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Top 10 Movie Psychopaths

Top 10 Movie Psychopaths
These people are anything but common criminals. Deranged, obsessive and murderous, there's no reason behind their actions, just pure instinct and compulsion. Join as we count down our picks for the top 10 movie psychopaths. Please be advised, this clip contains mature content. And just to keep some sanity in the ranking process, we've decided to omit supernatural psychopaths.

#10 – Max Cady: “Cape Fear” (1991)

Kicking off our list is the convicted rapist who’s out for revenge. Expertly played by Robert De Niro, this unhinged psychopath is dedicated to tormenting his ex-attorney – and he’ll try anything to do it; like good old-fashioned stalking, posing as his daughter’s teacher, brutal assault, outright murder and attempted rape aboard a houseboat. Already registering high on the piss-your-pants-o-meter, Cady even throws in some unsettling literary quotes for good measure.

#9 – Frank Booth: “Blue Velvet” (1986)

Dennis Hopper plays this sicko, who delights in treating people like playthings. Not only is he infamous for sadistically killing on a whim, as well as mutilating and sexually abusing his victims, Booth ramps up the creep-factor by drugging himself while committing abusive acts, so he loses all sense of reality. This makes him alternate between two personalities called “baby” and “Daddy.” Trust us: neither is the good guy.

#8 – Colonel Kurtz: “Apocalypse Now” (1979)

This iconic rogue Colonel is so affected by war and post-traumatic stress, he has gone off the rails deep in the Cambodian Jungle. Marlon Brando’s clinically insane Colonel operates independently, believing he has become a tribal god. Because of this, he thinks it’s well within his rights to dish out whatever punishment or rules he sees fit. However, his most bone-chilling asset is his way with monologues.

#7 – Alex: “A Clockwork Orange” (1971)

This juvenile delinquent may mislead you with his schoolboy charm, but he will singlehandedly change the way you feel about art and classical music. Malcolm McDowell’s Alex is a psychopathic gang leader who robs, assaults and rapes innocents at random for simple amusement. Violence makes him feel good, and no amount of brainwashing will ever change that. For him, insanity is only natural…

#6 – John Doe: “Se7en” (1997)

He stages horrific crimes around the seven deadly sins, and that’s what makes Kevin Spacey’s John Doe iconic. However, it’s his unsettling stillness and ability to rationalize homicidal actions with unflinching logic that make him super-creepy. It really does take a psycho to mutilate a model’s face or force-feed a fat guy till he bursts – but he does it all without pity or remorse, believing he serves God. Yeesh…

#5 – Patrick Bateman: “American Psycho” (2000)

Played by Christian Bale, this wealthy investment banker enjoys the finer things in life, like the standard Wall Street proclivities towards cocaine and porn – that is, while he’s not busy murdering prostitutes, coworkers and homeless bums. Bateman lives up to the film’s title by spiraling beyond self-obsession and slaughtering his victims with everything from a chainsaw to an axe, while making sure to maintain his falsified, yet delightful charm.

#4 – The Joker: “The Dark Knight” (2008)

This maniacal agent of anarchy is one of the most famous comic book villains ever, and the late Heath Ledger gave him a striking interpretation. This face-painted criminal with the Glasgow smile isn’t interested in riches or power: all he wants is chaos. Though he’s impulsive and violent, what really defines him as a psycho is his terrifying sense of humor, unsettling stories and cringe-worthy magic tricks…

#3 – Annie Wilkes: “Misery” (1990)

Seemingly cheerful, overly nice and caring Annie rescues a novelist from a storm in this iconic Stephen King horror story. But soon, the writer discovers the dark and deranged mind that lurks behind the smiles. In actuality, Annie is a bi-polar psychopath with a touch of paranoid schizophrenia, who’s more than happy to break your legs with a sledgehammer if it means her delirium is fed a little longer.

#2 – Norman Bates: “Psycho” (1960)

This character ushered in a new breed of modern horror movie killer. Anthony Perkins plays Norman Bates, a seemingly innocent young man hiding some serious mommy issues. A product of emotional abuse growing up, he has developed multiple personality disorder and a deep hatred for women he’s not related to. Long story short, when mommy isn’t happy, you’d better stay out of the shower.

#1 – Dr. Hannibal Lecter: “The Silence of the Lambs” (1991)

Taking the top spot on our list is the movie psychopath who would love to pick your brain. Proving there’s nothing scarier than a cannibal with a psychology degree, Lecter enjoys victims with a side of fava beans and a nice Chianti. Interestingly, he prefers to dine on people he finds rude, while playing therapist to his would-be meals. Only Lecter could be this unsettling while locked in a muzzle.

Do you agree with our list? Which movie psychopath are you glad that you’ll never cross paths with? For more entertaining top 10s, be sure to subscribe to

What About Baby Jane Hudson?
Javier Bardem (Aton) is missing here. He is a totally cracked badasss with devil smile. His hair his staring and his talking is so frightening. Its hard to believe that Aton is Javier.