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Top 10 Movie Quotes You Definitely Get Wrong

Top 10 Movie Quotes You Definitely Get Wrong
VOICE OVER: Rebecca Brayton
Written by Garrett Alden

Famous and iconic movie quotes that are referenced to a huge extent in popular culture, yet people consistently misquote and get them wrong. WatchMojo presents the top 10 movie quotes you are probably getting wrong. But what famous quote will make the top spot on our list? The famous 'beam us up' quote from Star Trek movie franchise, Darth Vader's proclamation of fatherhood in Star Wars, or Dirty Harry's menacing threat about feeling lucky? Watch to find out!

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Everybody knows these quotes... right? Welcome to and today we’ll be counting down our picks for the Top 10 Movie Quotes You Definitely Get Wrong.

For this list, we’re taking a look at classic lines from movies that people frequently misquote either due to paraphrasing, poor memory, or maybe even the Mandela Effect. Since many of these famous quotes come from important and iconic moments in film, a spoiler warning is now in effect.

#10: You're Gonna Need a Bigger Boat
“Jaws” (1975)

Aside from making everyone afraid to go back in the water, “Jaws” also gave us plenty of memorable quotes. Whenever something turns out to be more difficult or dangerous than it appears, people tend to take a page from this scene, saying, “We’re gonna need a bigger boat.” However, Roy Scheider’s Brody actually says, “You’re gonna need a bigger boat,” shortly after Jaws emerges from the water. Since this is a three-man operation, it arguably would’ve made more sense if Brody said, “we’re,” as apposed to “you’re.” Then again, Scheider improvised this line on the spot. So he probably didn’t have much time to think it through.

#9: Toto, I’ve a Feeling We’re Not in Kansas Anymore
“The Wizard of Oz” (1939)

Lions and tigers and misquotes, oh my! If ever someone winds up in a strange or unfamiliar place, chances are that this reference from “The Wizard of Oz” will be on the tip of their tongue. Since pop culture has a penchant for paraphrasing, it’s often assumed that Dorothy says, “Toto, I don’t think we’re in Kansas anymore.” Audiences have seemingly forgotten that her real line is, “Toto, I’ve a feeling we’re not in Kansas anymore.” Considering that this line made the American Film Institute’s list of the 100 greatest movie quotes, you’d think that Dorothy’s exact words would be etched into our brains. Even after countless viewings, though, audiences still can’t get it right.

#8: Magic Mirror on the Wall

“Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs” (1937)

“Snow White” is a perennial Disney classic. Our introduction to the Evil Queen is equally iconic, as the villainous says, “magic mirror on the wall, who is the fairest one of all?” Why then, do so many people say, “mirror, mirror?” Interestingly enough, people are technically getting the quote correct. It’s the film that actually got the line wrong. As with many of their fairytale adaptations, Disney took a number of liberties with “Snow White.” Substituting “mirror, mirror” with “magic mirror” was one of them. So in this case, everyone’s right and wrong.

#7: If You Build It, He Will Come
“Field of Dreams” (1989)

If ever someone needs to foreshadow something in an ominous or bizarre way, this is the favored misquote. In the film, Kevin Costner’s Ray builds a baseball field after a mysterious voice says, “If you build it, they will come.” At least that’s what most people think the voice says. The actual quote is “If you build it, he will come.” The individual the voice is speaking of plays a pivotal role in the film’s touching finale. Seeing how Ray’s field attracts multiple people, though, we can definitely see why this quote is often misinterpreted.

#6: Mrs. Robinson, You're Trying to Seduce Me…

“The Graduate” (1967)

“The Graduate” is a seminal film with a lot of iconic moments, including this one. Contrary to popular belief, however, Benjamin doesn’t ask, “Mrs. Robinson, are you trying to seduce me?” The real quote is, “Mrs. Robinson, you’re trying to seduce me. Aren’t you?” The misquote combines the accusation with the subsequent question, which, like a few of our other entries, just gets the gist across. Besides getting the particulars of the quote wrong, a lot of people also forget that Mrs. Robinson denies attempting to seduce Benjamin immediately afterwards.

#5: Play It, Sam
“Casablanca” (1942)

Even if you’ve never seen “Casablanca,” there’s little doubt that you’ve seen countless parodies of the film in popular culture. Oddly enough, though, every parody seems to get this quote wrong. The exact words, “play it again, Sam,” are never said in “Casablanca,” despite the phrase’s popularity with everyone, from Woody Allen to Tony Bennett. Additionally, although usually associated with Humphrey Bogart’s Rick, the real quotes, which are variations on “Play it” and “Play it, Sam,” are split between Rick and Ingrid Bergman’s Ilsa. But hey, “We’ll always have Paris.”

#4: Good Evening, Clarice

“The Silence of the Lambs” (1991)

Clarice Starling’s interactions with Hannibal Lecter are among the creepiest moments in cinematic history. Believe it or not, though, the imprisoned cannibal never says, “Hello, Clarice,” in “The Silence of the Lambs.” The real quote is, “Good evening, Clarice,” which leads us to believe that most people have generalized the greeting to make it easier to reference at any time of day. Granted, there is a scene in the 2001 sequel where Dr. Lecter says, “Why, hello Clarice.” Yet, it’s safe to assume that everyone associates this line with the original film.

#3: Scotty, Beam Us Up

“Star Trek” franchise (1966-)

A catchphrase that’s never been said by anyone… most illogical, wouldn’t you agree, Mr. Spock? Captain Kirk has said, “Scotty, beam us up,” “Scotty, beam us up,” and even “Beam them out of there, Scotty.” However, he never actually said, “Beam me up, Scotty,” in the original “Star Trek” series or the accompanying movies. This entry is yet another instance of a famous quote being born from a reordering of real quotes, almost like one of the franchise’s infamous transporter accidents. It does offer some nice context, though, and it’s certainly found its place in pop culture, with even George Takei getting in on the action.

#2: Do I Feel Lucky?

“Dirty Harry” (1971)

Clint Eastwood’s titular “Dirty” Harry Callahan makes an incredibly tense and badass speech in his first film, and variations on it in several sequels. He caps off the speech by saying, “you've gotta ask yourself one question: ‘Do I feel lucky?’ Well, do ya, punk?” Whenever this scene in parodied in movies, though, people usually just say, “Do you feel lucky, punk?” It’s definitely understandable why people have paraphrased this down to something that rolls off the tongue (or growls out between the teeth) easier. But hey, at least Jim Carrey got it right. Mostly.

Before we get to our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions:

Fasten Your Seatbelts, It's Going to Be a Bumpy Night
“All About Eve” (1950)

We Don’t Need No Badges

Misquote: We don’t need no stinking badges
“The Treasure of the Sierra Madre” (1948)

Jane. Tarzan. Jane. Tarzan.

Misquote: Me Tarzan, you Jane
“Tarzan the Ape Man” (1932)

#1: No, I Am Your Father
“Star Wars: Episode V – The Empire Strikes Back” (1980)

Remember that shocking moment when Darth Vader said the immortal words, “Luke, I am your father?” Well, guess what? He actually says, “No, I am your father.” The probable cause of this misquote is twofold. Part of it’s the need for context. “I am your father” is a fairly general phrase, but when somebody says, “Luke, I am your father,” it’s clear that they’re referencing “The Empire Strikes Back.” The line has also been misquoted for satirical purposes. Parodies of this scene will typically replace Luke with another character’s name. As a result, our memory of the original scene gets jumbled. Even the most diehard “Star Wars” fans can never seem to get this quote right.
