Top 10 Saved by the Bell Moments

It's time to revisit Bayside high! For this list, we'll be looking at the most iconic scenes from the1 989 to 1992 run of the High School program, “Saved by the Bell”. We've included moments like Snow White & the 7 Dorks, when Zach delivers a baby, Zack and Kelly break up, when Lisa and Screech do “The Sprain” and more!
#10: Snow White & the 7 Dorks
“Snow White and the Seven Dorks”
In this episode which was broadcast towards the end of this popular after school show’’s run, Zack, Kelly, Slater, and Jessie are all staging a production of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. Except, it’s Snow White and the Seven Dorks, and they’re going to be rapping their lines, because it was the early ‘90s. ‘Nuff said? A love-quadrangle develops when Jessie and Zack realize they have to kiss, and Kelly and Slater get jealous, but the real magic is the rap itself. While it’s great on its own, it takes a real SbtB twist when Zack changes up the rhymes to reunite Jessie and Slater and win back his true love fair.
#9: Oil Spill
“Pipe Dreams”
Bayside strikes it rich when they learn that their school’s football field is sitting on untapped oil. Most of the students (except, eventually, the socially conscious Jesse) are thrilled, and start daydreaming about what they will do with all that extra money (because trickle down economics...right?) However, they see the consequences of drilling firsthand when there is a terrible oil spill into the school pond, where the school animals, including Becky the duck, have just been released! The moment makes Zack realize that nothing comes without a price.
#8: Zack Delivers a Baby
In this episode, Bayside High is struck by a terrible earthquake- because what doesn’t happen at this school? After the tremor, Zack, Tori, and Principal Belding's very pregnant wife get stuck in an elevator together. Mrs. Belding goes into labor, and suddenly Zack must help deliver. Mr. Belding and Screech are saved from being locked in his office by Slater, and gets to the elevator doors. As the whole school gathers around the closed doors, behind which Zack and Tori are doing their very best to help Mrs. B, they begin lamaze breathing in solidarity. It is as hilarious and weirdly adorable as it is memorable. (Hee-hee-hee-hoooo!)
#7: Buddy Bands
“The Friendship Business”
For their business class, the teens are charged with forming groups and marketing a product. Zack and the gang team up, and start to make a killing with their friendship bracelet business. When Zack becomes a little too bossy however, Slater, Kelly and Jessie break off and come up with "Buddy Bands" – which are just headbands, but everyone goes nuts for them because of the 'commercial' they shoot for it. For the time, it was supposed to be too cool for school, and it still works in the episode as a whole. However, on its own it’s both campy and amazing, so pretty much classic SbtB content.
#6: Zack & Kelly Break Up
“The Last Dance”
Ah, the moment that made teens everywhere wonder whether true love really existed. Kelly starts working at The Max to save a little extra money in order to buy a dress for the school’s costume ball. While at first she’s excited to go with Zack, she soon starts to develop feeling for her boss, Jeff. At the dance, Zack and Kelly are named king and queen, but it soon becomes obvious that her thoughts are elsewhere. Outside, they talk about where their relationship is going, and whether or not it has a future. In the background, Slater and Jessie sing a Michael Bolton break-up song, as if that knife in our hearts needed an extra twist.
#5: Zack & Slater Fight
“The Fight”
Zack and Slater have always been tongu- in-cheek rivals, but we knew it was all in good fun. In the first episode of the final season however there is a new girl in town who ramps up their animosity. When both guys realize that the other is interested in Joanna, their competitive relationship escalates. As they both vie for her attention, each dude ups the ante to either date her – or destroy the other’s date with her. Finally, after Zack embarrasses Slater at the movies by hiring a woman to pretend to be his mother, things boil over.
#4: Drug Commercial
“No Hope with Dope”
As part of an anti-drug campaign, a commercial is being filmed at Bayside and, wouldn’t you know it, the gang gets starring roles! But there is something foul afoot! While at a house party, they discover that the Hollywood star who pitched the commercial is a drug-user himself (gasp!) What’s worse, he tries to get Kelly to smoke pot (double gasp!) When Zack and the others find out what happened, they are so disgusted with Johnny’s hypocrisy that they walk off the set, and go straight to Principal Belding’s office to tell him what happened. Fortunately, he has an anchorman friend who can help, and they shoot a new, more legitimate PSA.
#3: Lisa & Screech Do ‘The Sprain’
“Dancing to the Max”
In the very first episode of the series, everyone gets super excited when they learn that there’s dance contest at The Max, and it will be hosted by none other than radio personality Casey Kasem. Both Slater and Zack hope to dance with Kelly, but she chooses Slater – w mean, with those moves, it’s kind of a no-brainer. Zack and Jessie team up, and Lisa finds a partner too – only to sprain her ankle. Despite this, Screech steps in and offers to dance with her anyway. Together they come up with a little boogie they call The Sprain, and win the contest.
#2: The Zack Attack Rockumentary
This whole episode is a VH1 “Behind the Music” style documentary about the rise and fall of the gang’s garage rock band, Zack Attack. As the band reaches superstardom, things start to inevitably fall apart and the group goes their separate ways, with Zack going solo, Kelly taking up acting, Screech soul searching, Slater becoming a racecar driver, and Lisa joining American Gladiators (Jessie is AWOL for some reason). When Slater is in an accident, they reunite and make up, starting a Friends Forever reunion tour. Of course, in the end, it’s all a dream. It’s weird, it’s cheesy, but who doesn’t get Friends Forever stuck in their head every time?
Before we unveil our number one pick, here are a few honorable mentions.
Five Aces
“Slater’s Sister”
Slater Dancing Ballet
Getting Drunk & Into a Car Accident
#1: Jessie Gets High on Caffeine Pills
There is perhaps no more iconic, or parodied moment from the entire series than this one. With the pressure mounting to be perfect at school and in her extracurricular activities, Jessie resorts to drastic measures to stay on top of it all. She starts to knock back caffeine pills like they’re candy, despite Slater’s warnings that they can be highly addictive. Things seem to be going fine at first, but when Zack finds Jessie asleep when he’s supposed to take her to The Max for a show, she freaks out, and scrambles for her pill, because girl is hooked! Desperate to show she’s still in control, Jessie has a total meltdown instead. At least she’s got a good shoulder to cry on.