Top 10 Most Powerful Versions of Godzilla

Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for the strongest versions of Godzilla across media. Beware of minor spoilers ahead. What’s your all-time favorite version of The G Man? Let us know in the comments?
#10: Shin Godzilla
“Shin Godzilla” (2016)
This variant of the kaiju is certainly impressive, at least on the surface. It helps that this G Man had the ability to evolve over time. As a result, it grew in size, stature and power throughout the story. By the end of “Shin Godzilla,” the monster’s atomic breath is awe-inspiring, and his destructive capabilities more than menacing. However, the fact that Shin Godzilla seems to require frequent rest periods makes him a little less intimidating than others. We also haven’t seen this kaiju go up against any big beasts. While facing the Japanese Self-Defense Forces is no walk in the park, we’d like to see this Shin Godzilla in more stories to see what it’s really capable of.
#9: Hanna-Barbera’s Version
“Godzilla” (1978-81)
We know what you guys may be thinking: how seriously can we possibly take a version of the kaiju that was created for kids back in the late ‘70s? Well, before you discount him, allow us to give you his resume. This old school and hand-drawn Godzilla had all the powers and strengths you expect from the character. What makes it more impressive was the fact that it was constantly forced to face off against towering enemies. These included The Magnetic Monster, which clocked in at over four-hundred feet tall. As a result, the Hanna-Barbera Godzilla has a time-tested mettle, as well as a stature that dwarfs the Showa and Millennium variants. In short, you shouldn’t underestimate this kid-friendly Kaiju.
#8: Millennium Godzilla
“The Millennium Series” (1999-2004)
While his iteration of Big G may not be the biggest one ever seen, it definitely arrived armed with serious perks. Millennium Godzilla left behind the comical goofiness of the Showa movies and built more upon the strength showcased throughout the Heisei Era of films. This version of the kaiju was smarter and more adaptable in combat. At times, it even utilized subterfuge to destroy its enemies. In films such as “Godzilla 2000,” the kaiju goads a monster into absorbing it. But when Godzilla gets in the right position, it blasts its foe away. It’s pretty scary to face off against a version of kaiju with both tactical skills and divine destruction powers.
#7: Heisei Godzilla
“The Heisei Era” (1984-95)
The Heisei period was one that marked a period of substantial growth for the kaiju. While the movies certainly varied in tone, the uniting factor was a continued “monster of the week” trend. During this period, Godzilla was continually tested by other kaiju that pushed his battle skills and special abilities to the limit. He’s also bigger and bulkier than average iterations of the character. And when pushed into a corner, this Godzilla possesses a take no prisoners approach to battle. The Heisei take on the kaiju feels like one that won’t yield to any opposition without one hell of a fight. This Godzilla truly earned the title of “King of the Monsters.”
#6: Burning Godzilla
“Godzilla vs. Destoroyah” (1995)
Ahead of this landmark film, it was announced that the kaiju would meet his end. But few could’ve expected how his impending doom could increase his power. During 1995’s “Godzilla vs. Destoroyah”, we meet Burning Godzilla. This version of the creature was dying due to the fact that a nuclear meltdown was happening within its own body. While this condition does prove fatal, he gains serious power too. Burning Godzilla has access to a Spiral Heat Ray that is absolutely terrifying. He can also emit nuclear waves and regenerate from serious blows. Additionally, Burning Godzilla’s actions are more frantic due to the fear and stress of his impending death. Its abilities and emotional turmoil make it one dangerous kaiju.
#5: IDW Godzilla
“IDW Comics” (2011-)
Like many other popular characters, this creature’s origins and adventures have been expanded upon in other forms of media. The IDW Comics built around Godzilla happened to construct a G Man that had a seriously impressive resume. This iteration of Godzilla shakes the ground, ignores damage, and can defeat nearly any monster that comes his way. The IDW Comics Godzilla also possesses abilities like a Nuclear Pulse. On top of that, its “Fusion” mode gives it powers and strength on par with Burning Godzilla itself. [1] The fact that the IDW version can do what another variant can only do while dying is seriously badass. This Godzilla definitely rules the written page.
#4: Marvel Comics Godzilla
“Godzilla” (1977-)
The Marvel Comics iteration of the kaiju is another expanded universe take that’s insanely powerful. “How powerful,” you may ask? Well, how about powerful enough to take on heavyweights like The X-Men, The Fantastic 4, and The Avengers? Marvel Godzilla is so overpowered that Mr. Fantastic shrinks the beast down and sends him through time to be safe! This Godzilla stares down superheroes like Thor and The Incredible Hulk without fear. To be fair, it seems as if nothing can overcome G’s attack ability and defense. Nothing, that is, except a young man named Robert Takiguchi. He sends Godzilla away via…well, by just asking him nicely, believe it or not. It’s good to see that this incredibly powerful kaiju respects politeness!
#3: Legendary Godzilla
“The MonsterVerse franchise” (2014-)
It had been a while since America had nearly ruined the reputation of an iconic character with the disastrous 1998 edition. Fortunately, the Monstervese version of Godzilla fixed the mistakes of the past and then some. This Legendary variant is one of the largest and beefiest Godzillas in the character’s history. His demeanor is also more animalistic and feral than usual in these films. Godzilla’s atomic breath, tremendous strength and ability to supercharge with radiation help him hunt. He’s also bested multiple big bad kaijus. Most notably, he was able to conquer Kong in a one on one. Once we saw this Godzilla unseat a fellow royal, we knew we were dealing with a whole new beast.
#2: Final Wars Godzilla
“Godzilla: Final Wars” (2004)
The world of professional wrestling has a term for when performers react to an opponent’s maneuver as if it had no effect. This term is “no selling,” and the kaiju from “Godzilla: Final Wars” is an expert at this sort of behavior. During “The Final Wars” film, literally everything except the kitchen sink is thrown at Godzilla, without any effect. Practically every foe from the past is set against the creature. However, Final Wars Godzilla is so sturdy and resilient that they all barely register as obstacles. Such is the sturdiness of this absolute beast. Opponents like Anguirus and King Caesar get tossed aside like trash. Even King Ghidorah and Gigan never feel like true threats to this ridiculously overpowered and seemingly unstoppable Godzilla.
#1: Godzilla Earth
“Godzilla: Planet of Monsters Trilogy” (2017-18)
Here’s a question: what happens when a monster is too resilient, aggressive, and unpredictable to touch? If you’re humanity in this series, you abandon your home planet completely and leave it all to Godzilla Earth. This God-Like being is overpowered to the Nth degree. Furthermore, he only continues to evolve after the planet is abandoned. The monster’s famous atomic breath turns into a beam capable of intergalactic destruction. Godzilla’s size also reached over a thousand feet. And when it comes to his appetite for destruction, he’s always hungry. Godzilla Earth is a creature that rightfully fears nothing. Even the most powerful of monsters and weapons feel inadequate. As a result, he’s firmly established himself as an apex Godzilla.