Top 10 Most Rewatched Cartoon Network Scenes

#10: Copycats
“The Amazing World of Gumball” (2011-19)
Few animated shows approach meta-humor with more wit than “Gumball.” For example, the fourth wall is nonexistent when the Wattersons run out of money, causing reality to collapse in a sequence so inventive we always have to rewind to watch. In another meta episode, the Wattersons confront a family of copycats. The families prove to be equally matched, but we all know who the originals are. Just as the doppelgängers repeat everything the Wattersons do, the episode is full of rewatchable moments. The highlight is a musical number where the Watersons encourage the other family to be original. The message is lost on the copycats, though. The episode is only made funnier knowing that there really is a “Gumball” knockoff called “Miracle Star,” adding to the replay value.
#9: Bubbles as Mojo Jojo
“The Powerpuff Girls” (1998-2005)
Parodying poorly dubbed anime and Japanese movies, everything that comes out of Mojo Jojo’s mouth is a laugh riot. The only thing funnier than Mojo Jojo himself is Bubbles channeling the calculating chimpanzee. A head injury leads the sugary Powerpuff Girl to believe that she’s Mojo Jojo. Just like Mojo, Bubbles can’t sum something up in one simple sentence. She finds various ways to repeat herself in an adorably menacing manner. Bubbles’ dialogue may be repetitive, even to the point that the real Mojo grows annoyed with her. We get a kick out of every drawn-out monologue, though, ensuring multiple rewatches. It’s also a testament to Tara Strong’s versatility as a voice actress, playing the cute Bubbles playing the evil Mojo Jojo.
#8: Ben Turns Into Swampfire
“Ben 10: Alien Force” (2008-10)
We easily could’ve populated this list with nothing but “Ben 10” transformations, although we suppose that would do the other Cartoon Network shows a disservice. If we had to single out the transformation that we rewatch the most, it’d have to be Swampfire. “Alien Force” kicked off with a lineup of new forms for a now-teenage Ben to choose from. We were all pumped to see which alien he’d select first, and Swampfire doesn’t disappoint. Bad smell aside, Swapfire quickly establishes what he’s capable of as Ben enters a long-awaited rematch against Kevin Levin. Marking the beginning of a new Omnitrix era, it’s no wonder why we keep coming back to this rousing scene. On top of that, we can never get enough Swampfire.
#7: Breaking Reality
“Ed, Edd n Eddy” (1999-2009)
The Eds have had some surreal experiences, including a bonkers roller coaster ride. In an especially trippy episode, reality as they know it breaks. On a quest for knowledge, the Eds find that their world operates on cartoon logic. A flat background can literally be a flat drawing, a character without an outline is just a puddle of colors, and a giant pencil can burst one’s bubble. Their trip is packed with so much bizarre imagery that any animation fan will want to study every frame of it. This is a sequence that you’ll pause, rewind, and play in slow-motion. We’re still not entirely sure if this was real or imagined, but that’s all the more reason to keep rewatching.
#6: Omelette du Fromage
“Dexter’s Laboratory” (1996-2003)
Cramming for a French exam, Dexter limits his vocabulary to one phrase: “Omelette du Fromage.” This turns out to be a blessing in disguise, as Dexter not only aces the test, but these three little words lead to fame and fortune. The downside is that his lab is consequently destroyed in a hilariously bleak ending. (Fun fact, the proper way to say “cheese omelet” in French is actually “Omelette au Fromage.”) If you grew up rewatching this episode, however, “Omelette du Fromage” is forever ingrained into your head. We can listen to Dexter repeat this line over and over again without ever growing tired of it. Maybe it’s the line, maybe it’s Dexter’s delivery, but there’s something about “Omelette du Fromage” that has us returning for multiple helpings.
#5: Exit 9B Battle
“Regular Show” (2010-17)
The Season 4 premiere of “Regular Show” went all out, bringing back an assortment of characters for an epic battle. It’s like “Endgame” before “Endgame” existed. Death, the God of Basketball, and the Guardians of Eternal Youth are just some of the familiar faces who align with the park regulars. The opposing army is led by Garrett Bobby Ferguson Jr., who has enlisted the Night Owl, the Urge, and numerous other foes. There are so many references to previous episodes that you need to watch this action sequence a few times to catch them all. Of course, nobody could miss the kaiju-styled fight between Giant Susan and the Baby Ducks. Although the scene is heavy on callbacks, it’s newcomer Thomas who delivers the final blow.
#4: Return the Slab
“Courage the Cowardly Dog” (1999-2002)
Courage regularly crosses paths with creepy figures, but few stood out like King Ramses. Part of that’s because Ramses was among the only characters to be CG-animated. This gave the Egyptian pharaoh an otherworldly sentiment in an already surreal show. While not as cutting-edge as today’s CG, the primitive feel arguably adds to the eeriness, years later. In any case, his echoing voice still gives us chills. He may haunt your dreams, but Ramses also brings out the part of us that enjoys being scared. Ramses’ first scene where he threatens Eustace conjures so much morbid curiosity that one can’t help but rewatch it. Likewise, we’ll never be able to get “The Man in Gauze” out of our heads, which may be the real curse.
#3: Crystal Gems Fuse Into Obsidian
“Steven Universe” (2013-19)
We saw a variety of fusions throughout “Steven Universe,” but some of the coolest were saved for the Season 5 finale. In a showdown that the entire series had been building towards, Steven fuses with Pearl for the first time, as well as Garnet. The most applause-worthy moment, however, was the fusion of all four main Crystal Gems. Together, they make the colossal Obsidian, although the Diamond Mech still towers above all. Fortunately, Obsidian isn’t alone, as Bismuth, Connie, Lapis, and Peridot all get in on the action. Obsidian still steals the show with a massive sword. While this scene had us cheering, seeing Steven fuse with himself had us crying a river. As different as they are, both moments proved infinitely rewatchable.
#2: Time Adventure
“Adventure Time” (2010-18)
From one climactic battle to another, the Great Gum War offers no shortage of thrilling, shocking, and satisfying moments. As action-packed as the finale is, it’s one of the quieter moments that actually particularly sticks out.. Rebecca Sugar, who worked on “Adventure Time” before creating “Steven Universe,” returned to write the “Time Adventure” song. Led by BMO, this nostalgic tune reminds us that just because something ends, it never truly disappears. As everyone else joins together in harmony, GOLB’s minions are weakened. This allows Finn and Simon to escape while Betty makes a tear-jerking sacrifice that protects the Land of Ooo. Music has always been an integral part of “Adventure Time,” so it’s only fitting that a soothing song saves the day.
Before we unveil our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions.
Joker’s Manic Laugh, “Justice League” (2001-04)
This Is Definitely in the Top 3 Mark Hamill Laughs
No Glasses, “Johnny Bravo” (1997-2004)
So That’s What Johnny’s Pupils Look Like
Grandpa Space Ghost Takes Over, “Space Ghost Coast to Coast” (1994-2004; 2006-08)
This Show Needed More Randy Savage
Scrappy-Doo, “Scooby-Doo! Mystery Incorporated” (2010-13)
Some Characters Are Better Left Forgotten
Ben Turns Into Heatblast, “Ben 10” (2005-08)
We Couldn’t Resist Highlighting One More Transformation
#1: Jack’s Father vs. Aku
“Samurai Jack” (2001-04; 2017)
Although Jack’s return home was an event sixteen years in the making, the finale technically aired on Adult Swim. But before the final season, most fans would agree that “The Birth of Evil” was the show’s finest hour. This Emmy-winning 2-parter goes back to the past, revealing the origins of Aku and how Jack’s father accidentally released him. Jack’s father seeks redemption by facing the shape-shifting demon with a magic sword gifted by the gods. What ensues is a masterclass of storyboarding, production design, and animation in general. Any frame from this enthralling fight could be hung in a museum of modern art. Once it’s over, any viewer will feel that they’ve watched something truly important, and any scene that evokes that... warrants an encore.