Top 10 Satisfying Survivals in Horror Movies

Welcome to Watchmojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for the Top 10 Satisfying Survivors in Horror Movies. For this list, we’ll be looking at characters we were glad survived to the very end, either because their survivals were pleasantly surprising or their triumph over evil was cathartic. However, this list won’t include villains like Freddy, Jason, or Michael, as much as we like those characters too. Since we’re revealing characters who survived, there is a major spoil alert. What horror movie character were you glad to see dodge the Grim Reaper? Let us know in the comments.
#10: Erin
“You’re Next” (2011)
In this film, a family gettogether is interrupted by a group of masked invaders working with some of the family members to kill the others as part of an inheritance scheme. What the perpetrators didn’t count on is that one of their would-be victims, Erin, grew up on a survivalist compound in Australia and was trained to defend herself in combat. Using the skills that she picked up, Erin proves herself a formidable foe and takes out the masked invaders and their conspirators one-by-one. Her savvy instincts and resourceful use of improvised tools makes Erin a favorite final girl among horror fans.
#9: Sherman “Preacher” Dudley
“Deep Blue Sea” (1999)
Played by LL Cool J, “Preacher” is a cook aboard a research facility that gets attacked by super-intelligent, genetically engineered sharks. Separated from the rest of the crew for the first part of the film, “Preacher” starts off as a minor character. Given his comic relief role, you wouldn’t expect him to survive, especially when you compare him to other characters who would be better trained to deal with sharks. However, his grit and determination make this deep man of faith a character you root for whom you’re glad to see make it.
#8: Maddie Young
“Hush” (2016)
A deaf-mute writer living alone in the woods, Maddie is stalked one night by a sadistic man who wants to toy with her before killing her. In fending off the home invader, Maddie doesn’t let her limitations slow her down and uses them to her advantage. “Hush” was praised for its use of playing with sound, and the audience gets a sense of Maddie’s vulnerability. Actor Kate Siegel is sympathetic as the deaf mute victim and John Gallagher Jr. does such a good job being a jerk as the killer that you don’t want to win.
#7: Cecilia Kass
“The Invisible Man” (2020)
In this update of “The Invisible Man,” Cecilia is the victim of a cruel, controlling ex, Adrian, who uses advanced technology to invisibly stalk and psychologically torment her. Throughout the film, Cecilia is put through harrowing situations, including witnessing the murder of her sister at the hands of Adrian and being framed the murder. Actor Elisabeth Moss superbly shows the devastation that Cecilia has gone through as a result of this toxic relationship and the gaslighting by her partner. By the end, it’s liberating to see Cecilia take revenge against the man who heretofore ruined her life.
#6: Tallahassee
“Zombieland” (2019)
2009’s “Zombieland” is an entertaining ride thanks in large part to this colorful, eccentric character. What other horror movie character would use a banjo to attack a charging zombie? Played by Woody Harrelson, Tallahassee grows to look out for Jesse Eisenberg’s Columbus, proving to be a good friend and incredibly helpful ally. Of the group, Tallahassee seems like the most likely to perish at the hands of zombies, but fortunately, that’s not the case. Not only does Tallahassee manage to make it to the end of the movie, he even manages to get his hands on a Twinkie, his main obsession.
#5: Jessie Burlingame
“Gerald’s Game” (2017)
Jessie’s predicament in this Stephen King adaptation is enough to make any hardened horror fan shudder. Pressured by her husband Gerald into expanding their sexual horizons during a romantic getaway, she ends up handcuffed to a bed and left stranded there after Gerald dies of a heart attack. While stuck in the bed, she starts to reflect on some uncomfortable truths about Gerald through hallucinations and a traumatic memory of her father through a flashback. While the scene where Jessie frees herself from the handcuffs is painful to watch, we’re happy to see her free herself from the ordeal.
#4: Dewey Riley
“Scream” (1996)
After Drew Barrymore’s character Casey Becker is killed off in the first scene, that sends a message to the audience that any character from this movie is fair game. One likely candidate is Dewey, the sweet, affable deputy police officer who’s protecting the teens in the wake of the murders. Originally, Dewey was supposed to be one of the casualties from the massacre, but director Wes Craven had a feeling and opted to film a quick shot of him being carried away on a stretcher. Test screening audiences liked him, and Dewey was effectively saved. Because of this decision, Dewey became one of the most enduring characters in the series, alongside Sidney Prescott.
#3: Nancy Thompson
“A Nightmare on Elm Street” (1984)
To survive Freddy Krueger invading your dreams, you have to be tough and creative. Despite being told by her boyfriend she’s crazy and her parents gaslighting her, Nancy figures out on her own how to take on the dream demon. She even goes as far as to read up on survival and how to set up booby traps to use against Krueger after she figures out how to bring him into the real world. Nancy’s determination and curiosity are rewarded when she manages to outlast all of her friends and family against Freddy.
#2: Chris Washington
“Get Out” (2017)
Since Jordan Peele’s “Get Out” is a commentary on the black experience in America, there was always a strong possibility that things would turn out grim for the main character, Chris. His white girlfriend, Rose, takes him to meet her family, and little does he know the whole family is plotting against him. Toward the end of the movie when Chris is locked in a death struggle against Rose, a car rolls up with flashing lights. We’re led to believe it’s a cop that’s bound to arrest Chris, but fortunately, the car belongs to Chris’s friend Rod who works for the TSA, much to the audience’s relief.
#1: Ellen Ripley
“Alien” (1979)
A warrant officer aboard the spaceship Nostromo, Ellen Ripley witnesses her fellow crew members get ripped apart by the Xenomorph until she eventually has to take on the creature herself. Unlike female protagonists in horror movies before her, Ripley keeps a clear head and uses her wits about her when confronting the alien. Each time she’s faced with a setback or a challenge, she takes charge of the situation and finds a workaround. By the time Ripley is alone on the escape shuttle holding the cat toward the final scene, we think she’s earned a breather.