Top 10 Most Powerful Marvel Characters We Haven't Seen Yet

#10: Wonder Man
If a hero is essentially immortal, you can bet they’ve got a rich powerset to back it up. Simon Williams, AKA Wonder Man, is basically made of ionic energy. This gives him a wide range of impressive abilities. On top of all your basic superhuman attributes, he can teleport, alter his form, generate force blasts, and heal from literally anything. Simon has actually come very close to appearing in the MCU. Originally, Nathan Fillion portrayed him in a cut cameo for “Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2.” The actor then went on to voice him in two episodes of Hulu’s “M.O.D.O.K.” It would be wonderful if Fillion brought this formidable hero to live-action.
#9: Blue Marvel
Adam Brashear grew up as a child prodigy. As an adult, he developed a reactor that could contact a space called Negative Zone in an attempt to utilize Anti-Matter as clean energy. But the reactor exploded instead. In the aftermath, he gained incredible powers and became Blue Marvel. Beyond being nearly invulnerable and aging slowly, he can absorb and manipulate antimatter energy, fire stunning blasts, and project a forcefield. His only apparent weakness is a substance called Neutronium that the average bad guy will have trouble finding. Brashear’s creator Kevin Grevioux has hinted that he’s in the same league as heroes like Thor and Hulk. If Blue Marvel ever came to the MCU, we’d love to see him spar with those Avengers.
#8: Galactus
Although we saw Galactus in 2007’s “Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer,” that appearance didn’t really do him justice. The movie did get one thing right though: the Devourer of Worlds is definitely something to be feared. His massive power levels came from merging with a cosmic entity. To maintain himself, Galactus must consume entire worlds. His powers include firing energy blasts, energy absorption, teleportation, telepathy, the ability to endow others with his powers. And Galactus can always just eat a planet if things aren't going his way. We know that Marvel Studios is working on a new “Fantastic Four” movie. In a few years, he may show up to give the team a terrifying welcome.
#7: Annihilus
Speaking of powerful villains linked to the Fantastic Four, Annihilus is another who frequently butts heads with Marvel’s first family. And with a name like that, you’d be right in assuming his power levels are pretty intimidating. This insectoid antagonist normally holds an oppressive rule over the Negative Zone.With help from the Cosmic Control Rod, Annihilus has control over cosmic energy, slows his aging drastically, and fires powerful blasts with a force of up to 10 megatons. He’s also constantly reborn no matter how many times he dies and can make most others feel fear. Since Annihilus is a villain with the persistent goal of conquering Earth, the MCU heroes better be ready to stop him.
#6: Sentry
When it comes to Robert Reynolds, AKA Sentry, it seems Marvel just grabbed as many A-list powers they could find and shoved them into one character. Like Captain America, Sentry got his powers from a special serum. But his experience gave him a ridiculous range of superpowers. Like Superman, Sentry can absorb energy from the sun to fuel himself. Sentry can also manipulate molecules, fly, teleport, has super strength, and is close to invulnerable. His ability to manipulate light let him fire energy blasts and go invisible. With this sweet set of powers, Sentry could demolish most opponents he comes up against.
#5: Molecule Man
Like many heroes before him, Owen Reece received his powers through contact with nuclear radiation in a scientific accident. The major difference is that his accident was orchestrated by extra-dimensional beings called the Beyonders for their own purposes. In any case, Reece is able to alter all matter and energy, basically reshaping the world as he sees fit. He can even create whole universes on a whim. Additionally, Reese’s abilities also let him travel through wormholes and produce energy blasts. But he really has no need for fighting. With a mere thought, Molecule Man can immediately change or even destroy just about anything. Even Galactus is afraid of him! That alone should tell you everything about how powerful Molecule Man is.
#4: Cyttorak
This ancient deity may not pose much of a direct threat to Earth because he was banished to another dimension long ago. But make no mistake, he is one powerful entity not to be trifled with. Cyttorak is immensely magical and able to lend his powers to others across dimensions. This is usually through some artifact or spell, like Doctor Strange’s Crimson Bands of Cyttorak. The villain’s Crimson Gem has also imbued wielders like Juggernaut with tremendous strength and abilities. He can even increase the power levels of his avatars if he so chooses. The multiverse is becoming more heavy of a focus in the MCU. So, we may get the appearance of Cyttorak or one of his dangerous avatars in the upcoming years.
#3: Mephisto
Although the Internet has speculated about a Mephisto appearance across multiple Phase 4 projects, he has yet to appear. It will be a monumental moment when he does though. Mephisto is one of several Devil-like antagonists in the Marvel roster. Ruling over a pocket dimension he calls Hell, he uses the humans’ knowledge of the Christian Devil to trick them into making deals. He can also shapeshift into other forms to get closer to his enemies. Marvel heroes like Spider-Man and Scarlet Witch have found themselves getting manipulated by Mephisto. But since he can use multiple forms of magic and regenerate, it would be hard for them to take him out. Mephisto is a devilishly powerful force to be reckoned with.
#2: The Beyonder
Since beyonders have the ability to reshape reality, they can basically do whatever they want. There was a time where one of these entities decided to pit various heroes and villains against each other in a Battle Royale for his own amusement. In order to set the stage, The Beyonder created an entire world. While his vast powers have shifted over the years, he has more than enough strength to see most heroes as insignificant. The Beyonder was a major part of the Secret Wars storyline in the comics. And recent movies like “Dr. Strange and the Multiverse of Madness” have hinted that the plot is coming to the MCU. None of the live-action Avengers will be prepared for the Beyonder’s abilities.
#1: One-Above-All
Of all the cosmic beings in Marvel, One-Above-All is by far the most powerful. They created the entire multiverse of endless worlds. Fortunately for evildoers, One-Above-All doesn’t usually intervene in any conflicts and embodies love and life instead of destruction. They have been known to give a little help and warm advice to heroes. In one case, One-Above-All also appeared in the form of a human comic book writer amongst superpowered beings. Given that they are a literal deus ex machina whose powers can’t begin to be measured, it’s unlikely they’ll appear regularly in the MCU. But there’s always a chance One Above All could pop up in a surprising form to give a hero enough strength to keep fighting.