Top 10 Most Powerful Lord Of The Rings Characters

#10: Treebeard
In “The Two Towers” book, Gandalf describes this ancient ent as “the oldest living thing that still walks beneath the Sun upon this Middle-earth.” While his exact age is unknown, you don’t walk the land as long as Treebeard without accumulating a fair deal of power. In Treebeard’s case, power not only stems from his height (stretching about 14 feet) but also wisdom. Above all else, Treebeard’s power is rooted in his leadership. As the “shepherd of trees,” Treebeard can rally his fellow ents like no other. Realizing what Saruman is doing to the forest, Treebeard leads the charge against Isengard, marking the beginning of the end for Saruman. In the conflict between man and nature, bet on the latter when Treebeard’s at the forefront.
#9: The Army of the Dead
You know how sometimes in a video game you get stuck on an impossible boss, but then you go on a side quest for a secret weapon? That’s the Army of the Dead in a nutshell. While death has its disadvantages, the upside is that you can’t be defeated again. If anything, this cursed army of men is more powerful in death than they ever were in life. This gives Aragorn an advantage during a crucial battle in “The Return of the King.” Led by the King of the Dead, the army fulfills its oath by assisting Aragorn, allowing them to finally rest in peace. Too bad they couldn’t stick around longer, but we guess that would’ve made defeating Sauron too much of a cakewalk.
#8: The Witch-King of Angmar
Whether you want to call them Ringwraiths, Black Riders, or the Nazgûl, the nine hooded figures who serve Sauron epitomize the price of power. Through the Rings of Power, these nine men would gain immortality, but they’d lose all traces of identity and humanity in the process. Their leader, the Witch-king of Angmar, is second only to Sauron, possessing unparalleled dark magic, sword skills, and immunity to common weapons. It appears that there’s no way to kill the Nazgûl. This is enforced by a prophecy concerning the Witch-king, saying, “not by the hand of man shall he fall.” The Witch-king should’ve read between the lines, as he might not be defeated by a man, but Eowyn brings about his doom with help from a Hobbit.
#7: Gwaihir the Windlord
It’s something of an inside joke among fans that the trilogy could’ve been wrapped up faster if only the Great Eagles helped fly the Ring to Mount Doom. While there are rebuttals to this argument, we can all agree that the Eagles are among the most powerful forces ever to grace Middle-earth. Gwaihir reigns above all others, rescuing Gandalf from Orthanc, helping take on the Ringwraiths during the Battle of the Black Gate, and playing a crucial role in retrieving Frodo and Sam from Mount Doom. Gwaihir might not be invincible, as a poisoned arrow once nearly claimed his life. Fortunately, Gandalf the Grey came to his aid and Gwaihir would repay the favor several times during the War of the Ring.
#6: Saruman
In addition to leading the Istari, this wizard served as the Head of the White Council, which once drove Sauron from Mirkwood to Mordor. Nevertheless, Saruman is ultimately corrupted by power and becomes Sauron’s servant. Despite technically being an underling, Saruman possesses aspirations to claim Sauron’s power as his own. Even if he’s not the main antagonist, Saruman has the potential to be the big bad, besting Gandalf in a one-on-one battle, breeding Uruks, and commanding an army that nearly takes Rohan. Magic and heavy forces aside, Saruman is a master of deceit, influencing Middle-earth without leaving his tower. Of course, Wormtongue is also a backstabber. Saruman should’ve known better than to trust him, resulting in a demise brought on by his pursuit of power.
#5: Sauron
Melkor/Morgoth might’ve predated him, but Sauron would firmly establish himself as the Dark Lord, posing perhaps the greatest threat that Middle-earth has ever faced. While Sauron is formidable on the battlefield, his true power lies in the art of manipulation and fear tactics. He’s also quite the jewelry maker, forging the Rings of Power and naturally keeping the One Ring to rule them all for himself. Even after Isildur defeats Sauron, the Dark Lord lives on through the One Ring, corrupting almost anyone who comes into contact with it. The War of the Ring marks Sauron’s grand return with a giant eye symbolizing his seemingly all-seeing nature. It isn’t until the One Ring is finally destroyed that the threat of Sauron is truly eradicated.
#4: Gandalf
Granted, Gandalf lost that one fight to Saruman, but to be fair, his opponent had a home advantage. We also had yet to see the full extent of Gandalf’s capabilities. Following an epic battle against Durin’s Bane, Gandalf the Grey becomes Gandalf the White, emerging more powerful and wiser than ever. Even death can’t keep this wizard from completing his task. During the battle of Helm’s Deep, Gandalf leads the reinforcements for a last-minute turn of the tide. In addition to defeating Saruman’s army, Gandalf breaks his friend-turned-enemy’s staff, replacing him as the Istari and White Council’s new leader. Plus, where Saurman gives into temptation, Gandalf is able to resist the Ring when it’s presented to him, sending Frodo on his unexpected journey.
#3: Galadriel
Half-elf Elrond has survived numerous battles that would shape the fate of Middle-earth. However, Tolkien himself called Galadriel “the mightiest and fairest of all the Elves that remained in Middle-earth.” Wise from a young age, Galadriel continues to pursue the illusive Sauron even as others doubt her. In “The Rings of Power” TV series, Galadriel’s combat skills are demonstrated on screen like never before. However, it’s her ability to read minds and communicate telepathically that sets Galadriel apart from the average elf. Years later, Galadriel would be one of the Keepers of the Three Rings, wielding Nenya. While the future might not be set in stone, Galadriel’s magic mirror provided a glimpse of things that may yet be, adding to her all-encompassing demeanor.
#2: Tom Bombadil
If your “Lord of the Rings” knowledge is restricted to the movies, Tom Bombadil is a name you might not be familiar with. Readers, however, will understand why this character places so high. In “The Fellowship of the Ring,” Tom provides the hobbits lodging on their adventure. Tom cements himself as one of the franchise’s most powerful and mysterious figures when he wears the Ring without being consumed by it. He can also see Frodo while donning the Ring and even makes the Ring briefly disappear. Although Tom could’ve taken the Ring to Mordor himself, Gandalf argues that he would likely lose interest in such a quest. To Tom, the One Ring is just a piece of jewelry, which speaks volumes about his enigmatic powers.
Before we reveal the one character who rules them all, we want to show you a fearsomely powerful enemy from the new game Gollum, releasing on May 25th. As Gollum makes his way across middle-earth on an epic journey, he will encounter and battle the Nazgûls, Sauron’s 9 most terrible servants who wield rings of power! These cloaked wraiths were once great kings and sorcerers, but became corrupted by the rings, now serving their one master. Gollum must overcome them if he hopes to survive!
Before we unveil our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions.
The Spider Queen to Rule Them All
The One True King
Samwise Gamgee
None Better Exemplify the Power of Friendship
The Most Powerful Elf with the Least Screen Time
Durin’s Bane
If You Don’t Let This Entity Pass, You’ll Go Down with It
#1: Eru Ilúvatar
How do you top Dark Lords, the wisest of elves, and Mr. Bombadil? With this lore’s equivalent to God. The Valar are essentially gods in Middle-earth and Eru Ilúvatar reigns supreme. This deity has been described as “the All-Powerful” and “the One who is above all thrones for ever.” Using the Secret Fire, or Flame Imperishable, Eru Ilúvatar was able to create life. This extended from men, to elves, to dwarfs. However, the Ainur, or Holy Ones, would be the first beings that Eru Ilúvatar conceived. While Eru Ilúvatar doesn’t always get involved in the affairs of the living, he can work in mysterious ways. According to Tolkien, it was Eru Ilúvatar who made Gollum trip into the fires of Mount Doom, destroying the Ring.