Top 10 Saddest Deaths in War Movies and TV Shows

Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we’ll be looking at the most harrowing and heart wrenching deaths that occurred in military films and television shows. As we’ll be revealing character fates, a spoiler warning is now in effect. Is there a death in a war film or TV series that completely wrecked you? Share your tales of viewing heartbreak in the comments below.
#10: Nicholas Brody
“Homeland” (2011-20)
It can be said that the white-knuckle thrill ride that was “Homeland” was never the same after the death of Nicholas Brody. In fact, Brody was initially meant to be killed off at the close of season one, but his character was deemed too important. It would take three seasons for the allegiance-conflicted character to meet his end. It came at the hands of the Iranian military who served him a death sentence shortly after his capture. The public hanging is filled with vengeful spectators. But, watching behind a fence is Claire Danes’ Carrie, who desperately calls out to the father of her unborn child. To say the heartbreak was palpable would be an understatement.
#9: Nick “Goose” Bradshaw
“Top Gun” (1986)
It doesn’t take long for audiences to discover that Anthony Edwards’ Nick “Goose” Bradshaw is the opposite of his partner, Tom Cruise’s Pete “Maverick” Mitchell. While “Maverick” is a rebellious hotshot, “Goose” cares mostly about one thing – his family. However, the duo’s differing styles make them a perfect match and it’s clear their bond runs deep. They sure have a good time when they are around one another! If only the good times lasted a little longer. When “Goose” and “Maverick’s” aircraft gets destroyed in jet wash, the men are forced to abandon the plane. Unfortunately, when “Goose” ejects, his head slams into the canopy and is killed. The gut-wrenching loss left “Maverick” (and moviegoers) in sheer disbelief.
#8: Lieutenant Colonel Henry Blake
“M*A*S*H” (1972-83)
While M*A*S*H is classified as a TV sitcom and had its fair share of funny moments, it was ultimately about the tragedies of an ongoing war. And, naturally, character deaths were inevitable. Lt. Colonel Henry Blake’s demise, however, was a complete gut punch. Following news that he can go home and reunite with his family, he proceeds to give heartfelt farewells to the unit. Shortly after, we learn that Blake died when the aircraft he was riding on got attacked. Another random casualty of war, the death (while not shown) is made all the more sadder seeing the other character’s shocked reactions. They are barely able to come to terms with the news as they must continue their critical work.
#7: Sergeant Elias
“Platoon” (1986)
Oliver Stone’s “Platoon” is easily one of the most impactful war movies ever made. And, perhaps, the Vietnam War epic’s most jarring death belongs to William Dafoe’s Sergeant Elias. You see, Elias was always able to stick to his morals, even among the unspeakable terrors around him. In a shocking moment, however, Alias is shot by Barnes - his deceitful comrade. Desperate, and with every ounce of strength, Alias continues to move – refusing to die. It’s all for naught, however, as the Sergeant is then killed by enemy soldiers, all while his friends watch helplessly from their helicopter. With his arms held high, Elias’ death is as maddening and depressing as they come.
#6: Sergeant Warren Muck & Private First-Class Alex Penkala
“Band of Brothers” (2001)
The critically lauded miniseries “Band of Brothers” dramatizes the real story of “Easy" Company, a 2nd Battalion, 506th Parachute Infantry Regiment of the 101st Airborne Division. In the episode "The Breaking Point,” we witness the unforgettable deaths of characters “Muck” and Penkala. With constant shells hitting the American position, a bit of breeze-shooting between Sergeant Muck and technician George Luz is interrupted when a strike disperses the men. Muck and Penkala call to a crawling Luz to join them in a dug out. However, as he gets closer, a shell strikes Muck and Penkala and they simply… disappear. The moment is jarring, shocking, and unforgettably sad.
#5: Lance Corporal Thomas Blake
“1917” (2019)
In the impeccable World War I film “1917,” two soldiers must race against time and cross over into enemy territory to deliver a lifesaving message. However, the mission soon falls to only one of the men, Lance Corporal William Schofield, as his friend, Lance Corporal Thomas Blake, is tragically killed. The sorrow-filled moment happens when Blake tries to save an enemy pilot after his plane suddenly crashes. When the pilot comes to, he stabs Blake and ultimately ends his life. As Blake was trying to save the life of the person who killed him, it makes this fate extra sad. Adding to the heartbreak, of course, is Schofield’s helplessness as he watches his friend die.
#4: Captain John H. Miller
“Saving Private Ryan” (1998)
Steven Spielberg’s classic war film, “Saving Private Ryan,” is often cited as one of the most accurate depictions of wartime. And so, the deaths that occur in the film are as authentic and upsetting as you’d expect. Captain Miller’s death, however, is undoubtedly the film’s most emotional. Shot in the chest and slowly dying, Miller musters the strength to give Private Ryan his decisive final message: "earn this.” After everything that Miller has done to complete the mission, it’s incredibly sad to see him pass on. Hope remains, but the devastation is tenfold. The performance would go on to earn esteemed actor Tom Hanks a much-deserved Academy Award nomination.
#3: Smitty Ryker
“Hacksaw Ridge” (2016)
Based on an incredible true story, “Hacksaw Ridge” focuses on the World War II experiences of Desmond Doss. Doss, who refused to carry/use a weapon of any kind, heroically saves numerous lives throughout the movie - something he would be greatly rewarded for later. Sadly, there was nothing he could do to save Smitty Ryker – his friend. After being shot by a machine gun, Smitty’s fate is all too clear. Dying in Doss’ arms no less, the fallen soldier tells his friend that he’s scared. It’s a truly emotional loss as audiences had gotten to see Smitty’s journey and grew to root for him. However, it’s yet another example of the sorrows of wartime.
#2: Lieutenant Michael Murphy
“Lone Survivor” (2013)
As the title alludes to, there was always going to be just one survivor in this 2013 Mark Wahlberg-starring military film based on true events. And so, when a four-man Navy Seal mission goes south in Afghanistan, an extraction is needed. Lieutenant Michael Murphy, played by Taylor Kitsch, is successful in signaling a quick response force atop a mountain. However, he is upsettingly shot. Making this death even more painful is the fact that the rescue helicopter he sent for is taken down by an RPG, thus making his life-ending efforts amount to nothing. It’s an unforgettably sad and tragic demise any way you look at it.
#1: Albert Kropp
“All Quiet on the Western Front” (2022)
Based on the 1929 novel of the same name, “All Quiet on the Western Front” is a German anti-war movie that masterfully shows the horrors that took place in World War I. And while the ultimate death of our main character Paul at the film’s close is incredibly sad, it’s the fate of his friend, Albert, that left us most shaken. Albert meets his end in a chilling scene where he’s caught in No Man’s Land. The German soldier attempts to surrender but is instead burned by an opposing soldier’s flamethrower. The look of devastation on Paul’s face as he sees his friend die on the battlefield is one that will forever be marked in our minds.