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VOICE OVER: Phoebe de Jeu WRITTEN BY: Francesca LaMantia
We could watch the most shocking moments on "The 100" 100 times. Our countdown includes Bellamy backs pike, Madi becomes Commander, Lexa's betrayal, and more!

#10: Bellamy Backs Pike
“Watch the Thrones”

Bellamy may have grown into a thoughtful leader after his time on the ring, but earlier in the show, he was an angry young man who led with his heart first. While he always had some darkness in him, when he supports Pike, he goes really dark. He participates in slaughtering a Grounder army that was sent to protect them, people who trusted him. In doing so, he also betrays Clarke and his own sister. And as a result of his actions, Lincoln is sentenced to death. Of all the bad things that Bellamy has done, this is right up there with the worst. It was devastating to hear him chanting for Pike.

#9: Mount Weather’s Experiments
“Inclement Weather”

From the second she woke up in the hospital bed of that creepy white room, Clarke knew that something sketchy was going on in Mount Weather. But no one could have imagined just how horrifying the truth was. We’re talking cages full of Grounders, medically tortured Reapers, and bodies drained for their blood and bone marrow. The Mountain Men were planning on draining the 100 for their bone marrow in order to create a cure for radiation so that they could return to the ground. If we didn’t see it all for ourselves we wouldn’t have believed it.

#8: Madi Becomes Commander
“Sic Semper Tyrannis”

It's not so much the FACT that Madi becomes Commander - which we could kind of see coming from the way the season was going. It’s more the WAY she becomes Commander. Bellamy suggests the idea that to take Octavia out of play, they give Madi the flame hoping that the Grounders will shift their loyalty. But he goes against Clarke’s wishes to protect her daughter, knowing that it will put a target on the young girl’s back. He even locks Clarke down so she can’t stop them. He gives Madi the illusion that it’s her choice, but if we’re being honest, he romanticizes the whole thing to sway her to accept the flame. Such a betrayal.

#7: Clarke Mercy Kills Finn

Finn had become a champion for peace and cooperation in season one, but after war with the Grounders he changed drastically. In fact, he even massacred an unarmed Grounder village in his search for Clarke. When Murphy is disgusted by what you’re doing, you know something is wrong. Lexa sentences Finn to death by torture to pay for the innocent lives he took, and Finn turns himself in to spare his friends her vengeance. But Clarke kills him first in order to spare HIM the suffering. No one was expecting this. The look on Lexa's face, and Raven's cries pretty much say it all.

#6: Charlotte Kills Wells, Then Pays the Ultimate Price
“Earth Kills”/”Murphy’s Law”

It seemed like Wells was going to be a major player in the story, but with some misunderstood advice from Bellamy, Charlotte kills him in an attempt to slay her demons. She has night terrors, dreaming about her parents being floated, and she misguidedly takes it out on the chancellor's son. After Murphy gets blamed for the murder, Charlotte confesses to the crime. And to prevent anyone else from suffering, she … jumps off a cliff! Such a dramatic arc so early on set the tone for just how dark this show was ready to go.

#5: Hope Accidentally Kills Her Mother
“A Little Sacrifice”

Charmaine did everything she could to become a good person for her daughter while they were on Penance. But after Hope spent her formative years without her or Octavia, she became a very angry young woman. While on Bardo she becomes intent on killing everyone there for what they did to her family, and while her anger is understandable, she goes way too far. Stealing what’s basically a WMD, she tries to inject it into Bardo’s humidification system, which will leave everyone there crystalized. Diyoza does the only thing she can do to stop her and puts herself in the way. They only just reunited, and Hope has to watch her mother die right in front of her.

#4: Monty Shoots His Mom

When ALIE is taking over the minds of Grounders and Arkadians alike, Clarke and her friends are desperate to find a way to eradicate her. Simultaneously, Octavia is having an identity crisis feeling she no longer belongs with either group, but Monty reminds her that she’s one of the 100. When Monty's chipped mom finds where they are hiding she attacks and tries to kill Octavia. Unable to fight her off or reason with her, Monty is forced to shoot his own mom to save Octavia. Who knew Monty had that in him?

#3: Lexa’s Betrayal
“Blood Must Have Blood: Part 1”

The battle against the Mountain Men proved too formidable for either the 100 or the Grounders to take on alone. So they decide to form an alliance to save all of their people and defeat Mount Weather for good. In fact, the majority of season two was centered around building this alliance. So it was jaw dropping when in the eleventh hour, Lexa abandons them just as they’re about to storm the Mountain. She makes a deal with the Mountain Men to release all the captured Grounders if she betrays her alliance with Clarke. After all they’d been through together, this was an unexpected gut punch.

#2: Eat or Die
“The Dark Year”

We heard mention of the dark year several times throughout season five with no explanation, so by the time it was finally explained we were filled with anticipation. Realizing that they needed to resort to cannibalism to survive was shocking enough, but it was a heart dropping moment in the dining hall when Octavia forced people to eat. With Kane and others refusing, Abby had advised Octavia to make NOT eating a crime. You can see the conflict and torture in Octavia’s face as she executes her people in order to coerce the others.

Before we unveil our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions.

Jaha’s Sacrifice to the Sea
“Blood Must Have Blood: Part 2”

Clarke & Lexa Let the Bomb Drop On Tondc

The Culling
“Twilight’s Last Gleaming”

Bellamy Poisons Octavia
“How We Get to Peace”

Becca Abandons Her Ship to Be Destroyed

#1: The 100 Arrive at a New Planet
“Damocles: Part Two”

There have been a lot of surprises in this show, but the biggest has got to be when the 100 arrive at a new planet. They went into space to avoid a world ending bomb and had to stay until the Earth rejuvenated, but it never did. Thankfully, Monty and Harper stayed awake to set the others on a course to a new livable planet. Watching the videos of their time together on the ship is heartbreaking, and when the doors open to reveal Sanctum, well, Clarke and Bellamy's expressions pretty much say it all.
