Top 10 Most Evil Step Families In Movies

#10: Derek Huff
“Step Brothers” (2008)
When you marry into the family, you get the whole package. Derek is the epitome of the douchey younger brother who’s pride and joy is… himself. A narcissistic perfectionist who isn’t scared to remind everyone else that they’re not as great as he is, Derek ruthlessly bullies both his own family and his step-brother. Flexing his muscles and business prowess every chance he gets, Derek might not be as “evil” as some of the other members of our list, but his cocky, “I’m better than you” attitude and brutal insults still make him a step-sibling from hell.
#9: Beverly Barish
“Tommy Boy” (1995)
This evil stepmother and her “son” put the fun in dysfunctional. Posing as the well-to-do fiancé of Tommy’s father, “Big Tom,” Beverly soon reveals that she’s got some tricks up her sleeve and isn’t quite who she says she is. After Big Tom passes away, she wastes no time in attempting to sell what remains of the company in order to make some fast cash. Eventually revealing her true colors and the fact that she and Paul are most definitely not mother and son, Beverly almost managed to pull off her elaborate heist - and might have actually done it, if it wasn’t for that meddling kid.
#8: The Stepfather
“The Stepfather” (1987)
Watch out, kids… daddy’s home. With a nasty habit of marrying into families only to eventually snap and kill them off, it’s safe to say that David is the stepfather of nightmares. Starting out with seemingly good intentions, David’s behaviour towards his step daughter in particular slowly morphs into something more sinister and at times downright creepy. As the family’s suspicions grow and tensions begin to rise, the audience can only hold their breath while waiting for David to reveal his dark side. When he does, watching the serial-killer stepdad terrorize his family is enough to make us think twice about the next friendly stranger we come across.
#7: Kathryn Merteuil
“Cruel Intentions” (1999)
Sharing a weird, pseudo-incestual relationship with her step brother Sebastian, Kathryn is a girl who knows what she wants and isn’t afraid to manipulate in order to get it. After placing a bet with Sebastian and promising to sleep with him if she loses, Kathryn puts all of her seductive prowess to the test. Bent on revenge and taking joy in other’s suffering, she uses her sex appeal and social standing to twist scenarios to her advantage. Unfortunately for Kathryn, karma isn’t far behind - and in the end, she gets exactly what she deserves.
#6: Captain Vidal
“Pan's Labyrinth” (2006)
Arguably a scarier character than the monsters within the labyrinth, Captain Vidal is sadistic, ruthless, and devoid of pretty much any emotion for the majority of the film. Callous to even his pregnant wife as she struggles to give birth to their son, Vidal is the textbook definition of a sociopath. Murdering both innocent civilians and his own henchmen without so much as batting an eye, Vidal is a merciless killer and terrible stepfather to Ofelia. Forget the Pale Man, we’re scared of the Captain.
#5: Eun-joo
“A Tale of Two Sisters” (2003)
Even if she ended up being just a figment of her stepdaughter’s imagination, Eun-joo’s sadistic abuse and creepy behaviour still managed to give us some pretty serious nightmares. Aside from the physical cruelty of locking her stepdaughters in closets and throwing them into sacks, Eun-joo’s icy and impassive body language give off zero hint of any motherly love. In the explosive finale of the movie where the real Eun-joo comes out to play, she seems to be a little kinder - but it’s too little, and far too late.
#4: Esther
“Orphan” (2009)
Not every malicious new member of the family is a parent. After impressing the Coleman’s with her intelligence and articulate speech, Esther is welcomed into the Coleman family and seems to be just a regular, sweet little girl. That is, of course, until she starts smashing birds to death and murdering nuns. Threatening each member of the family she sees as an obstacle to her ultimate goal of seducing her “father” - gag - Esther is crazy with a capital C. Eventually revealing she’s actually an adult, this stepdaughter gave us a serious case of the heebie jeebies. Nobody was tipped off by her creepy little girl outfit? No? Just us?
#3: Loki
Marvel Cinematic Universe (2008-)
Talk about a troubled family dynamic. After finding out that he’s not an Asgardian after all, Loki takes the news of his adoption a little harshly. As in, he decides that it’s probably a good idea to destroy a planet or two, work with a destructive alien race, and attempt to kill off his family members on more than one occasion. Though Loki seems to flit back and forth between the vengeful, wayward son and a man who just wants to make his father proud, it’s hard to look past the pretty heinous acts of violence and mayhem he’s committed. It’s safe to say his allowance has been cut off at this point.
#2: Evil Queen Grimhilde
“Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs” (1937)
Ruled by jealousy and a burning desire to be the fairest of them all, the Evil Queen is one of the most infamous Disney villains of all time. After discovering that the only woman fairer than she is her stepdaughter, Snow White, the Queen becomes obsessed with trying to kill her off. When the Huntsman is unable to kill Snow White, the Queen takes matters into her own hands and poisons her with an apple. Though she eventually met her demise, as villains tend to do in fairy tales, the Evil Queen’s icy hatred of her stepdaughter and incessant quest for beauty is unforgettable.
Before we reveal our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions.
Biff Tannen
“Back to the Future Part II” (1989)
Queen Narissa
“Enchanted” (2007)
Mother Gothel
“Tangled” (2010)
#1: Lady Tremaine & the Stepsisters
“Cinderella” (1950)
Also portrayed in “A Cinderella Story” and “Ever After,” this batch of beastly relatives is downright nasty. After the death of Cinderella’s father, her stepmother and sisters swoop in to make the poor girl’s life a living hell. Barking orders and practically turning her into a slave, Lady Tremaine and her biological daughters have it out for the future princess. Blessed with absolutely no talent or good looks of their own, the stepsisters relish in treating Cinderella with sadistic cruelty. Going so far as to rip apart her dress for the ball, this family takes the cake as the worst possible relatives you could end up with. Thankfully, none of them got a happy ending.