Top 10 Most Powerful Pokemon Trainers

#10: Ash Ketchum
From humble beginnings in Pallet Town to a League Champ, Ash has slowly grown into a trainer to be reckoned with. He’s obtained over fifty gym badges, conquered the Battle Frontier, reached Ultra Class in the World Coronation Series, and all that’s just the tip of the Avalugg. His real crowning achievement is his victory against Gladion in the Manalo Conference finals to become the Alolan League Champion. Sure, he’s not without his fair share of losses across the lengthy series, but given his recent successes, we’re confident he could beat most of the rivals he’s lost to in the past. If anything, he deserves this spot for his sheer perseverance alone.
#9: Iris
This spunky dragon tamer proved herself a more than capable battler as Ash’s companion throughout the Unova region. While it’s no small feat to befriend a Dragonite or clash with a gym leader, it’s her recent showing in the World Coronation Series that have cemented her spot as one of the series top trainers. Here, Iris has taken the mantle as Champion of the Unova region, and has grown strong enough to give even Ash, who at this point is a League Champion himself, a run for his money. Since she’s still on her own quest to become a Dragon Master, we wouldn’t be surprised if this is only the start for her.
#8: Raihan
This Galarian gym leader practically earns his rank on precedent alone, since he’s the self-proclaimed rival of Leon himself. While their matches haven’t gone the way Raihan would like, the fact he can hold his own against the world-renowned trainer at all is a massive feat. If his showings against the Galarian Champion weren’t enough, he’s also a Master Class in the World Coronation Series, besting the rank of other top trainers like Ash or Iris. He may just be a gym leader, but it’s safe to say his Duraludon can exchange Gigantamax blows with the best of them.
#7: Diantha
The scariest part of this Kalos Champion isn’t her rank, but that she can communicate with her Mega Gardevoir with just a look. She may spend most of her time undercover from the spotlight of being a famous movie star, but that hasn’t seemed to dull her battling skills one bit. In every appearance she’s made thus far, she’s only ever had to use her Gardevoir to win, even in her two bouts against Ash. Not even his powered-up Ash-Greninja could topple this Champ and her mighty Mega evolution. Diantha might be a movie star, but she deserves attention for more than just her acting.
#6: Steven Stone
If Mega Pokemon weren’t scary enough to battle, this silver-haired trainer’s Metagross is one of the strongest. To rub salt in the wound, it's shiny, too. With that combination, it’d be easy to win most fights on fear alone. Intimidation factor aside, this trainer is no joke, and quickly mops the floor with Team Flare when their nefarious plan threatens the Kalos region. Only the legendary Pokemon itself seems a match for him and his Mega-evolved partner. His skills on display are a far cry from his anime debut as an archaeologist in the Hoenn region - and so, we’ll nominate Steven as most improved.
#5: Brandon
While the Battle Frontier offered no shortage of tough trainers for Ash to overcome, none of them posed a threat quite like Brandon. It took Ash three tries to best this Pyramid Head in battle, and that was only after bringing in what is arguably his strongest team - composed of original heavy-hitters like Charizard, Squirtle, Bulbasaur, and Pikachu. It’s no wonder Brandon gave Ash such a hard time; after all, he’s partnered with all three legendary Regis of the Hoenn region. If he had gone all-out and used each of them in his final match against Ash, we have a feeling it might have been a different story. Let’s hope, for Ash’s sake, they never have to rematch.
#4: Tobias
Becoming Pokemon League Champion isn’t supposed to be this easy. In what is still an unbelievable feat, this mysterious, cloaked trainer made it to the semi-finals of the Lily of the Valley Conference with just a Darkrai. Even Ash, utilizing a collection of his strongest Pokemon thus far, could only take down a single one of Tobias’ party members. And yet, that’s farther than anyone else got in the entire conference. By sweeping the finals again with just a Darkrai, Tobias put himself on the map as one of the toughest trainers in the entire franchise, and all without even showing two thirds of his team.
#3: Cynthia
It’s no surprise to anyone who’s had the displeasure of facing this Sinnoh Champion in battle that she’s ranked as a Master Class in the World Coronation Series. If there was a trophy for longest winning streak, Cynthia’s may already be collecting dust on a shelf since she’s either won or tied every match she’s been in to date. You can attribute this staggering record to the lethal combination of her Garchomp alongside Cynthia’s uncanny ability to maximize any Pokemon’s potential. For all the praises we sang about Tobias, given that Cynthia is still the Sinnoh Champion in future seasons, it’s implied that she’s even stronger than he is.
#2: Lance
The Champion that started it all back in the Indigo League has proven to be one of the franchises strongest. Power-creep hasn’t seemed to catch up to this Dragonite-savante yet, since he boasts being a part of the legendary Masters Eight, the top group of Pokemon Trainers across the globe. In the World Coronation Series, he earned an astounding second place finish, which puts him at a rank higher than most all his contemporaries. For the original Champion who’s animated appearances have been slim, it’s impressive that Lance singlehandedly demonstrates Kanto is still a region of worthy competitors.
Before we unveil our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions.
#1: Leon
The track record here speaks for itself. When your battle history includes victories over the likes of Raihan, Lance, and legendary Pokemon, it’s hard to argue you’re not the absolute best. The Galarian Champion is currently ranked number 1 in the World Coronation Series, and it’s easy to see why. Be it world-ending threats, thwarting evil teams, or even battling fellow League Champions, Leon has come out on top every single time. Given his flawless record against even the best of the best, it’s hard to imagine anyone dethroning him as the strongest trainer around any time soon.