Top 10 Most Hilarious Lilly Singh Moments

Is there such a thing as a quintuple threat? Because if so, that’s what this lady is! Welcome to MsMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for the Top 10 Most Hilarious Lilly Singh Moments.
For this list, we’re taking a look at YouTuber/ actor/ model/ comedian/motivational speaker Lilly Singh’s funniest pop culture moments. So, we’ll be digging a little deeper than just her Superwoman videos on YouTube.
#10: Talking About Her New NBC Late-Night Show on ‘Jimmy Fallon’
Let’s be honest with each other, if you haven’t heard of Lilly Singh aka Superwoman, you’re slacking. The YouTuber has been on the scene since 2010 and has garnered millions of subscribers thanks to her unique brand of comedy and satirical insights into Punjabi culture. She’s become a frequent guest of Jimmy Fallon’s and even used an appearance on his show in March of 2019 to make an important announcement. She starts off by playfully berating Questlove when he starts the drumroll a little too soon. Finally, after building the anticipation, she announces that she’s getting her own late-night talk show! She then hops behind Jimmy’s desk to ask for some late-night hosting tips…for a friend. The entire interaction is heartfelt and hilarious!
#9: “When a Brown Girl Dates a White Boy (ft. Adam DeVine)”
If there’s one thing about Lilly Singh that we simply can’t get enough of, it’s the hilarious way she spoofs her own parents. In this 2016 video, which features the comedic talents of “Workaholics” star Adam DeVine, Singh lampoons what it’s like for a brown girl to introduce her parents to her white boyfriend. This time, Singh has brought the rest of her family along for the ride; and what a ride it is. You can cut the awkwardness in the room with a knife, as DeVine plays the part of the clueless, culturally insensitive boyfriend to a tee. However, the real treat is Lilly Singh, who plays not one, not two, but six different people!
#8: Doing Ellen's Mirror Moves Challenge
In 2013, Ellen DeGeneres asked her viewers to participate in the Mirror Challenge. To complete the challenge, viewers had to stand next to strangers and copy every one of their movements. Naturally, many a YouTuber answered the call, including Lilly Singh. Ellen’s video displayed various people mirroring complete strangers and ended it with two clips sent in by Singh. She actually posted a much longer mirroring video to her own channel and it’s totally worth checking out. Singh mirrors cars, ducks, street performers, cops and even a kid sucking his thumb. Now that’s gold.
#7: “What Clubbing Is Actually Like (ft. Liza Koshy)”
Lilly Singh teamed up with fellow YouTuber Liza Koshy in 2016 to parody what’s going to a club is like and the resulting video netted them more than 30 million views! “What Clubbing Is Actually Like (ft. Liza Koshy)” is actually Singh’s most viewed video as of the end of March 2019…and for good reason! The two stars nail every aspect of clubbing, from getting ready with your girlfriends in front of the bathroom mirror and convincing the Uber driver your vodka is actually water, to arguing with the bouncer and getting rounds of shots. However, the best part is when Singh and Koshy reference the fact that people won’t stop comparing them in real life. Seriously, just stop it.
#6: “If Talk Show Interviews Were Honest (ft. Chelsea Handler)”
It’s about time someone spoofed the late-night talk show industry! And who better than soon-to-be late-night talk show host Lilly Singh and former talk show host / comedian Chelsea Handler? The video is unrelenting in its parody of late-night shows, from host Chelsea Handler ignoring her guest’s answers because she’s too focused on the next question, to members of the audience clapping despite not knowing who the guest, Lilly Singh, is. The two comedians play off of each other beautifully, demonstrating that their ability to not only recognize late-night tropes but also send them up in hilarious fashion, is unmatched.
#5: Her ‘Epic Rap Battle’ as Wonder Woman
If you’ve never seen “Epic Rap Battles of History,” you’re in for a treat. The web series features actors, comedians and internet celebrities playing historical figures that rap battle each other. With an alias like Superwoman, as well as the fact that Singh raps and releases her own music, it’s not exactly surprising that the webseries reached out to Lilly to play Wonder Woman. In the video, Singh’s character battles none other than Stevie Wonder, played by T-Pain, with predictably side-splitting results. We’re not sure who wrote Singh’s lyrics, but they’re freakin’ brilliant. The wordplay is hilarious, and Singh and T-Pain fall into their characters beautifully. Soooo, when is Lilly going to drop her first mixtape?
#4: “Shit Punjabi Mothers Say”
An oldie but a goodie, “Shit Punjabi Mothers Say” helped to put Lilly Singh on the map when she was just getting started as a YouTuber. The clip has since racked up more than 7.5 million views and can be enjoyed whether you speak Punjabi or not. From berating her children with lines like “Go and die”, “Is your brain broken!” and “Your birthday parties never end!”; to asking a million and one questions, Singh perfectly parodies Punjabi mothers the world over. However, our favorite parts are when Singh smacks her lips in disgust and glares angrily at the camera. Looking back, this video was a sign of what was to come for the internet celeb.
#3: “How to Be a YouTube Star (ft. The Rock)”
Lilly Singh has demonstrated time and time again that she has little trouble getting big name stars to appear on her channel, but this one takes the cake. In 2016, Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson stopped by Lilly Singh’s apartment to learn how to become a YouTube Star and it was perfection. Singh tries her best to stay cool in the presence of her one true love, but can’t keep up the façade for long. Her overabundance of energy is perfectly juxtaposed by Johnson’s awkward attempts to learn the ropes of internet stardom. While she’s clearly in heaven, Singh has come a long way since her initial meeting with The Rock in 2015, wherein she awkwardly hugged him over and over while saying “I love you”.
#2: “Types of Drunk People (The DRUNKtionary)”
Lilly Singh has made quite a few “Types of” videos over the years, from “Types of Parents” to “Types of People in the Shower” – both of which are great, by the way. However, if we had to choose one to watch for eternity on a desert island, it would have to be “Types of Drunk People (The DRUNKtionary)”. The video is one of the oldest in her catalogue, but that just means it’s Singh at her most unfiltered; and by extension, funniest. Some of our favourite drunks include “The Drunk and the Proud”, “The Sloopy Hotmess” and “The Bottle Charmer”. It’s funny because it’s true. Simple as that.
Before we unveil our top pick, here are some honorable mentions:
“Jimmy Meets Lilly Singh's Parents”
“The Time My Real Parents React To My Instagram Pictures (Day 944)”
Playing Cathy in "Bad Moms"
“If My Period Was a Person (ft. Connor Franta)”
“How to Be a Good Wing Woman (ft. Priyanka Chopra)”
#1: The "My Parents React" series
Last but certainly not least, we have Lilly Singh’s “My Parents React” series. While we love any skit that features Singh parodying her Indian parents, this series is something special. Singh, dressed as her mother and father, reacts to all sorts of things, from Nicki Minaj’s music video for “Anaconda” to her own Instagram photos. The sheer number of reaction shots she gets for a single video is astonishing. Tack on the fact that she has to draw a beard of her face whenever she plays her father and you have one YouTuber who isn’t afraid to commit to a bit. If you have to ask whether or not these videos are an accurate representation of Singh’s parents, you’re missing the point.