Top 10 Scariest Chucky Scenes

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#10: Bloody Waterbed
“Bride of Chucky” (1998)
Dolls have to get really creative with their kills. After two con artists steal Jesse and Jade’s money, Chucky and Tiffany follow them back to their hotel room and watch them getting busy on a waterbed. Their glimpse of Tiffany in the ceiling mirror comes too late. Using a champagne bottle, Tiffany shatters the mirror, and all the couple can do is scream as they’re showered in glass. This method of death was so unique and impactful that director Don Mancini decided to recreate it for “Cult of Chucky,” only with much more graphic results.
#9: Doll Eyes
“Child’s Play 2” (1990)
Of all the ways we want to go, having doll eyes stabbed into our face is probably near the bottom of the list. In the climax of “Child’s Play 2,” a factory technician investigates broken machinery - crawling right beneath the mechanism that attaches the doll’s eyes. Director John Lafia expertly builds tension as Chucky creeps closer and closer. Subverting expectations however, the technician emerges with a satisfied smile . . . only to have Chucky slice his face and send him back beneath the mechanism he just activated. The image of the dead technician with doll eyes is pure nightmare fuel.
#8: Madeleine’s Mouth
“Cult of Chucky” (2017)
“Cult of Chucky” is far gorier than its predecessors, a fact that’s clearly evident in Madeleine’s utterly disgusting death scene. When her Good Guys doll returns from the grave, the guilt-ridden Madeleine allows it to kill her. Promising that it will hurt, the doll proceeds to stick its entire freaking arm down her throat! It then pulls out…something from her mouth and looks at it with pure elation. It’s a horribly grotesque death, and the eerie music combined with the doll’s terrifying facial expressions make this an incredibly dark and unsettling sequence. And just when you thought the franchise had veered too far into comedy…
#7: Haircut
“Child’s Play 3” (1991)
“Child’s Play 3” is often considered the worst movie of the series, but it does have its fair share of spooky scenes. Case in point, the famous barbershop sequence where the military barber decides to…give Chucky a haircut. Why, we have no idea, but just go with it. Character motivations aside, it’s a tense sequence, especially as the camera slowly pans to Chucky’s deceptively still face while the music gradually builds. Then he slits the barber’s throat, cracks a silly one-liner, and laughs that brilliant Chucky laugh. It’s all a little silly, but it’s easily the most unique scene in “Child’s Play 3.”
#6: Alice Meets Chucky
“Curse of Chucky” (2013)
“Curse of Chucky” helped bring the franchise back to its horror roots after the wacky “Seed of Chucky,” and this change of tone was evident from the start. After young Alice senses something behind the shower curtain, she slowly approaches before pulling the curtain back and unveiling the freakiest Chucky we’ve ever seen. There’s something horribly disturbing about Chucky’s expression of false innocence, with his bulging, manic eyes and fixed smile. Alice, at least, is fooled, and delighted . . . until the doll suddenly reaches for her. Welcome back, Chucky. We missed you.
#5: Chucky’s Disfigured Face
“Child’s Play 3” (1991)
We love seeing the sadistic doll get beaten up, and “Child’s Play 3” features what’s easily the most twisted Chucky injury. Just when Chucky is about to kill Tyler, an animatronic scythe swings down and slices half of Chucky’s face off. We then get to see the inside of his face, complete with tendons and moving muscles. It’s highly detailed makeup work (perhaps even the best in the series), and Brad Dourif’s anguished screams cut right to the bone. Of all his different looks, we think Two Face Chucky is the scariest of all.
#4: Strangling Mattson
“Child’s Play 2” (1990)
It’s everyone’s worst nightmare. You’re driving when you realize there’s someone in the backseat. Oh, and that someone is a murderous, possessed doll. “Chucky Play 2” started off with a bang, with Chucky pulling a gun on Play Pals executive Mattson. Chucky toys with him first, “shooting” him with water to relieve the tension. But it’s just a fake out. Once Mattson looks into the rear-view mirror, Chucky strangles him with a plastic bag while lightning flashes and rain pounds the roof. Just goes to show, slasher scenes don’t always need blood and gore to be terrifying.
#3: Burned Chucky
“Child’s Play” (1988)
Like most classic slashers villains, Chucky never stays dead. The end of “Child’s Play” is a relentless gauntlet of hope and despair, as Chucky seems to die over and over again, only to come back meaner and stronger than ever before. The first false death comes when Andy burns Chucky in the fireplace. Everything seems well and good, until Andy is tripped by a horribly burnt Chucky, who stalks towards him holding a knife. It’s arguably the most haunting shot of the series, with Chucky’s melted face the stuff of nightmares.
#2: Discovering Chucky’s Scars
“Curse of Chucky” (2013)
“Curse of Chucky” is arguably the best installment in the series since “Child’s Play,” with a terrific blend of deep dread and visceral thrills. While looking for Alice in the attic, Barb comes across Chucky and curiously picks at the fake skin on his face, revealing the scars hidden beneath. It’s an excellent piece of fan service, as we finally see Chucky’s signature scars again, but it’s also a terrifying sequence that riddles viewers with anxiety and foreboding. We know that Chucky is going to reveal himself – we just don’t know when. A gold medal to the person who can watch this scene without flinching or putting their fingers in front of their eyes.
Before we get freaked out by our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions.
Stalking Maggie
“Child’s Play” (1988)
Frying the Nanny
“Curse of Chucky” (2013)
Andy Tortures Chucky
“Cult of Chucky” (2017)
Nanny Cam
“Curse of Chucky” (2013)
Acid Face
“Seed of Chucky” (2004)
#1: No Batteries
“Child’s Play” (1988)
A lot of people have a fear of dolls. Now just imagine if a doll turned its head 180 degrees and spoke to you without having batteries installed! That’s exactly what happens to Andy’s mom Karen, and it is easily the scariest moment in the Chucky-verse. The way the scene slowly builds uneasiness, the sudden head turn, and the abnormally loud doll voice all combine to create an instantly memorable and chilling moment. It sums up just what makes Chucky so uncanny, and how he’s remained so scary and relevant throughout the years.