Top 10 Reasons Why Bernie Sanders May Actually Become President

He's progressive, independent and maybe the next POTUS? Join as we count down our picks for the Top 10 Reasons Why Bernie Sanders May Actually Become President. For this list, we're counting down the surprising reasons why Sanders could potentially be elected President of the United States of America, following his announcement of candidacy for the Democratic nomination in the 2016 presidential election.
Special thanks to our users Will Wardell, Jeremy Dale Whetstone and Daniel Alejandro Márquez for submitting the idea on our Suggestions Page at WatchMojo.comsuggest
He’s progressive, independent and maybe the next POTUS? Welcome to, and today we’ll be counting down our picks for the Top 10 Reasons Why Bernie Sanders May Actually Become President.
For this list, we’re counting down the surprising reasons why Sanders could be elected President of the United States of America, following his announcement of candidacy for the Democratic nomination in the 2016 presidential election.
#10: He Fought For Civil Rights in ‘60s
It’s true: Bernie Sanders has an extensive background in civil rights as he was a student organizer for the Congress of Racial Equality while enrolled at the University of Chicago. But his major challenge today will be convincing non-white voters of his policies rather than referencing events from half a century ago. In a time of social unrest and social media influence, Mr. Sanders will have to not only focus on the voices of minorities, but also HEAR their collective voices.
#9: He’d Be the 1st Non-Christian President in U.S. History
Born in Brooklyn, New York, Bernie Sanders was raised by Jewish parents. His father emigrated from Poland after his family perished in the Holocaust, and his mother grew up in a Jewish, New York home. America made history by electing their first African-American president in Barack Obama in 2007, and while Hillary Clinton may ultimately become the first woman to reach the position, it’s perhaps fitting that a progressive thinking non-Christian like Bernie Sanders is suddenly considered for the Democratic nomination.
#8: He Has a Consistent Progressive Voting Record
While Bernie Sanders may be a new name to some, he’s long been a defender of American manufacturing, climate change awareness and both the middle and lower classes. In 2003, he dropped some forceful words on Alan Greenspan, the former Chairman of the Federal Reserve, and as television commentators will inevitably shift their attention to Hillary Clinton during campaign interviews, Sanders remains steadfast about his concern for not just the next generation of Americans, but for all of those whom will inhabit the planet in a distant future; those forced to live with any mistakes being made NOW.
#7: He Supports Universal Health Care
This is a critical aspect of Bernie Sanders’ campaign, and it’s something that Americans can embrace. Rather than spreading paranoia about the threats of other countries, Sanders supports the health care model of Scandinavia, and the concept that Americans should receive free health care as a fundamental human right. Sanders’ belief that more dollars should be spent on preventing disease rather than filling the pockets of officials resonates with many.
#6: He’s a Socialist
Yes, Bernie Sanders is a socialist and here’s why. In essence, Mr. Sanders is a socialist in that he’s focused on protecting the lower and middle classes along with the country in general. While TV commentators and pundits tend to fear and cringe at the socialist label, his supporters view Sanders’ progressive thinking as one reason why he has historically dropped his partisan hat and thought about the larger picture.
#5: He Has an Honest Demeanor & Speaks His Mind
Ok, the idea of an “honest” politician is kind of a joke, but given Bernie Sanders’ history as an independent, it seems like he may not care what people think about him when it comes to speaking the truth. After all, Sanders is a long shot to win, but his no-nonsense demeanor is far from an act. In fact, it just may be one reason why so many voters seem to support his potential presidential nomination. Sure, Bernie may verbally stumble at times, and he may not drop his Brooklyn accent to adapt to regional voters – but that’s part of his charm, according to supporters.
#4: He Doesn’t Deny Climate Change
Here’s the thing: either you believe modern scientists or you don’t. While some politicians stand behind usual partisan viewpoints, Bernie Sanders’s independent and freethinking mind appeals to young voters for whom the issue of climate change is a BIG DEAL. Along with Senator Barbara Boxer, Sanders set in motion the Global Warming Pollution Reduction Act of 2007, and he’s also voted against the Keystone Pipeline System.
#3: He’s Anti-Establishment; Refuses Super PACs
Coined by reporter Eliza Newlin Carney, the “Super PAC” allows candidates to roll around in a pile of cash – BUT – the committees may not make direct contributions to campaigns. They can, however, spend a ton of money promoting said candidate. With that being said, the anti-establishment Bernie Sanders is anti-Super Pac. By supporting the middle-class, Sanders has received an average contribution of around 43 dollars per donation during his brief political campaign, but when you add it all up, there’s enough for an independent to make a serious run at the Oval Office. It’s a lofty goal, but the method behind the madness is representative of the American dream. Unlike Donald Trump, Americans can relate to the ideology of Bernie Sanders.
#2: He’s in Favor of Free or Low Cost Universities
Information is power, but unfortunately higher education will break the bank. Today’s college graduates find themselves in enormous debt upon entering “the real world,” and unless you come from an elite family, a good job isn’t always guaranteed. Bernie Sanders wants to put a Robin Hood tax on Wall Street speculation, which would ultimately create funding for free or low cost tuition at public colleges and universities. The vision is the easy part, but young voters are leaning in. A Bernie Sanders Presidency gives America’s students a shot at accessible higher education rather than none at all, further explaining his rise.
Before we unveil our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions.
He’d Be 1st President from Neither 2 Major Parties To Win in Over 150 Years
He Isn’t Part of a Political Dynasty
He Stands Up For Veterans
#1: Policies for Low / Middle Class Instead of the 1%
You don’t have to believe in climate change, free education or even universal health care, but the fact remains that one-tenth of the top one percent in America has more money than essentially everybody else. As a staunch defender of the common man and woman, Bernie Sanders hopes to distribute America’s wealth by rebuilding the country’s infrastructure, creating jobs and slowly but surely changing the way of life for Americans. In other words, he wants to stop the growth of wealth inequality in the country. As the Bernie Sanders buzz continues to grow, it will be interesting to see if his popularity increases or stalls. Either way, his candor and progressive policies are hard to ignore.
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