Top 10 Most Shocking Disney Channel Fan Theories

#10: Phineas & Ferb Didn’t Exist
“Phineas and Ferb” (2007-15)
The titular step-brothers on this show lived their best lives, building things and having an all-around good time. Their adventures often seemed to rub their sister Candace the wrong way, though. More than that, she usually had a hard time getting her mom to believe her when she tried to expose their antics. As a result, many fans of the show believe that Phineas and Ferb were just figments of Candace’s imagination. More specifically, it’s been said that the real Phineas had passed away, and that Candace kept him alive in her mind to cope with the loss. It’s a somber theory, to put it mildly.
#9: Jessie Was Bailey
“The Suite Life on Deck” (2008-11) & “Jessie” (2011-15)
Bailey Pickett and Jessie Prescott were two characters with seemingly distinct and unrelated lives and backstories from “The Suite Life on Deck” and “Jessie”, respectively. But both were brought to life by Debby Ryan, leading some fans to theorize that Bailey had started a new life as Jessie. Mr. Moseby’s appearance in an episode of “Jessie” seemed to disprove the claim, since he and the title character acted as though they had never met before. Still, even our favorite hotel manager couldn’t ignore the freaky resemblance! Their interaction proved that the two shows were part of the same world. Maybe Bailey was just really committed to her new identity?
#8: Kelly & Jennifer Were in Love
“Cadet Kelly” (2002)
The easygoing Kelly Collins and authoritative Jennifer Stone didn’t exactly get along when they first met in “Cadet Kelly.” The characters spent a lot of time clashing, and things got intense. But numerous fans believe that the tension between the pair was a sign that they had feelings for each other. The movie presented a male romantic interest for the girls, but it always felt like a secondary subplot. Meanwhile, there was no denying the chemistry between Kelly and Jennifer, as they argued and ultimately came to understand each other better. The romantic energy between the duo may have been unintentional, but we’re pretty sure “Kellifer” shippers are here to stay!
#7: “High School Musical” Was an Actual Musical
“High School Musical” franchise (2006-08)
Most people don’t use song and dance as their main forms of communication. What if the teens in “High School Musical” didn’t either? If Redditor “Rockaface” is correct, the movies were depicting one giant musical. In other words, everything from Sharpay’s schemes, to Troy and Gabriella’s love story, to the musicals we saw them put on were part of a play. “Rockaface” had proof, too. At the end of the third film, the main characters watched the curtain close, jumped up in front of it, and took a bow before the final curtain appeared. Whether that was their way of saying farewell or a clue confirming the theory is for you to decide.
#6: Lizzie Was Dealing with a Mental Health Condition
“Lizzie McGuire” (2001-04)
One of the best parts of “Lizzie McGuire” was the little animated Lizzie, who acted as a window into our protagonist’s mind. A Reddit post from “theodore_boozevelt” suggests that she was more than just a cute storytelling device. Indeed, it’s been speculated that Lizzie was actually dealing with a mental health condition, and that her cartoon mini-me was just a symptom. But there’s more. Remember how the movie featured one especially noticeable absence? The token excuse aside, there’s speculation that Miranda too may have been an extension of Lizzie’s imagination. To suggest that Lizzie’s perception wasn’t reflective of reality undoubtedly paints the whole series in a completely different light.
#5: Kim Was Genetically Altered
“Kim Possible” (2002-07)
Have you ever wondered how Kim Possible was able to kick butt on missions, find time to socialize, and excel at school? We’re tired just thinking about it, yet she never seemed to break a sweat. It all felt like a lot for a regular human being, let alone a growing teenage girl. Well, if Redditor “nachonaco” is to be believed, our protagonist wasn’t a normal adolescent, but rather a genetically engineered or modified one. Kim’s DNA being tweaked would certainly help explain her athleticism, energy, and strength. After all, not many people could naturally accomplish half of what she did in a day.
#4: Raven’s Visions Weren’t Real
“That’s So Raven” (2003-07)
Raven Baxter was a teenage psychic. Or was she? One redditor seemingly wasn’t content with the idea that the show’s protagonist could see the future thanks to her genetics. So they came up with a story that flips the premise of “That’s So Raven” on its head. According to their hypothesis, Raven had suffered unspeakable trauma as a child, and her “visions” were merely hallucinations. What’s more, the user speculates that her brother Cory never survived birth, and that she was simply imagining him throughout the course of the show. As far as fan theories go, this is definitely one of the darkest ones out there.
#3: Magic Weakened Brains
“Wizards of Waverly Place” (2007-12)
The Russo siblings, especially Max and Alex, often found themselves in hot water after misusing magic. It was usually because they hadn’t thought their plans through. Is it possible that there was a more sinister side effect involved, though? According to one fan theory, the more magic wizards used, the more feeble their minds became. We have to admit, it’s not the wildest idea. When the Russos used their powers, their brains arguably got a break. So it would stand to reason that if they went overboard, their minds would progressively weaken. The eldest sibling Justin practiced wizardry relatively sparingly and responsibly, and he was usually the intellectual of the group, so it makes sense!
#2: London Went to Hogwarts
“The Suite Life of Zack & Cody” (2005-08)
It’s safe to say that London Tipton wasn’t always the sharpest tool in the shed, often coming across as clueless and naive. We typically blamed it on her wealthy and privileged background shielding her from life’s realities. And most of us accepted that explanation — but not all of us. Picture this instead: London Tipton was a witch who attended the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. As such, she was having a hard time adjusting to Muggle norms. That’s what a popular Tumblr theory surmises. It would be an unexpected crossover, but one that we’d love to see confirmed at some point!
#1: Miley’s Blonde Wig Was Magic
“Hannah Montana” (2006-11)
We had a lot of fun watching Miley get the “best of both worlds.” But it always seemed a little odd that nobody could tell she was pop superstar Hannah Montana. Putting on one blonde wig shouldn’t suddenly make you unidentifiable, right? Well, what if it wasn’t just any blonde wig? Some fans think the pivotal hairpiece actually had the power to entrance people, so that they literally couldn’t figure out Hannah Montana’s true identity. Granted, a magical wig sounds a little nonsensical. But the alternative is that none of Miley’s peers had ever actually looked at her, so maybe it’s not that far-fetched!