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Top 10 One Hit KO's In Dragon Ball

Top 10 One Hit KO's In Dragon Ball
VOICE OVER: Ashley Bowman WRITTEN BY: Jonathan Alexander
These battles were over faster than a final flash! Join Ashley as we count town our picks for the Dragon Ball fights that were finished in a single move, including the likes of "Beerus vs. Zamasu", "Vegeta vs. Frost", "Goku vs. Recoome", and more!
Script written by Jonathan Alexander

Top 10 One-Hit-KO Dragon Ball Fights

Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for the Top 10 One-Hit-KO Dragon Ball Fights.

For this list, we’ll be looking at the best fights in the series that ended with a single blow.

Did we miss any of your favorite knockouts? Let us know in the comments!

#10: Cui Gets Cooked

“Dragon Ball Z” (1989-96)

It’s a general rule of thumb to never get between a Saiyan and his pride, especially Vegeta’s. But, when Cui began to gloat all about his superior power level, it’s clear he thought he was the exception. The only catch is that his math was very, very wrong. To give credit where it’s due, once Cui realized he’d messed up the power-scaling equation, he made the wise decision to make a quick getaway. It didn’t do him much good, though, especially since Vegeta ended the debate with just a single gutpunch. He even disposed of the body, too, just to make clean-up that much easier.

#9: Raditz Kicks Some Tail

“Dragon Ball Z” (1989-96)

Calling this one a fight at all is pretty generous to Krillin, since that implies there was any sort of contest at all. In reality, the baldie’s only interactions with Raditz consisted of trying, and failing, to shoo him away. That just made it all the more embarrassing when, before Krillin could even put up his dukes, he was sent flying headfirst into the side of Kame House. But, the worst part is that Raditz didn’t even have to lift a finger to do it. If he’d used anything more than his tail, Krillin may not have lived to see the rest of the Saiyan Saga.

#8: World War Cell

“Dragon Ball Z” (1989-96)

Most of the time, the fate of the planet is left to Goku and the others, and this is the perfect example as to why. Cell’s threat to humanity convinced the entirety of Earth’s military to launch a counterattack, and, well, they definitely get points for effort. Unfortunately, the end result leaves a lot to be desired. All the guns, missiles, and men end up doing is kicking up a whole lot of dust around Cell. Then, in bored retaliation, the cybernetic villain deletes all of his opposition with a single flick of his wrist. Hopefully, Earth learned its lesson: next time, just leave it to Goku.

#7: Yamcha Is Yamcha’d

“Dragon Ball Z” (1989-96)

With a new hair, a new attitude, and three years of rigorous training behind him, Yamcha emerged from the ashes of his infamous defeat - only to promptly get humiliated yet again. This time, even quicker. Sure, Android 20 is cybernetic and all, but it’s still gotta sting that Yamcha couldn’t even put up a fight against an old man. Even worse, he got his energy stolen first, meaning Yamcha’s biggest contribution during the Android saga was aiding the enemy. That’s gotta cut deep, and not just because of the obvious wound in his chest. Honestly, it’s a wonder Yamcha ever showed his face again after this.

#6: Bye, Bye, Babidi

“Dragon Ball Z” (1989-96)

Despite what it looks like, this pink blob only follows his instincts to fill his belly. So, when Babidi’s incessant rambling got in the way of that, Buu decided to prove who’s really throwing the punches in this relationship. Hey, at least the thrifty sorcerer got a last meal. And, if the aftermath is any indication, the knuckle sandwich totally blew his mind. It’s hard to say if becoming candy would’ve been any worse, but it certainly would’ve been a lot less messy. At the very least, it proved that anyone who values their head should make sure they aren’t standing between Buu and his next meal.

#5: Gohan vs. The B-Team

“Dragon Ball Z” (1989-96)

It’s no hyperbole to say Cell’s second string was actually nothing compared to Super Saiyan 2. In fact, the only thing their combined attacks did was make Gohan even angrier. So, without ever losing his chilly stare, he obliterated each and every Cell Jr. with a single strike each. No ki necessary, and no bodies remaining. Well, unless you counthe t piles of dust. Given how much even the likes of Trunks and Vegeta struggled against the android offspring, that’s really saying something. Clearly, if Cell had really wanted to hurt Gohan’s self-esteem, he should have sent the Varsity team, not these JV knockoffs.

#4: Vegeta Defeats Nappa… Again

“Dragon Ball GT” (1996-97)

Saiyans may be the warrior race, but they also have a knack for holding grudges. Although, in Nappa’s defense, there’s nothing else to do in the afterlife but dwell on your own death. So, when the doors to HFIL opened and he finally faced Vegeta again, he probably thought he’d get some worthwhile recompense. The only issue was that, by “GT,” the series’ power-scaling had left Nappa in the dust. So, it’s not all that surprising that it only took Vegeta a single stray energy blast to send him back to Other World. If anything, Nappa’s second death was even quicker than the first.

#3: Hakai to the Face

“Dragon Ball Super” (2015-18)

They don’t call Beerus the God of Destruction for nothing. So, when Zamasu forgot his place in the divine pecking order, the Destroyer decided to finally fulfill his work quota. At least he gave the fallen Kai plenty of opportunities to repent. Still, inevitably, Beerus was left with no other option than to bring out the Hakai. As Zamasu will attest, calling this technique a one-hit-KO is a pretty gross oversimplification. Either way, it still gets the job done. By the time Beerus has finished his day’s work, there isn’t enough of Zamasu left to even go to Other World. At least he can take solace that no one else in the multiverse would’ve withstood it, either.

#2: Resurrection: Frost

“Dragon Ball Super” (2015-18)

By the very nature of his race, Frost was on thin ice before he ever stepped foot in the ring. Then, once he finally revealed his sinister intentions, Vegeta had even more reason to show him what real Saiyan Pride looks like. You can’t say he’s not a good sport, though; he let Frost get the first move and everything! Not that it mattered much in the end, since Vegeta quickly lived up to his word by blasting Frost to infinity and beyond. The Saiyan Prince hasn’t always had the best luck against Frieza himself, but one-shotting his Universe 6 lookalike is as worthy a substitute as he could’ve hoped for.

#1: Recoome’s Doom

“Dragon Ball Z” (1989-96)

The beefy brute of the Ginyu Force tore through Gohan, Krillin, and Vegeta in record time. So, it’s a bit ironic that Goku immediately bested Recoome’s record with a speedrun of his own. The brainless villain sure threw a lot of punches, but none of them so much as slowed Goku down, or really got close to landing at all. Once the Saiyan finally turned his attention to offense, Recoome didn’t even finish uttering his first attack before he had an elbow in the gut. Just like that, the seemingly unbeatable Ginyu Force had been dethroned, and there was a new record-holder for quickest win on Namek.
