Top 10 Product Examples of the Mandela Effect

#10: “Lay-Z-Boy”
When it comes to recliners, there’s one brand name that’s practically synonymous with these chairs – “La-Z-Boy.” Everyone can agree on that much – people aren’t rushing out to buy “Hard-Work-Mans,” after all. But the spelling of the iconic chairs has some people sitting up in them rather fast. Many sitting enthusiasts recall “La-Z-Boy” being spelled “L-A-Y” dash “Z” dash “Boy.” And that spelling does make sense, since you do a lot of laying down in reclining chairs. However, all evidence today suggests that “La-Z-Boy” is spelled without the “y” in “lay.” It’s still pronounced the same - you don’t “lah” down in them. This is likely the cause of the confusion, but they’re popular enough that it’s still odd.
#9: Doc “Martins”
When it comes to boots, Dr. Martens, or Doc Martens, are some of the most popular ones around. But while their fans may forever be fighting with Timberlands enthusiasts over which is better, there’s some disagreement among themselves over how to spell their favorite boots. Many contend that “Martins” is spelled with an “i.” However, the boxes and decades of records would seem to suggest that Martens is spelt with an “e.” Most spell the word “Martin” with an “i,” so the mix-up is understandable. Further complicating everything is the fact that their founder’s name was Dr. Klaus Märtens, spelled with an umlaut!
#8: “Coke Zero”
Coca-Cola is one of the most recognizable brands in the world. They’ve come out with plenty of variations on their classic formula over the years, from Diet, to Cherry, to Coke Zero, which has zero sugar. We’re not telling you that the last of these doesn’t exist – it does. But, it’s not exactly as some people remember it. The containers of Coke Zero don’t read “Coke Zero,” as a lot of Coke drinkers seem to recall. Instead, they’re branded as “Coca-Cola Zero Sugar” or “Coca-Cola Zero.” It seems obvious that the common abbreviation “Coke” was simply ingrained in people’s memories as being on the bottles and cans. But there isn’t a zero percent possibility that existence has been rewritten…
#7: “Kit-Kat” Bars
Give us a break! Now there’s Mandela Effects in our candy? Kit Kats are a globally recognized candy bar, with four wafers, usually covered in chocolate, though some countries go nuts with a ton of different flavors. Looking at you Japan! What’s even more nuts is that people can’t agree on how to spell Kit Kat. While it’s occasionally stylized as being one word, that’s not what we’re talking about. Rather, there are those who remember there being a dash between Kit and Kat. Are people just splitting the difference between the one and two-word spellings? Or did someone break off a piece of reality?
#6: “Sketchers”
Another footwear Mandela Effect, Skechers are a brand of sneakers, known for their distinctive “S” logo. So what’s wrong with Skechers, or at least people’s memories of them? It’s the name again. To sketch is to draw, and a “sketcher” is someone who draws. Therefore, it follows that the brand of shoes is just a plural of the latter, right? Not so much. In fact, there’s no “t” in Skechers. Contrary to one of Skechers’ slogans, it’s not the “S” – it’s the “T.” At least, according to some folks. Is it just a case of our brains’ autocorrect being wrong?
#5: “Cheez-Itz”
Cheez-Its are one of the go-to brands for cheese crackers. They’re found in nearly every grocery store. But, despite how widespread they are, there’s something most people get fundamentally wrong about the snack. The name isn’t “Cheez-Itz” with a “z” at the end - or with an “s,” either. It’s just “Cheez-It.” This one seems fairly self-explanatory – people refer to the individual crackers as a Cheez-It and the plural of that is Cheez-Its. The extra “z” could be just people staying consistent with the rest of the word. Even so, “a box of Cheez-It” just doesn’t sound right!
#4: “Etch-A-Sketch”
If you were born in the last 60 years or so, chances are that even if you never played with one as a kid, you at least know what an Etch A Sketch is. These toys have a distinctive red frame and let you draw line pictures using knobs on them, which can then be erased when you want to make something new. However, the makers of the toy never drew lines in the name of the toy itself. Etch a Sketch is not spelled with dashes – there are full spaces between Etch, A, and Sketch. So, did someone shake up our collective memories and redraw them?
#3: The Pillsbury Doughboy’s Neckerchief
Pillsbury company is well-known for its refrigerated dough products, and their accompanying mascot, Poppin’ Fresh, a.k.a. the Pillsbury Doughboy. The iconic mascot is instantly recognizable, for his trademark giggle, as well as his white chef’s hat and blue neckerchief. Except, that last one isn’t quite true. Ads dating back years show that the neckerchief is as white as his hat and the rest of his body. Yet, so many of us remember Poppin’ Fresh having a fresh blue neckerchief, even appearing that way when referenced in several TV shows. Do people simply remember that bit of his wardrobe “poppin’” more than it does, or is there another explanation?
#2: “Fruit” Loops
Froot Loops are a staple of any cereal aisle, and of many kids’ breakfasts…also some adults. But what if we told you there isn’t any fruit in Froot Loops? Well, obviously there isn’t any in the cereal itself – it’s pure sugar. But we’re talking about the name. The “Froot” in “Froot Loops” is spelled with two o’s, instead of like one of the essential food groups. Naturally, this is to make it a more distinct brand and mirror the “loops” part of the name even more. Yet plenty of us remember it being spelled like any other fruit. Follow your nose, wherever it goes – hopefully to the truth.
#1: “MacIntosh” Apples
Speaking of fruit, McIntosh apples were once one of the most prevalent types of apples out there. However, their popularity has waned of late. Their name lives on, due to Apple, the tech company, naming one of their most famous computers, and many other products, after them. Except…they don’t spell MacIntosh the same. The fruits start with “M-C,” while the computers start with “M-A-C.” Maybe Apple was right – what if we’re living in a 1984 nightmare where conformity is enforced, and truth is overwritten by our unseen overlords?! Or maybe because