Top 10 Nickelodeon Character Rivalries

#10: Jimmy vs. Professor Calamitous
“The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron, Boy Genius” (2002-06)
A silly show like “Jimmy Neutron” calls for a silly rivalry like this one. An eccentric mad scientist, Professor Finbarr Calamitous is cursed with a strange character flaw. Despite being brilliant, he isn’t able to finish any project he starts, and one of his plans involves kidnapping Jimmy and forcing him to finish these projects. Other plots from Calamitous include disguising himself as a Chinese princess and bigshot Hollywood director Quentin Smithee. Calamitous is such a huge rival for Jimmy that he’s one of the main antagonists in the 2006 “Jimmy Neutron/Fairly OddParents” crossover “The Jimmy Timmy Power Hour 2: When Nerds Collide.”
#9: Bessie vs. Portia
“The Mighty B!” (2008-11)
These two Honeybee scouts are complete opposites. Bessie is an overeager dweeb, and Portia is a stuck-up Valley Girl who acts like an entitled, spoiled brat. Throughout this series, it’s Bessie’s goal to collect every merit badge the Honeybee scouts has to offer and in the process become the “Mighty B.” Because she hates Bessie so much, Portia constantly schemes along with her friend Gwen against Bessie, trying to keep her from reaching this goal. However, Bessie is completely oblivious to the resentment Portia has for her, which results in hilarious frustration.
#8: Doug vs. Roger
“Doug” (1991-99)
Poor Doug Funnie can never catch a break from Roger Klotz, his perennial tormentor. As soon as Doug moves to Bluffington, Roger comes up with every opportunity to make his life miserable and is always quick with just the right insult to prey on his insecurities. Their rivalry is so fierce, even Doug’s pet dog Porkchop and Roger’s pet cat Stinky don’t get along with each other. Billy West, the original voice actor for both Doug and Roger, said he based his performance for Roger on an annoying classmate from his childhood that kept pestering him.
#7: Carly vs. Nevel
“iCarly” (2007-12)
Web critic Nevel Papperman has been a thorn in Carly Shay’s side ever since she rejected him romantically. Vowing to make Carly “rue the day” of that incident, Nevel has schemed against Carly, Sam, and Freddie on multiple occasions. Some of Nevel’s schemes include hacking the “iCarly” website and deceiving someone Carly’s fighting for charity to go harder on her on the grounds that she was mean to her grandmother. Though Nevel makes life difficult for Carly and her friends, his schemes usually backfire and he ends up paying for them, more or less ruing the day himself.
#6: Mr. Krabs vs. Plankton
“SpongeBob SquarePants” (1999-)
Mr. Krabs and Plankton started off as childhood friends and went into business together setting up a restaurant. However, their friendship ended over a food-related dispute, and the two became competitors. Plankton’s restaurant, the Chum Bucket, isn’t nearly as successful as the Krusty Krab, which took off after Mr. Krabs developed the Krabby Patty through a lucky accident. Throughout the show, Plankton’s main goal is to get a hold of the Krabby Patty formula and drive Mr. Krabs out of business, while Mr. Krabs is dead set against Plankton ever doing so.
#5: Zim vs. Dib
“Invader Zim” (2001-06)
In this cartoon filled with dark humor, Zim is an alien trying to take over the world, and Dib is trying to expose his identity and stop his plans. Besides his sister Gaz, Dib is the only one who knows Zim is an alien, but fortunately for Zim, whenever Dib tries to tell everybody else, no one believes him. Both of them go to the same school, and their antisocial tendencies make them outcasts. However, they really save their animosity for each other, and in a cartoon this bleak, that can get really bitter.
#4: Tommy vs. Angelica
“Rugrats” (1991-2004)
Sometimes the people you hate the most can come from your own family. Tommy’s cousin Angelica is always picking on him and his friends, and, being the leader of his group, Tommy has to stand up to her. Even though Angelica is able to manipulate the babies into getting her way or take what she wants by force, she’s often undone by karma when the grownups find out what she’s done. When Susie arrives on the show, she becomes a rival of Angelica, too, and stands up for the babies when she’s taking advantage of them.
#3: Danny vs. Vlad Masters
“Danny Phantom” (2004-07)
Billionaire Vlad Masters has it out for Danny’s family because he was once in love with Danny’s mom, Maddie. Oftentimes, Vlad tries to use Danny and persuade him to join him to get close to Maddie, not to mention get back at Danny’s father, Jack. An accident while studying the paranormal with Jack gave Vlad ghost powers, and in his ghost form, he’s known as Vlad Plasmius. Even though Vlad is more than twenty years Danny’s senior, he’s been a formidable opponent whenever the teenager goes up against him, easily earning his role as archnemesis.
#2: Timmy vs. Vicky
“The Fairly OddParents” (2001-17)
In the “Fairly OddParents” world, authority figures all too often use their powers to torment poor Timmy Turner, and there’s no better example than his babysitter Vicky. Every time Vicky looks after Timmy, she takes the opportunity to be cruel by ordering him around and blaming him for things he didn’t do. She’s so cruel, in fact, that it’s the primary reason he gets his Fairy Godparents, Cosmo and Wanda, in the first place. With the help of his fairies, Timmy can at least deal with everything life throws at him, including Vicky’s sadistic behavior.
#1: Aang vs. Zuko
“Avatar: The Last Airbender” (2005-08)
“Avatar” is an ambitious, mature Nicktoon, and one reason for this is the complexity of this rivalry. Prince Zuko of the Fire Nation lost his honor, and the only way to gain it back and please his father was to capture Aang, the avatar, whose homeland was essentially obliterated by the Fire Nation. Zuko, hoping to redeem himself, goes after Aang with great intensity, and is a feared antagonist in the first couple seasons. However, later in the series, Zuko joins Aang and his group and fights against the Fire Nation, thus ending their conflict and sparking their friendship.