Top 10 Most Savage Emily Gilmore Moments

The Gilmore matriarch has a sharp tongue and she isn't afraid to use it! For this list, we're looking at the funniest, most cutting and snarkiest things Emily did throughout the show and in “Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life”. What is your favourite Emily Gilmore moment?
#10: When She Originally Suggested Friday Night Dinners
In the very first scene where we meet Emily, in the pilot episode, she establishes herself with the audience as a woman not to be messed with. Laying down the law, she founds one of the basic tenants of the show - Friday night dinners. When Lorelai comes to her parents asking for help with Rory’s private school tuition, her father is quick to grab the cheque book. Emily on the other hand, knows an opportunity when she sees one and adds the condition that they’ll only help Lorelai financially if they can have an active role in her life. Lorelai is cornered, but because she’ll do anything for Rory, a family tradition is born.
#9: When She May Have Had an Aneurysm
“Cinnamon’s Wake”
Another great moment from the show’s first season, this scene highlights just how much disdain Emily has for the charming quirks of Stars Hollow. While Rory and Lorelai (and the fans!) might love the small town’s kooky residents, Emily doesn’t have patience for their quirky brand of nonsense. So when Lorelai tells her that she hasn’t been available all day because she was at a cat’s funeral, Emily is ready with some serious sass. Perhaps Lorelai should have gone to the actual human funeral that day, but hey, when in Stars Hollow!
#8: When She Freaked Out About Richard’s Vest
“We Got Us a Pippi Virgin!”
One of the most heartbreaking storylines in “Gilmore Girls” takes place when Emily and Richard go through a trial separation. It brings out the worst in both of them, as they’re both feeling hurt and confused. Emily does some pretty rash things but one of the funniest comes when she finds an excuse to go snooping around the pool house where Richard has been staying. She comes across an item of clothing, a “party vest” as she calls it, that she can’t imagine the husband she knows either owning or wearing, and goes off on a tirade about it that we won’t soon forget.
#7: When She Condescends to Luke
“You Jump, I Jump, Jack”
When Luke and Lorelai officially start dating, the time finally comes for Luke to attend a dinner with Emily and naturally, viewers were terrified to see how the evening would unfold. Knowing the Gilmores’ slightly classist upper-class attitude, Lorelai bringing home a diner owner was admittedly a risky move. While Emily’s outward countenance is so sweet it’s almost saccharine, any Gilmore expert knows exactly what’s going on underneath the surface. Under the guise of politeness, Emily manages to condescend to Luke at every turn, offering him a beer and talking about how “rustic” diners are. Honestly, this could have gone a lot worse!
#6: When She Has a Full-On Meltdown
“The Reigning Lorelai”
When Richard’s beloved mother, (also named Lorelai, but known affectionately as Trix), passes away, he is understandably devastated. Emily takes up the task of arranging her affairs and planning her funeral, but in the process comes across a letter where Trix tried to convince Richard to leave her before their wedding. The revelation sends her into a downward spiral, hilariously culminating in a moment where Lorelai finds her smoking and drinking in a kimono during the day. She is clearly bitter, but her ruthless attitude is absolutely hilarious. You definitely do not want to get on Emily’s bad side.
#5: When She Joked About Nazis
“Cinnamon’s Wake”
Friday night dinners are usually when Lorelai pulls out her best material, regaling anyone at the table with her jokes, quips and impressions. On this particular occasion, she makes a snide remark about her father’s firm insuring Nazis and Emily doesn’t understand the joke, responding that they don’t know any Nazis. Minutes later when the topic has changed completely, Emily recalls that she and Richard did in fact know a Nazi who they stayed with in Munich once. When met with disdain and blank stares, she fires back that that was a joke. Well played Emily, well played.
#4: When She Told Richard to Buy Her a Boa
“Say Goodbye to Daisy Miller”
While Richard and Emily are separated, Emily is even crazier than usual, and this scene is arguably the absolute pinnacle of her manic nature. Emily is looking for her European luggage so that she can get as far away from Richard as possible and when her estranged husband questions her plans, she comes back at him with one of the funniest retorts in the history of the show.The fact that this all ends with her getting locked in her own basement and flaunting the fact that she can crawl out the window in her underwear is just the cherry on top.
#3: When She Told the Sweetie Story
“The Reigning Lorelai”
One Friday night dinner in season four, Emily sadly announces that one of her oldest friends, Sweetie, has passed away. Lorelai asks how she got the nickname Sweetie, given that her real name was Melinda, and Emily explains that it’s just because she was sweet. When Lorelai is visibly unsatisfied with this answer, Emily launches into hilarious made-up story about how Sweetie got her name. It involves a hollowed out tree trunk, shoes made of newspaper and a dill pickle but honestly, a summary can’t do it justice, so we’ll just let you listen to it yourself.
#2: When She Turned on the DAR
Of the three Gilmore girls, Emily arguably goes through the biggest transformation in the revival “A Year in the Life”. After Richard’s death, Emily is left moorless, unsure of where her life will go now that she is a widow. By the final episode, she blows up at a Daughters of the American Revolution meeting, calling everything we knew about her into question. She calls the organization out on everything they’re guilty of, and her repeated refrain of “bullshit” is both hilarious and totally cutting. We’ve gotta say, we love where this character is going. She’s always been savage, but rarely had she ever put that naturally ability to such good use.
#1: When She Attacked Shira Huntzberger
"We've Got Magic to Do"
In the show’s sixth season (and the last written by the original creator), Rory is struggling after her dreams of being a journalist are dashed by her boyfriend’s father, Mitchum Huntzberger. Before this episode, Emily and Richard didn’t know exactly what happened between Rory and the Huntzbergers, but when they find out the truth, each of them goes on the attack in the best way they know how. Emily is not one to make a scene at an important function, but the way she confronts Shira is mercilessly vicious, though totally warranted.