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Top 10 RuPaul's Drag Race Moments That Became Memes

Top 10 RuPaul's Drag Race Moments That Became Memes
VOICE OVER: Rebecca Brayton
These are the "RuPaul's Drag Race" moments that became memes. Our countdown includes Jan is safe, facts are facts, Miss Vanjie, and more!

#10: Jan is Safe
Jan, Season 12

After weeks of waiting for a challenge to show off her singing and dancing talents, no one was more excited for Season 12’s “Madonna: The Rusical'' than Jan. Despite not getting her preferred role, she still gave one of the most genuinely powerful Rusical performances to date, landing her in the top. We saw her growing increasingly excited for her first win, only to hear Ru utter those fateful words: [“Jan, you are safe.”]. Jan’s jubilant optimism quickly turned into a jaded look of disbelief in what is now known as the facecrack of the century. While fellow castmates Jaida and Heidi certainly had their moments, [What if I’m the trade of the season?] it’s hard to argue that there was a bigger meme to come out of season 12 than this one.

#9: Your Tone Seems Very Pointed
Willam, Season 4 Untucked

In season 4, Phi Phi O’Hara seemed to delight in the drama. From her shouting match with Sharon Needles [Go back to party city] to this exchange with Willam, it was clear that she didn’t come here to make friends. Willam, by contrast, was always nonchalant and rather flasé-dah. This difference in attitudes came to a head when Phi Phi came after Willam for seemingly being more interested in shoes than competing in a talent competition. After Phi Phi’s rant came to a close, Willam proceeded to undercut the entire thing with this dispassionate comeback: [Your tone seems very pointed right now]. Thus providing us with an immortal comeback to anyone taking themselves too seriously.

#8: Because I Am What?
Shangela, Season 3 Untucked

Ever since Shangela graced the stage ever so briefly in Season 2, we knew she was destined to be a star. So when she got a chance for Ru-demption in the following season, all eyes were on her to prove that she had staying power. Fortunately for everyone except Mimi Imfurst, we got a glimpse of her fortitude in an early episode of Untucked. The two queens took escalating jabs at one another, until Mimi claimed Shangela had a sugar daddy, seemingly out of the blue. This did not sit well with Shangela, who went on one of the most iconic reality TV rants of all time. Every time we feel like we are not that kind of girl, this quote reminds us that we are what? [SICKENING!]

#7: Get Those Nuts Away From My Face
Latrice Royale, Season 4

As one of the most beloved queens ever to grace the stage of RuPaul’s Drag Race, it makes sense that many of Latrice Royale’s most memorable moments have become iconic memes of their own. From the 5 G’s, [“Good God Get a Grip Girl”] to her comments on the horrendous Season 4 Snatch Game, she has a knack for expressing exactly what the audience is feeling. Her most memorable meme-ment comes from the acting challenge where she played a prison guard, and in a moment of over-the-top brilliance, delivered the line: [“Get those nuts away from my face!”]. The moment has since become a staple reaction for anyone who wants to get anything away from their face.

#6: Facts Are Facts
Monique Heart, Season 10

If you’re looking for a queen who always told it like it was, look no further than Monique Heart, America. This queen became notorious for her candid confessions to camera, as well as her spirited exchanges with judges over certain fabric prints. The pinnacle of this energy was her now iconic catchphrase: [Facts are facts.]. Beautiful. Elegant. Undeniable in its simplicity. The phrase is an instant antidote to any delusion, and applicable to any situation with, well, facts. This was evidenced by Monique’s own admission when she didn’t know her words during the lipsync where she was eliminated.

#5: I’d Like to Keep It On, Please
Valentina, Season 9

Speaking of lipsyncs where queens didn’t know their words, there’s no way we could make it through this list without including Valentina. In this season 9 elimination, Valentina came to the stage sporting the facemask she wore on her runway. As the music started and her face was not visible, the judges became visibly confused before Ru stopped the music to chastise Valentina. When Ru demanded to see her lips, Valentina politely declined. [“I’d like to keep it on, please.”]. And while Valentina eventually complied, the moment had already been immortalized. Extra points for how well it aged into 2020 and beyond.

#4: Back Rolls
Alyssa Edwards, Season 5 Untucked

Alyssa Edwards is known for many meme-able moments, from rolling around as Annie Oakley to her spirited exchanges with rival Coco Montrese. However her conception as a meme queen arguably all started with this Untucked moment, where fellow castmate Jade Jolie claimed Edwards was bullying her and decided to hit back with her own reads. This prompted Edwards to reply with utter bewilderment to the confessional camera: [Back Rolls?]. It’s a perfect moment to represent a feeling of complete disorientation. It also doesn’t hurt that it comes with the complimentary meme-ment of Coco egging on Jade behind the scenes. [Get her Jade]

#3: Linda Evangelista
Aja, Season 9 Untucked

Jealousy is a hell of a drug. Early on in season 9 when the queens were given a challenge to create a Disney princess look from scratch, Aja’s concept did not stand up to scrutiny from the judges, while Valentina seemingly could do no wrong. This prompted a behind-the-scenes exchange in Untucked, where Aja took center stage to mock how all the judges fawned over Valentina’s every move. It’s since become the go-to moment to describe how we feel when we think someone is getting undue praise, or just when we’re feeling the fantasy.

#2: Miss Vanjie
Vanessa Vanjie Mateo, Season 10

While it’s customary for eliminated queens to give a final word before leaving the runway, Season 10’s first eliminated contestant somehow reinvented the wheel with this iconic exit. After Vanessa “Vanjie” Mateo lost her lipsync, she sashayed away while walking backwards off the stage, repeating her name three times. [Miss Vanjie] She was barely off the stage before Ru and Michelle started laughing about it, and by the next episode the queens had already adopted it into their vocabulary. And when the episode finally aired, an icon was born.

Before we unveil our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions.

“I Feel Very Attacked!” Laganja Estranja, Season 6 Untucked
Because who hasn’t felt like this from time to time?

“Club 96” Valentina and Naomi Smalls, All-Stars Season 4
The ultimate fantasy

“It’s a piece of fabric” Michelle Visage
For when you’re not impressed, or someone just refuses to put on a mask.

“Flasé-dah” Pearl, Season 7
Because only someone with a flasé-dah attitude could come up with this gem

“Walking children in nature” Tammy Brown, Season 1
Tammy Brown claps back with this unusual definition of philanthropy

#1: Not Today, Satan
Bianca Del Rio, Season 6

You knew it was coming. Part of what endeared audiences to Biance Del Rio was her ability to call things as she saw them. [What do you do well?] This came to a heel when, late in season 6, fellow front-runner Courtney Act made some shady comments about Bianca’s lack of variation over the season. We see Bianca give her the stink-eye in the workroom before cutting to her confessional where she delivers the now iconic line: [Not Today, Satan]. It was a perfect declaration against all those who tear us down, and has since been immortalized in everything from reaction gifs to major media franchises.
