Top 10 Roseanne Moments

With Roseanne coming back, it's come to take a trip to 714 Delaware Street and relive the Top 10 Best Moments from the show! We've included moments like when Becky farted at the assembly, when we found out Nancy slept with Arnie, when the salesman drops dead in the kitchen, when David brought pot home, Darlene's poem and more!
10: Becky. Cut. The. Cheese
“Inherit the Wind”
Becky Conner. Poised. Perfect. Popular. Completely and totally mortified -- much to her little sister’s delight. The fart has been a mood killer for generations, and Becky’s time had come during a school assembly. It wasn’t the humiliation that put this moment on the list, it was Darlene’s retelling of it. The dramatic build up. The joy of a little sister taunting her big sister. And, of course, Roseanne and Dan trying to make Becky feel better... if they could stop laughing about it. The pep talk must’ve worked, because later, Becky would make the Conners proud by intentionally ruining her perfect image (xref).
#9: There Goes the Sister if the Woman Who Slept with Arnie
“Why Jackie Becomes a Trucker”
Jackie didn’t always have the best track record with men, but in Season 4, she hit rock bottom. Feeling the lowest she ever felt, she turned to the people she trusted the most to talk about the things you... regret doing. Each woman told their story, but nothing topped Jackie’s bombshell. See, Arnie was the town pest that you talked to every now and then, maybe even invited over for a poker game, but you never took him seriously and you certainly never slept with him... unless you were Nancy, apparently. Ugh, sorry Jackie, we gotta take Roseanne’s side on this one.
#8: Door-To-Door Salesman Drops By—Then Drops Dead
“Death and Stuff”
This is why you don’t invite strangers into your house. What should’ve been a glass of water and cleaning demonstration turned into a dead man slumped over in the kitchen. What followed was one of the funniest episodes of the first season, as Roseanne and Dan are forced to deal with the body, a nosey daughter, a nonchalant police officer who made one hell of a baklava, a golfing coroner, a couple coming over to look at their washer and dryer, and a series of random coincidences that just made the entire situation more difficult -- and comical. At least Becky gave the man a name.
#7: A Stash from the Past
“A Stash from the Past”
We were just as surprised as Darlene when Roseanne actually let David live with them, and it wasn’t long before he became a regular member of the Conner family. While he wasn’t their biological child, Roseanne and Dan disciplined him like any ol’ Conner kid, so when David brought pot home he got a nice lesson on what drugs would do to your brain -- frying pan and all. There was just one little problem with Roseanne’s method of tough love: the pot stash was hers. As if that hilarious moment of realization wasn’t enough, Roseanne and Dan decide to smoke it... and so does Jackie.
#6: A Charitable Donation?
“Tolerate Thy Neighbor”
We knew right from the beginning that the Bowmans didn’t belong in Lanford, or rather, Kathy didn’t. She may have had the same house layout as Roseanne -- except with a dishwasher -- but she didn’t stand a chance living next door to the Conners. Not even her possessions survived, as Roseanne mistook thievery for charity, and even took a rather... interesting... piece from the Bowman collection. Kathy soon realized that she was in her own version of hell, one where the police couldn’t help her, but Roseanne comforted the woman in her own special way and... yeah the Bowmans went back to Chicago, didn’t they?
#5: You Didn’t Kill Him and Then Go Buy Chicken, Did Ya?
“Crime and Punishment”
Dan and Jackie didn’t always see eye-to-eye. That being said, there was no way Dan was going to let Fisher get away with abusing his sister-in-law. Without saying a single word, Dan grabbed his jacket and was out the door... to get dinner. We’re kidding, of course, but it was a smooth cover for Jackie. When the police showed up, Dan was more than happy to be carted off to jail, not even letting Roseanne explain the situation to them. We know a lot of people say they’d go to jail to protect someone they love, but Dan actually meant it.
#4: Darlene’s Poem
“Brain-Dead Poets Society”
Say what you will about the Conners, but they always worked to give their kids the best life they could. This also meant celebrating their accomplishments, no matter how trivial they seemed to others. Unfortunately, the Conner kids weren’t always fans of this, especially the always cynical Darlene. But Roseanne knew there was something special about her middle child and encouraged her to put herself out there... give or take a few “I’m your mother that’s why” demands. This gave Roseanne -- and the viewers -- a new glimpse at Darlene, one that would lead her out of Lanford to do something more.
#3: Did You Get Felt Up?
“Like a Virgin”
It was no secret that Becky was the daughter who went out on dates while Darlene gagged at the thought of any sort of intimacy. This led to Becky being the one who got all those parental talks on birds and bees, but in a twist no one saw coming, Darlene was the one who was caught fooling around with a boy. This was such a surprise that Dan didn’t even realize what had happened, chatting with the boy like an old friend. Darlene, staying true to form, bragged to Becky, and continued to do so whenever she bested her sister in the boy department.
#2: Dad’s Dead!
“Wait Till Your Father Gets Home”
The relationship between Roseanne, Jackie, and their father wasn’t the easiest, but it wasn’t something the series shied away from. Despite his humorous nature, he was an abusive father who cheated on their mother, something that came full circle with the news of his death. We got to see the sisters run through an entire array of complicated emotions, but somehow, the comedy was still there when it needed to be. All Jackie had to do was make a phone call, but the combination of grief and a great-aunt who was hard of hearing led to one of the funniest moments of the entire series.
Don’t change the channel yet, we still have these honorable mentions to get through:
Roseanne’s Message to Her Unborn Child
“Direct to Video”
Not Meatloaf Again!
“April Fool’s Day”
#1: He’s My Husband
“Trick or Treat”
Arguably the best part about the series was the relationship between Roseanne and Dan. The banter between the two of them exemplified true relationship goals, especially when it came to the Halloween episodes. The Conner family would go all out to have some fun, whether it was pranks, decorations, or... walking into a bar dressed as a man. Roseanne trying to fit in with the other fellas was entertaining enough, but it was Dan’s flawless entrance that made the moment. Without missing a beat, he not only caught on to what Roseanne had done, but he went along with it -- like a good husband would.