Top 10 Most Hilarious Hashtags of All Time

If you're on Twitter, you know that sometimes on the social media site there can be some funny hashtags. Whether it's #PEEOTUS, a take on the Donald Trump scandal referred to as Pee Gate, the confusing #nothatcherisdead or the Celebrity Jeopardy classic #therapist, these are some intentionally or unintentionally entertaining trending hashtags. WatchMojo counts down ten of the funniest hashtags we've ever seen on Twitter.
Special thanks to our users Malcolm Pringle, Tim Dischert, Theinfamouspitbull, Daniel Ponce, Tataomodale and James Lisle for suggesting this idea! Check out the voting page at http://www.WatchMojo.comsuggest/Top%20Ten%20Hashtags
#10: #KanyeAnalPlaylist
Yeezy is never one to back down from a Twitter beef, so when ex-flame Amber Rose publicized some of his alleged sexual preferences, Kanye responded, only his retaliation tweets reeked of insecurity. The trolling Internet public seized their opportunity and created this delightful hashtag. Creative tweeters posted their favorite punny and innuendo filled song titles to accompany Kanye’s apparent fetish. Some of the best include Drake’s “Started From the Bottom”, Sum 41’s “In Too Deep” and Janet Jackson’s “Go Deep” but then there were the tweets that changed the lyrics to some of Kanye’s best known songs, like the wonderfully modified “Hole Digger”. Overall, it was a rollicking rump of a roast on the volatile rapper.
#9: #therapist
Anyone who got trapped with this hashtag fail really should have paid a little more attention to what they were typing. Surely the users of this confusing hashtag intended to refer to therapists but why they’d be talking about therapists- a highly personal and confidential experience and profession- on Twitter is anyone's guess. They may’ve had their reasons but they apparently didn’t see just how awful their hashtag could look if misunderstood. When you're used to words being crammed together, therapist can easily be confused for “The Rapist”, which is... well, pretty much the worst substitution possible.
#8: #GiantDoucheVsTurdSandwich
Back in 2004, an episode aired that poked fun at politicians and elections by forcing the town’s school children to vote for two equally terrible options: a Giant Douche or a Turd Sandwich. Fast-forward to 2016 and this episode was somehow even more on point. Naturally, Trey Parker and Matt Stone brought the joke back for the 2016 season, just in time for the election debates, and the Internet ran with it. Frustrated with two candidates they found equally bad, Twitter users commented on the debates with the only hashtag they felt accurately captured their frustration: Giant Douche, or Turd Sandwich?
#7: #nowthatcherisdead
When Margaret Thatcher, the United Kingdom’s highly divisive former Prime Minister, passed away in 2013, a certain segment of the public rejoiced. The website “Is Thatcher Dead Yet” weighed in with this hashtag, which proceeded to confuse the world. While some understood the hashtag for what it was meant to be – Now Thatcher Is Dead – a much larger population freaked out, misunderstanding it to mean – Now That Cher is Dead. Yes, gypsies, tramps, and even thieves were left bewitched, bothered, and bewildered by the news, leaving many to cry like a baby, wishing they could turn back time and see Cher alive again.
#6: #doitonthebus
There was no misunderstanding here; this hashtag accomplished exactly what it planned. The clever minds at Halifax’s Metro Transit promoted the risqué hashtag with the hopes that it would go viral. It's unknown why a city without a subway system or a place to park would see a decline in bus usage, but the marketing team at Metro Transit in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada saw a solution in this risqué hashtag that was bound to get some attention. Hoping for even a 1% spike, the results had the car-less masses amused, bemused, and confused from Bayers Lake to Coal Harbour, Lake Echo to Fall River.
While some could argue that this should be number one, that’s a load of dribble. After Buzzfeed leaked documents reporting that President Donald J. Trump had allegedly booked a team of hookers to defile a bed former President Obama had once slept in, the Internet couldn't hold it in and let loose a hot splash of tweets based on Trump's alleged love for a different kind of gold. Putting a fitting spin on the acronym for President Elect of the United States, the Internet went full stream ahead with every urine based joke they could shake out. But not everyone took it sitting down- particularly the nation's late night hosts who took it upon themselves to stand and deliver.
#4: #CLitFest
How on earth did the Chester Literature Festival not see this one coming? Seriously, what were they thinking? The brains behind the popular literature festival likely had the best of intentions with this; you know, “getting down” with “the kids” and their youthful .coms and “twinstagrams” and all. Why, the organizers probably had no idea what would go down when they tried their hand at mutual hashtaggery, but when they and their sticky fingers fumbled, the Internet was there to eat it up. One thing, however, is certain: they absolutely gained their wonderful, humble festival a bit of notoriety- at least with those that could find it.
#3: #hobbitch
As with other hashtags, the original meaning behind this one was lost pretty quickly in favor of the Internet's predictably juvenile ways. In advance of 2012's “The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey”, the film's media team promoted it by hashtagging “Hobbit” with various country codes slapped on. As a result, Swiss Hobbit tweets became the giggle inducing “Hobbitch”. Surprisingly not a term previously employed in hip-hop, nerds and non-nerds alike jumped on this unintended masterpiece of hilarity. Sure, you could fault the team for failing to recognize what their creation would become, but it's much more fun to sit back and watch the wonder unfold.
#2: #susanalbumparty
In another classic that will go down in the annals of social media history, Susan Boyle's PR team's efforts to promote her fourth album got a Standing Ovation and then some. Using the hashtag “Susan Album Party”, the social media blunder hit Celebrity Jeopardy levels of silliness when it was misinterpreted as... well... a different kind of party altogether. While the hashtag definitely got attention, it's unlikely that fans of anal bum parties were the exact market Susan Boyle was hoping to cater to. The tweet was deleted in short order, although it's unknown just how many party goers were accidentally led to buy Boyle's album.
#1: #rimjobs
This may have seemed like a good idea to the company behind the Blackberry line of phones, but then so did the Torch, the Storm, and the PlayBook. Wanting to spread the word that they were hiring- and apparently forgetting what the initials to Research in Motion spell out- they happily announced that were offering 6000 #rimjobs. Much like Su's Anal Bum Party, the tech giants got plenty of attention, but not exactly from who they expected. It's not known how many people came knocking at their back door ready to go to work, nor is it known how a company filled with so many knowledgeable people could let this blunder slip out to the public.