The 20 Most UNLIKEABLE Video Game Characters
VOICE OVER: Mathew Arter
WRITTEN BY: Mathew Arter
Spending times with any of these characters is a great way to test your patience. Welcome to MojoPlays, and today we are rolling our eyes at the 20 Most Unlikeable Video Game Characters. Oour list of characters includes Paimon from “Genshin Impact” (2020), Annabella from “Final Fantasy XVI” (2023), Mr. Resetti from “Animal Crossing” (2001), The Calypso Twins from “Borderlands 3” (2019), and more!
The 20 Most Unlikeable Video Game Characters
Welcome to MojoPlays, and today we are rolling our eyes at the 20 Most Unlikeable Video Game Characters. Thank god for the invention of video game remakes, because some of history's most unlikable characters have had makeovers, unfortunately, these guys haven’t escaped their fate with a new layer of paint. Let's go!
Denise Clinton
“Grand Theft Auto V” (2013)This was a hard choice between Denise, or Tonya, but we decided to go with Denise, as she actively hates our protagonist Franklin, without reprieve. Denise embodies the stereotype of the "grumpy aunt" by perpetually complaining and criticizing our boy. She chastises him for lacking ambition, urges him to move out, and when he finally does, she prevents him from accessing the house they still co-own. Her cringy "spirit walks" and hosting a feminist club can certainly be irritating for anyone living with her, but when she takes this out into the streets to disrupt the neighbors peace, our eyes roll aggressively.
“Duck Hunt” (1984)While the dog in Duck Hunt effectively served its role by retrieving hunted game and flushing it out of the bushes, it had one irritating flaw, it mockingly laughed at the shooter for missing any of his three bullets. The piercing laugh sound was salt in the wound of already being annoyed, and the inability to put a bullet in him for laughing, was some lemon juice on top. This dog is a piece of garbage, and he made me age about 10 years .. IN DOG YEARS.
Ashley Graham
“Resident Evil 4” (2005)For this entry, we are looking at the ORIGINAL Resident Evil 4, which gave us the original iteration of Ashley Graham, before she was made more palatable in the remake. For Ashley, the list goes on, with some finding her annoying in cutscenes, some finding her annoying in gameplay, and some finding her annoying as a plot point, endlessly useless, and getting herself captured more than Princess Peach, she continually proves herself to be as useless as t*ts on a bull.
“Forspoken” (2023)One of our latest entries, comes in the form of the infamous Frey in Forspoken, who can come across as annoying due to her constant sarcasm and snarky remarks, which often feel overdone. Her impulsive behavior and reluctance to take the situation seriously can be grating, especially in dire moments. Additionally, her frequent internal monologues and commentary can disrupt the pacing of the game, detracting from immersion. While her character is meant to be relatable and humorous, the heavy reliance on quips and attitude can make her feel one-dimensional. She gives off serious “what’s up fellow kids” energy, and it’s not endearing.
Chloe Price
“Life is Strange” (2015)Many fans of Life Is Strange appreciate Chloe Price and relate to her character, hoping to see her develop positively. However, her actions often make her difficult for most players to like. Chloe frequently shifts the blame for her problems onto others, including her deceased father, and lashes out at Max for issues beyond their control. Whenever Max tries to express disagreement, even when warranted, Chloe resorts to guilt-tripping and manipulation, making Max feel like a terrible friend until she concedes to Chloe’s wishes. She is an unshakable and unmovable character which wears thin slowly over time, resulting in an annoying character.
“Genshin Impact” (2020)In Genshin Impact, the official mascot character Paimon accompanies the mostly-silent protagonist, often voicing their thoughts for other characters. Some characters (like Daxter in Jak and Daxter) take on this burden and handle it well, however, in Genshin Impact, Paimon derails the plot rather than enhances it, as she tends to add unnecessary details. Additionally, her English voiceover is notably high-pitched and shrill, which many fans find difficult to listen to. Sometimes, you just want to say “shut up”, but there’s no button for that.
“Fallout 4” (2015)In Fallout 4, the player spends the entire game trying to find their long lost son. Expecting your son to still be a young boy, we learn that because we were thawed at different times coming out of cryosleep, our son Shaun is now an older man in his 60’s. And like many older men in their 60’s, he is stubborn in his views, and unmoving in his convictions. Essentially representing the enemy, it’s incredibly frustrating to be spoken down to by our own son. The dynamic between our character and his child is annoying beyond repair, and his empathy is basically non-existent, he just plain SUCKS .. Which is tough, when we were expecting our sweet kid.
The Calypso Twins
“Borderlands 3” (2019)Troy and Tyreen Calypso are mainly annoying due to their obnoxious demeanor, it’s not complicated, they’re just sh***y people. They are loud, constantly shout and interrupt each other, and rarely say anything insightful. As antagonists, they lack any real menace, and their dialogue is intentionally poorly written. Players often want to get rid of them out of sheer impatience rather than any noble desire to save the world. Interestingly, the Calypso Twins are often viewed as an allegory for the toxicity of the internet and the culture surrounding popular streamers and YouTubers. Thank god I’m not popular.
“League of Legends” (2009)One of the most recognizable characters in League of Legends, Teemo serves as a mascot for the MOBA. His design is undeniably cute, but his gameplay on Summoner's Rift tells a different story. Teemo is built to frustrate his opponents relentlessly. He can blind enemies, preventing them from auto-attacking, which makes him a nightmare for marksmen. Once he acquires his Ultimate, Teemo can cover the map with invisible poison mushrooms that deal significant damage in the mid-to-late game. Cutesy business aside, the gameplay that comes along with facing teemo is some of the most frustrating of any in the genre.
Kai Leng
“Mass Effect 3” (2012)Kai Leng is a human assassin tasked with killing the series' protagonist, Commander Shepard. While facing an assassin antagonist isn't inherently bad in a video game, the execution of this character has left many fans feeling dissatisfied. Despite two previous games, Kai Leng was never mentioned, yet in the trilogy's final installment, players encounter a character who harbors animosity towards them without any backstory, yet they’re expected to care about his arc? It’s lazy, and it makes him an annoying force that we don’t care to get involved with.
“Atomic Heart” (2023)Ever wanted a character to constantly shred through a game's atmosphere with volume and bravado? No? Well, maybe don’t play Atomic Heart, because P-3’s relentless quips will take you out of the experience faster than a knife fight in a phone booth. Additionally, his frequent interruptions during intense moments can diminish tension, leading to annoyance. P-3’s tendency to downplay serious situations with humor can come off as inconsiderate, making it challenging to take him seriously as a protagonist. Duke Nukem didn’t survive the modern gaming landscape, what made you think you could P-3?
Mr. Resetti
“Animal Crossing” (2001)Mr. Resetti's near-absence in Animal Crossing: New Horizons isn't without reason. As a concept, his role made sense, teaching younger players the importance of saving their game and emphasizing that unsaved progress is gone for good. But in practice, Resetti often irritated older players and overwhelmed younger ones. Additionally, he would still appear even if the game shut down for reasons beyond the player's control, like a dead battery or a crash, forcing players to sit through a long arse lecture regardless. That’s what we want in our videogames .. Lectures.
“Star Fox” (1993)Although Star Fox characters are now arguably more recognizable from their appearances in the Super Smash Bros. series than from their own games, those unfamiliar with the original titles miss out on great rail-shooting action. What they are lucky to miss however is Slippy The Frog. Slippy is supposed to be a skilled pilot, he must be right? In order to end up this team of ace pilots. Yet, during gameplay, he constantly pops up on the screen, begging the player for help. His dialogue is repeated, and you can only hear someone crying the same “help me” line SO many times before you want to make some frog legs for dinner.
Adoring Fan
“The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion” (2006)The complaints for the adoring fan in Oblivion are many .. uselessness, obnoxiousness, and endless annoying chatter, he’s basically me, without WatchMojo to justify my existence. The Adoring Fan’s constant flattery quickly becomes unbearable, testing the player's patience with each interaction. Much like with Gilbert, players took to forums, sharing creative stories and videos on how to get rid of him for good. Which sounds violent, but we promise it wasn’t .. Okay, it was a little bit.
Baby Mario
“Super Mario World 2: Yoshi’s Island” (1995)The concept of Yoshi's Island is undeniably charming, Baby Mario rides on Yoshi’s back as Yoshi tries to reunite him with his brother, Luigi. However, issues arise whenever the two are separated. No gamer alive has been able to shake the sounds of Baby Mario from their nightmares since 1995, when Yoshi and Mario part ways, Baby Mario cries incessantly until they’re reunited. This mechanic serves its purpose by encouraging players to bring them back together quickly, and boy howdy does it work, because the cries are f***ing annoying!
“The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time” (1998)The role of The Legend of Zelda’s Navi is clear, she’s there to guide players and prevent them from getting lost or frustrated. However, for many players, she ends up causing more frustration than she alleviates, because let me ask you guys a question, when I said the name Navi, did her infamous line instantly pop into your head? Yes? Or are you a liar? Hey. Listen! No. P*ss off.
Frank Tenpenny
“Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas” (2004)In the context of Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, Tenpenny is the PERFECT antagonist .. But it’s these reasons that make him annoying. Evil, brutal, and utterly ruthless, Officer Tenpenny lacks any redeeming qualities, when he appears in a mission, it’s never good news, and the rewards you get for helping him are non-existent, which makes the work very frustrating. Right from the start of the game, he reveals his true nature, making players despise him almost instantly. He treats CJ like dirt, manipulates him, and relishes showing off his sadistic power. Tenpenny is a cloud that constantly rains on your parade.
Abby Anderson
“The Last of Us: Part II” (2020)Annoying MAY be too light a word for some players, but this list couldn’t be made without mentioning Abby, because her annoyance, whether permanent or temporary, affected every player. The reason is straightforward, Abby killed one of the most beloved, revered, and iconic characters in gaming history. And she did it with premeditation, displaying a level of cruelty and savagery that players were forced to witness in agonizing detail. The annoyance comes from Naughty Dog’s decision to make us step into Abby’s shoes and, more importantly, understand her motivations. Surprisingly, her reasons turned out to be largely justifiable. REGARDLESS, we were all annoyed to spend so long as her, even if that annoyance ice started to thaw as we learnt more about her.
“Final Fantasy XVI” (2023)We arrive at the pointy end, and we arrive here with a newer entry, Final Fantasy 16. Annabella in Final Fantasy 16 is particularly aggravating due to her cold, manipulative nature and relentless self-interest. She places political power and personal gain above everything, even sacrificing her own family. Her treatment of Clive and Joshua, her own children,is heartless, as she sees them only as tools or obstacles in her pursuit of influence, and she makes this treatment clear from the get-go, she doesn’t even bother to hide it in the context of the story. Annabella’s arrogance and cruelty leave a lasting impact, making her one of the game’s most detestable characters.
Micah Bell
“Red Dead Redemption II” (2018)Given how much players identify with Arthur in Red Dead Redemption II, Micah is masterfully constructed as both an early ally and a primary antagonist. Cutscenes reveal how disliked he is by other gang members, and as the story progresses, his vile nature becomes more evident, especially as Arthur begins to notice Dutch’s growing paranoia. Micah taunts Arthur about his illness, cruelly calling him “black lung.” He’s also a racist with clear psychopathic tendencies, at one point, it’s revealed that he had no qualms about slaughtering an entire family, including a small child. Micah’s malevolence slowly seeps into every corner of the story, from his taunting of Sadie in one of his first scenes, to him betraying the gang, his annoyance becomes deeply disturbing malevolence.