Top 10 Movies You Cant Handle If You Have a Sister

We all know that blood is thicker than water. Welcome to MsMojo, and today we’ll be counting down our picks for the Top 10 Movies You Can't Handle If You Have a Sister.
For this list, we’ll be looking at the films that will tug at the heartstrings, resonating around that most important of female friendships. Both live action and animated films will be considered. Beware, there are some spoilers ahead.
#10: “The Parent Trap” (1998)
Like the 1961 original, this 1998 Lindsay Lohan film centers on twins who were separated at birth (though how they didn’t recognize that on first sight is still a bit of a mystery). In the more modern version, Hallie and Annie finally meet each other by chance at a summer camp, and after a few missteps, they realize that they belong in each other’s lives, and will stop at nothing to reunite their parents. It is a sweet film that really drives the message home: nothing is more important than family.
#9: “27 Dresses” (2008)
Always a bridesmaid, never a bride. That can be bad enough when it’s a couple of times, but twenty-seven times seems almost unbearable. And let’s face it, the stress of weddings can really bring out the worst in people. At least that’s the way it is with sisters Jane and Tess. Their sibling rivalry takes a dark turn when Tess sweeps away the man Jane is in love with. With pressure mounting and demands on Jane increasing as the day of Tess’s wedding approaches, the whole thing comes to an ugly head. However, the sisters find that they were fighting about the wrong things all along and help set each other on the right track.
#8: “Rachel Getting Married” (2008)
Like the last entry, a woman begins to reflect on her life and choices in the advent of her sister’s imminent nuptials. The relationship between Kym and Rachel is tense to say the least. Kym is jealous of the attention bride-to-be Rachel is getting, and Rachel resents Kym, on a brief reprieve from rehab, for constantly trying to be the center of attention in the days leading up to her big day. The complexities of their dynamic and family troubles are peeled back layer by layer, with both women coming to understand that that healing can only begin when past hurt is put aside.
#7: “In Her Shoes” (2005)
Having a sister can be great; it’s basically a built-in best friend. Unless you have absolutely nothing in common, at which point things can get … complicated. Rose, the older sister, is straight-laced, serious, and incredibly protective of her younger sister – even though her patience is wearing thin. Maggie is a party girl, basically illiterate, and always strapped for cash. When their ill-fitting relationship finally falls apart, Maggie sets off to find their grandmother. There she discovers more about their past, and all the ways her big sister has been looking out for her.
#6: “Hannah and Her Sisters” (1986)
The complicated lives of Hannah and each of her sisters are detailed in threes story arcs in this 1986 Woody Allen directed classic. While all in some way pivoting around the central character of Hannah, the film shows the women as individuals with their own particular interests, desires, secrets, and failings. While at times their lives can seem larger than life, mostly their worlds are grounded and constantly come back to the other sisters and other important people in their lives. It’s the perfect movie to watch with your sisters at Thanksgiving!
#5: “Frozen” (2013)
While the relationship between Lilo and Nani Pelekai in “Lilo & Stitch” was also up for consideration, we went for Elsa and Anna as our favorite animated sisters. There are few times when the bond that sisters share has been so explicitly detailed in film, especially in animated features. Not rivals, these two are best friends from the beginning. When Elsa and her uncontrolled gifts are exposed, rather than fearing her, Anna does everything she can to save her big sister. In a twist that had audiences choking up everywhere, the ultimate true love of the film was not from any sword-wielding hero, but the true love that sisters share.
#4: “Brooklyn” (2015)
When life wasn’t enough in Enniscorthy, Ireland, Rose Lacey writes to an Irish priest, Father Flood, in Brooklyn who might help arrange for her sister Eilis to leave for America and find a better life. Eilis sets sail for New York, and in her new home works hard, makes friends and even finds love. All seems to be going perfectly, when she receives devastating news: Rose has died. After Eilis has established a new life, she realizes that it will all be without the beloved sister who helped make it happen.
#3: “The Hunger Games” franchise (2012-15)
For Primrose Everdeen, it was her first reaping day. Despite her big sister Katniss’ reassurances that the likelihood of her selection was low, the worst comes to pass as her name is announced. As she is led up to the stage, in a frantic panic – which itself is nearly enough to bring anyone with a little sister to tears – Katniss runs forward screaming these now famous words. Volunteering as Tribute seems like a death sentence, yet Katniss survives and inspires a rebellion. All of Katniss’ actions are driven by her love for and need to protect her little sister … which makes the film series conclusion all the more heartbreaking.
#2: “Little Women” (1994)
Beginning during the American Civil War, four sisters in Massachusetts with very distinct personalities keep each other's spirits up, even as they butt heads over issues large and small. Meg, the beauty; Jo, the intellect; Beth, the sweet one; and Amy, the hopeless romantic. After caring for a neighbor’s child, Beth becomes sick, and never quite recovers. As the sisters grow from girls to women, and their lives change, they come to rely on one another less and less. But when Beth finally succumbs to the lingering effects of her illness, Jo – and the audience! – are devastated. Even though they’d grown apart, a sister is still your sister.
Before we unveil our number one pick, here are a few honorable mentions.
“Sisters” (2015)
“A League of Their Own” (1992)
“10 Things I Hate About You” (1999)
#1: “My Sister's Keeper” (2009)
If you’re thinking you will not DESTROY a box of Kleenex for this one, you’re KIDDING yourself! When Anna Fitzgerald was born, it was for a distinct purpose – to be a living aid to her critically ill sister, Kate, who suffers from acute promyelocytic leukemia. Because of their genetics, Anna has donated tissue and blood for her entire life to her sister to keep her alive. However, when Kate needs more in order to extend her life a little, while drastically impairing Anna’s own quality of life, Anna wants to make the hard decision to say no. The back-and-forth of the decision is heartbreaking, as Kate must also make a difficult, selfless choice.