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Top 10 Scariest Horror Movie Females

Top 10 Scariest Horror Movie Females
Written by Michael Boriero

Forget about male killers in horror movies, these women were scary as all hell! WatchMojo presents the Top 10 Scariest Women from Horror Films! But who will take the top spot on our list? Will it be Samara Morgan from The Ring, Regan Macneil from The Ring, or Mrs. Sylvia Ganush in Drag Me to Hell? Watch to find out!

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One thing’s for sure: you wouldn’t want to be caught alone with any of these women! Welcome to, and today we’re counting down our picks for the Top 10 Scariest Horror Movie Females.

For this list, we’re looking at the most terrifying, fear-inducing female characters to appear on the big screen. We’re including human girls or women, supernatural entities that possess women, and anything else we may find in the horror genre.

#10: Old Woman in Bath
“The Shining” (1980)

The woman in question has been under the microscope ever since moviegoers were given a look at the decaying old lady who chased Jack Torrance out of room 237. Theories abound regarding the significance of her presence within the film, which is strikingly different from the book. In the movie, most would agree that basically personifies the evil within the hotel. Before revealing the ugly truth, however, the evil spirit presents herself as a “beautiful young woman.” Jack is seduced by this power and decides to embrace her, effectively giving himself over to the haunted Overlook Hotel. That’s one powerful evil bathtub spirit.

#9: Mrs. Voorhees
“Friday the 13th” (1980)

Everyone has come across a typical overbearing mother at some point; but what about the mother that becomes a murderous lunatic out to avenge her son’s death? After Jason Voorhees supposedly drowns and disappears at Camp Crystal Lake, his mother Pamela decides to take matters into her own hands. Under the guise of a kind and gentle older woman, Pamela secretly carries out horrific murders on unsuspecting counselors. And, her superior strength, unparalleled ability to wield sharp weapons and knowledge of the campgrounds put her at an advantage over these rebellious teenagers simply looking to get high and have a good time.

#8: Asami Yamazaki
“Audition” (1999)

Don’t be fooled by her cute and sweet demeanor, otherwise you just might lose a limb! Asami is a jealous nightmare with a thirst for torture and absolutely no remorse. As a young girl, her stepfather sexually abused her, leaving her with a deep distrust in men. It also led her to lose touch with reality, after which she developed a hankering for dismembering any man who disrespects her, or shows signs of losing interest in her. Unfortunately for him, widower Shigeharu Aoyama learns all of this first-hand and even gets to experience Asami’s unique acupuncture technique!

#7: Mama
“Mama” (2013)

Another mother with some serious baggage, this terrifying entity has trouble letting go of her past hardships. After being committed to a mental institute, she decides to flee with her baby but tragically jumps off a cliff in order to avoid her captors. Unfortunately, her child doesn’t reach the water, which sends this Macbethian spirit into a century long search through the nearby woods. Although inherently evil and unafraid to kill, this character is somewhat redeemed by her protective motherly qualities. Ultimately, she just wants to keep her pseudo-adopted children safe, so just try not to cut into too much playtime… or she’ll get jealous!

#6: Tristana Medeiros
“[•REC]” (2007)

What happens when the Catholic Church discovers the “biological cause of demonic possession”? Well, you get an aggressive demon virus accompanied by the blind and utterly grotesque demon spawn known as Tristana. After Tristana was raped by multiple priests and discovered to be possessed, numerous religious figures tried to perform an exorcism but failed miserably. A Vatican priest, Father Albelda, decided to take it a step further by kidnapping her and taking her to a central Barcelona penthouse to conduct experimental research. Of course, the virus proved too difficult to control, going viral and later infecting the entire apartment building. Most of the tenants turned ravenous with a new taste for human flesh… Must be why doctors always recommend using hand sanitizer!

#5: Kayako Saeki
“The Grudge” (2004)

Haunted houses have always been a fun experience for thrill seekers during Halloween but… they kind of lose their appeal when you know you won’t be making it out. This vengeful spirit seemingly only has one goal: to haunt and kill anyone that comes into her quaint Tokyo home. Brutally murdered in cold blood by her husband, alongside her son, Kayako becomes tragically tied to a deadly curse. But what makes her truly terrifying is her pale white skin and the creepy clicking sound she makes during her ominous crawl towards her victims, who become too terrified to move.

#4: Demon Nun
“The Conjuring: 2” (2016)

More commonly known as Valak, this demon nun is quite similar to Bathsheba from “The Conjuring” and is one of the more sinister females on our list. Her ability to seduce victims into committing murder, and induce thoughts of suicide, makes her an immediate threat to anyone she comes into contact with. Not to mention, she also has the ability to shape-shift and control troubled spirits in the afterlife. Needless to say, while performing a séance to “determine a demonic presence” after the horrific Amityville house murders is courageous, it’s becoming painfully obvious that people need to steer clear of one of the most haunted house in America – and any homes in other countries with similarly strange occurrences.

#3: Mrs. Sylvia Ganush
“Drag Me to Hell” (2009)

Word to the wise: NEVER deny an old gypsy a mortgage extension, especially one who’s fluent in ancient curses! To put it bluntly, Sylvia Ganush is not someone to be trifled with. Similar to most elderly folk, she’s stubborn and set in her ways; so when she promises to exact revenge on you, well, there’s literally nothing you can do. Oh, and it helps that she can summon the dreaded demon Lamia, whose power consists of three days of torment before ultimately hauling you off to the fiery pits of hell for all eternity. Yikes.

#2: Samara Morgan
“The Ring” (2002)

Like most of the women featured on this list, Samara had a troubled and horrific past. Sacrificed by her loving mother, the murderous ghost was strangled and tossed into a well to save the citizens of Moesko Island from her uncontrollable psychic ability. This ability, known as “nensha”, allows her to “burn gruesome images” into people’s minds, and she later uses that power to burn images into a blank videotape. Accompanied by a death curse, her crudely crafted film is like the worst movie you’ve ever seen - on steroids. But seriously, there’s probably nothing creepier than a TV turning on by itself… that is, until Samara crawls out of the TV to murder you.

Before we reveal our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions:
- Mary Shaw
“Dead Silence” (2007)

- Mother Suspiriorum / Helena Markos
“Suspiria” (1977)

- Mia Allen
“Evil Dead” (2013)

#1: Regan MacNeil
“The Exorcist” (1973)

Head spinning, projectile vomiting, a vocabulary that would put even the dirtiest of sailors to shame - this is definitely one girl people will never forget. Regan falls into the category of people foolish enough to mess with a Ouija board. After becoming deeply possessed by an ancient Mesopotamian demon, known as Pazuzu, Regan goes on a supernatural tailspin terrorizing her mother and the two priests looking to exorcise her demon. Not only did she manage to terrify audiences in 1973; Regan’s story continues to frighten viewers to their very core – and will likely do so for future generations of horror fans.
