Top 10 Most Embarrassing Moments in Video Games

Welcome to WatchMojo, and today, we’re counting down our picks for the Top 10 Most Embarrassing Moments in Video Games! For this list, we’re looking at moments in gaming that were just downright embarrassing for not just the player, but also the characters. Which of these would have you blushing if you were in these predicaments? Let us know down in the comments.
#10: Living a Thousand Deaths
“Crash Bandicoot” series (1996-)
Over the decades, Crash has suffered a number of deaths ranging from cartoonishly violent to downright absurd. Ridiculous deaths have become such a key aspect of the franchise that “Crash Tag Team Racing” turned them into a collectible! Such deaths from across the series include getting stung by bees, smacked by an oar, getting kissed by a frog prince, making contact with generally harmless animals, and even getting his pants shredded by a scimitar. Poor Crash has perished in so many humiliating ways that you can view them all across a variety of YouTube compilations.
#9: Everything About Atlantica
“Kingdom Hearts II” (2005)
Don’t get us wrong - “The Little Mermaid” is a classic movie, but this was an incredibly awkward moment for everyone. Many a “Kingdom Hearts” fan will tell you just how cringey Atlantica is in the 2005 sequel, and to this day…oof, man. Atlantica could have been the place to let players practice air combat maneuvers with the underwater movement and physics. Instead, all of your time is spent playing rhythm minigames filled with awful lyrics and one of the most painful smiles we’ve ever seen Sora wear. The Hundred-Acre Wood was way more fun than whatever this is.
#8: Star Lord’s Karaoke Scene
“Guardians of the Galaxy” (2021)
The “Guardians of the Galaxy” game has some funny moments, but for every chuckle it got out of us, there were a couple of painful moments to endure. One of these was when Star Lord finds himself on the other side of a barrel upon getting ambushed by an alien known as Lipless. Watching this alien sing horribly and Star Lord make up lyrics and singing along had us wishing for a game crash. It’s even worse if you play the game in Streamer Mode, which removes all licensed music from the game and replaces it with…nothing.
#7: Arguing With A Prophet
“DOOM” (2016) & “DOOM Eternal” (2020)
One of the funniest parts of 2016’s “DOOM” and its sequel was how the Doom Slayer preferred to handle the demons in his own vicious ways and suffers zero consequences. In “DOOM” 2016, Samuel Hayden tells the Slayer he will have to remove specific equipment with great care, to which the Slayer proceeds to violently kick. Then in “Eternal”, Hayden tells the Slayer that blowing a giant hole into Mars isn’t a viable option. Not only does the Slayer blow a hole into Mars anyway, he launches himself from a massive BFG 10,000. In the end, Earth is saved and Hell is extinguished…and Hayden, despite being the supposed scientific genius of the UAC, is proven wrong.
#6: The Best Bad Luck Ever
“Mario Party” series (1998-)
Remember all those times when you spun the Bowser Roulette and eyeballed the one option on the board that was a good result? Though it’s a rare moment in the games, it is still possible to get those seemingly incredibly good results. Get a thousand coins? A hundred Stars? Steal a Star!? Yeah, none of those are actual results. What will happen upon landing on these results is Bowser will freeze and suddenly jump off the screen. Clearly, the Koopa King was not prepared to give you the advantage and would rather run away like the coward he is.
#5: Got Milk?
“Dead Or Alive 5” (2012)
We’re not slapping “Dead Or Alive” on here for anything lewd or ridiculously tropey. No, the reason we’re naming “Dead Or Alive” is because of the relationship between Eliot and Christie. There are so many instances where Christie humiliates Eliot for his lust for her, and DOA 5 was the worst of it. While sitting in her bar, Eliot orders a glass of milk before Christie starts toying with his emotions. And just when he asks for a refill…you could cut the tension with a knife, or in this case, by slamming a half-gallon onto the counter.
#4: The Video Store
“Yakuza 0” (2015)
You want to play “Yakuza 0”? You want to fully complete and experience everything that “Yakuza 0” has to offer? Well, you’re going to have to suffer through this. One thing you can do in the game is visit the Gandhara video store and watch videos of models in swimsuits. They don’t do anything, but it’s really strange to see Kiryu watching these videos. What’s even more ridiculous is when Kiryu goes “Phew” and the camera cuts to a box of tissues. The worst part about all of this? You have to watch one of these videos in order to get that Xbox achievement or PlayStation Platinum trophy.
#3: The Kiss
“Sonic the Hedgehog” (2006)
There are so many facets of Sonic ‘06 to hate on, and the most notorious moment was when Elise plants a kiss on Sonic to revive him. Everyone has made the obvious observation of this and the typical “human kissing animal” jokes. But has anyone stopped to wonder what the other characters were thinking? You had almost everyone watching this unfold - Knuckles, Tails, Amy, Rouge, Shadow, Eggman, and even Omega! No one stopped and thought, “...Something ain’t right about this”? Nope. Everyone watched it happen and moved on. Just look at Knuckles! Even that blank stare tells us he cannot believe what’s going on!
#2: The Bee and the Sunflower
“Conker’s Bad Fur Day” (2001)
While we’re on the subject of weird romances, let’s talk “Conker”! There are so many outlandish and absurd scenes in this game, but one scene was too much even for the titular squirrel. In one of the first areas of the game, Conker meets a sleazy king bee who wishes to “pollinate” a busty sunflower. Upon completing the mission, Conker gets to watch nature take its course. We’re not quite sure why he decided to hang around and witness such actions, but he did get some cash afterwards, so…the brief loss of innocence must have been worth the cost in his eyes.
#1: A Tired Peach
“Super Mario Odyssey” (2017)
Mario and Bowser have been going head-to-head for decades, playing tug-of-war with Peach getting kidnapped and rescued day in and day out. So, it was somewhat satisfying to see both of them get scolded at the end of “Super Mario Odyssey”. After escaping the citadel on the Moon, Mario and Bowser hound Peach over her hand in marriage, shoving flowers in her face until she’s had enough. She ultimately rejects them both and sets out to explore the world on her own, leaving them to wallow in their own disappointment. Well…mostly Bowser.