Top 10 Mysterious Unexplained Events Caught on Camera

#10: The Springfield Clowns
Clowns are already pretty terrifying at the best of times. Their painted faces hiding their humanity gives plenty of people the ick. So imagine a town infested with the creepy performers. Sounds like a place to avoid. Yet this is what happened in the neighborhood of Springfield in Jacksonville, Florida in 2014. The clowns wandered about the streets at night, looking to disturb as many people as possible. When they knew they were being recorded, they did things like tearing into pumpkins and standing about ominously. The videos of the clowning-about sparked a trend across the US, culminating in a mass infestation of them in 2016. Yet no one knows why this originally happened.
#9: Pet Shop Phantom
Pets and the paranormal have been connected for centuries. And none more so than cats and the afterlife. In 2018, workers at the Humboldt Pet Supply in Arcata, California noticed some weird happenings inside their store. As such, they put together a video of their CCTV to prove to others. In one clip, an object keeps falling off the shelf. Odd, but not unexplainable, sure. Yet the following clip is. With a camera pointed at the door, the shadow seemingly shows a cat. However, no cat can be seen outside. It even concerns the store’s own feline, Diego. Next, the cat investigates an object that fell from a shelf, only for it to move by itself! Humboldt needs the Winchesters.
#8: Doorbell Doom
Doorbell cameras are helpful. They can let you know when you have a delivery and give you a heads up to hide if unpleasant family members try to visit. So, imagine waking up in the middle of the night as your cell phone beeps, telling you a visitor has been detected by your doorbell, only to see a creepy image that looks into your soul. Well, that’s what happened to a Reddit user in 2016 as they were shown a picture of a person leaning towards the camera with dark eyes and a pale face. The stranger looks like the fabled black-eyed children, paranormal kids that’ve been described as vampires, ghosts, and aliens. Either way, probably best to move house.
#7: Texas Wolfman
On top of having all sorts of unusual creatures inside, Amarillo Zoo in Amarillo, Texas apparently has bizarre critters outside the property, too. And it’s pretty unsettling. In June 2022, the zoo released an image from their CCTV that news shows across the States picked up on. The picture displays a wolf-esque animal walking past a fence, but it’s bipedal like a human. This could be confirmation that we now have werewolves frolicking on the Earth. Or it could be part of a hoax, either by Amarillo Zoo or a person wearing a scary costume. Hopefully, it’s fake. A werewolf epidemic is the last thing we need. But let us know below what you think.
#6: The Dimming Star
There are so many questions we have for the great unknown that is space. Usually, scientists will offer theories if they don’t know the answer. But it’s when they can’t even provide an idea when things get uncomfortable. The All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae project has examined stars for years with twenty-four telescopes, looking for the bright flashes as they perished. Yet ASASSN-V J213939.3-702817.4 didn’t do that. Instead, it went dim, losing 70% of its brightness with no warning, and researchers don’t know why. Some ideas of what happened include a dust cloud covering it or an eclipse. But more frightening is the theory that the star could be engulfed by a Dyson sphere by aliens for civilization.
#5: Max Headroom Signal Hijacking
On November 22nd, 1987, homes in Chicago, Illinois were settling in for the night with some TV. But those viewing WGN-TV were in for a rude interruption as an unsettling person wearing a Max Headroom costume took over the broadcast. While only lasting around twenty seconds, the person swayed erratically with a buzzing noise before the engineers got control back. Then, a couple of hours later, the pirate broadcaster returned, this time on WTTW. Lasting about ninety seconds, the Headroom impersonator spoke to the viewers, rambling about “nerds,” Chuck Swirsky, making references to the character’s history, and ending with the person being spanked. It was eerie. To this day, the reason for it and who did the pirate broadcasting has never been revealed.
#4: The Hollinwell Incident
In July 1980, the Hollinwell Showground in Kirkby-in-Ashfield in Nottinghamshire, England was holding a competition involving marching bands with around 500 kids attending the event. Yet not long into it, children began to inexplicably collapse! Some were sick, got headaches, and felt very weak. Around 300 youngsters and adults developed these concerning symptoms, and many had to be hospitalized. Yet what makes it terrifying, no one knows how this happened. One theory includes a grim reaction to pesticides used in nearby fields. Another involves a couple of kids reacting to the long travel and getting ill, sparking mass hysteria. But decades after the event, we’ll likely never know the answer to this mystery.
#3: Final Destination
Plenty of videos go viral on social media. It happens pretty much daily. But perhaps none more so that have created as much confusion and questions as this. First uploaded on TikTok by “knuckelslawncare” in July 2023, we see a recording of a woman on a plane ranting at passengers as she attempts to get off. She’s clearly very upset, and, apparently, for a good reason, as she points at an unseen person and claims they aren’t real. Plenty of people got “Final Destination” vibes from this clip. Soon after the video exploded in popularity, rumors about the mysterious woman came out, with some claiming the woman had gone missing. However, no one seems to be able to track her down…spooky.
#2: The Eriksson Twins
In May 2008, after showing erratic behavior, Swedish twins Ursula and Sabina Eriksson were kicked off a bus at a service station on the M6 in England. The duo then crossed the highway, getting minorly hit by cars. When the cops arrived, as well as a film crew for the show “Motorway Cops,” the sisters ran into the traffic again. Ursula was badly hurt while Sabina sprung up and attacked the police. After getting arrested, she was soon released. However, Sabina met one Glenn Hollinshead in Fenton and fatally stabbed him. She pleaded guilty to manslaughter with diminished responsibility on the claim that she and Ursula had a shared psychosis. Sabina was sentenced to five years. To this day, no one knows why this happened.
#1: The Vanishing of Lars Mittank
After a vacation with friends in Bulgaria, German national Lars Mittank was set to go home in July 2014. However, the day before flying back, Mittank was beaten up by a group and suffered injuries. So, he couldn’t board but insisted his friends return home. But then, paranoia set in as he believed people were after him. On the 8th, Mittank was seen on CCTV at Varna Airport to consult with a doctor. Even after getting the go-ahead to fly, Mittank was frightened. After a construction worker entered the office to do work, the German was consumed by fear and ran out of the airport, leaving his luggage behind. Security footage captured Mittank sprinting into nearby woods. This was the last time he was seen.