva and Shine Spark Cosplay, respectively.
#3: Overwatch Characters
“Overwatch” Franchise (2016-)
With 32 playable characters and a number of supporting figures, “Overwatch” is ripe with cosplay possibilities. It’s also hugely popular, which definitely helps. The characters are colorful, over-the-top and strikingly beautiful in aesthetic. Cosplayers love these characters, and this is obvious in the incredible projects undertaken by them. Check out Suspicious Tumbleweed’s ultra-detailed Junkrat cosplay, Smash Ketchum’s free-wheelin’ Lucio, and MJasmine Design’s incredible Sombra and Symmetra masterpieces. Fans of the series are clearly passionate about its protagonists, and go to great lengths to capture their detailed likenesses.
#2: Link & Princess Zelda
“The Legend of Zelda” Franchise (1987-)
Another OG in the gaming world, “The Legend of Zelda” franchise has spawned hundreds of cosplays, from green pajamas to flawless hours-long projects. Every convention is peppered with Links and Zeldas, more than any other character from the series, though there is the occasional cameo by our supporting character friends! The franchise itself boasts 29 titles in total, making for a number of opportunities and versions in the costume department. The cosplay can be either simplistic or ornate, depending on the artist’s determination. Check out Malinda Chan’s Link cosplay in all its glory, and Alchemical Cosplay’s take on Princess Zelda. This couple is always welcome at our cons.
#1: Tifa Lockhart
“Final Fantasy” Franchise (1987-)
“Final Fantasy” has a massive franchise going, with 95 games in total, and a lot of devoted fans. The possibilities are pretty much endless. However, the most-seen cosplay from the series is none other than “Final Fantasy VII”’s Tifa Lockhart. She’s timid, beautiful, motherly, supportive and she’s a martial arts badass. What’s not to love? Tifa’s outfit is perfect for cosplayers of any level, with readily accessible black and white clothing pieces, red gloves and boots. Some convention-goers don’t have the time or money to create cosplay masterpieces, so options like Tifa Lockhart are great to have!