Top 10 Scenes That Actors Regret Doing

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Special thanks to our user liam_schell for suggesting this idea!
#10: Dakota Johnson & Jamie Dornan
"Fifty Shades" franchise (2015-18)
Dakota Johnson discussed filming the first of the "Fifty Shades" series with Time Magazine in 2015, specifically addressing her regrets shooting some pivotal sex scenes. Johnson reiterated what many movie fans already know: that shooting sex sequences is hard work, and usually involve a team of crew members to get it all up there on the silver screen. The actress found the BDSM scenes with her co-star Jamie Dornan difficult to shoot, due to her having to be blindfolded and bound for a long period of time, requiring multiple takes before it was finally in the can.
#9: Natalie Portman
"Hotel Chevalier" (2007)
Appearing nude on film is a slippery slope many actors choose to navigate throughout their career. As a result, their feelings on the final product can often vacillate between pride and regret. Natalie Portman expressed regret to WENN in 2010 about how some reviews for "Hotel Chevalier" focused on her nudity, rather than the plot. Portman also lamented that screen grabs from that film as well as “Goya’s Ghosts” ended up on porn sites during an MTV interview two years earlier, focusing more upon the "misappropriation" of imagery, as opposed to the artistic merit of nudity.
#8: Taylor Lautner
"Twilight" franchise (2008-12)
Location shooting can always be a dicey proposition, especially when the script usually calls for scenes to be damp, rainy, and cold. This can prove particularly uncomfortable if your character is usually depicted on-screen half-naked, such as with our next actor, Taylor Lautner. Lautner's character of Jacob Black was one of the "Twilight" franchise's most visible sex symbols, and was usually presented in full fan service mode: without a t-shirt in sight. The actor told E! News that it was an uncomfortable experience, and that he wished some of his co-stars could've done a take in the same fashion, in order to make him feel more at ease.
#7: Ben Stiller
"Along Came Polly" (2004)
If you haven't already guessed at this point, onscreen nudity is going to be a running theme in this list, so strap in your butts. Speaking of which, Ben Stiller had a nude scene regret of his own during the filming of "Along Came Polly" in 2004, specifically during a sequence that required a naked posterior. Ben was told by director John Hamburg that the scene would be cut “if it didn't get a laugh," but what Hamburg DIDN'T tell Stiller was that he could've had a body double for the scene. Ummm... ooops?
#6: Uma Thurman
"Kill Bill: Volume 2" (2004)
There's nothing funny about the next entry on our list, which involved a serious crash that occurred during the filming of "Kill Bill: Volume 2.” Uma Thurman told the New York Times in 2018 that she was coerced into performing what she felt was an unsafe stunt by director Quentin Tarantino, a 40 mph drive that resulted in the actress losing control and crashing. Thurman felt that the car was unsafe, yet the stunt staff was kept off set that day, with Tarantino saying that he missed an S-curve when driving the road himself prior to Thurman's take. Furthermore, a production cover-up kept the raw footage from surfacing for over a decade.
#5: Jennifer Lawrence
"Passengers" (2016)
Romance in the movies can be a heady, wonderful thing on screen, but what about the human beings on the set? Jennifer Lawrence had some severe reservations about her sex scene with Chris Pratt when filming the 2016 sci-fi film "Passengers," mainly because her co-star was married. Lawrence told The Hollywood Reporter that she had major guilt issues regarding how realistic the scene should appear on-screen and drank beforehand to calm her nerves about the experience. The pair also expressed to USA Today about how the mechanics of the sequence itself were unsexy, awkward work.
#4: Jim Carrey
"Kick-Ass 2" (2013)
The "Kick-Ass" franchise is full of bullet holes and body counts, but this didn't sit too well with co-star Jim Carrey, who disowned his part in "Kick-Ass 2" prior to the film's release. The actor had shot his scenes a month prior to the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting and came out on Twitter slamming the film. "Kick-Ass" creators Mark Millar and John Romita Jr, for their parts, challenged that Carrey could've used his character's resilience to gunplay as a platform for his opinions, as opposed to bashing a film that incorporated the hard work of an entire cast and crew.
#3: Sharon Stone
"Basic Instinct" (1992)
We head back to Sexy Town for the next scene on our list, specifically one of the most famous bits of on-screen nudity from the 1990s. The interrogation sequence from "Basic Instinct" is notorious for one scene where Sharon Stone flashes a group of detectives, yet Stone maintained that she was unaware that it was going to be so explicit. Although the actress admits that she would've kept the scene in the film, she wishes that director Paul Verhoeven would've shown her the final cut before seeing it on a public screen. Verhoeven, for his part, told CinemaBlend that there was "no way" he could've filmed the scene without Stone knowing his intentions.
#2: Burt Reynolds
"Deliverance" (1972)
Some actors are perfectionists and are always willing to go the extra mile in order to achieve that all important, onscreen realism. Burt Reynolds was one such actor, but it came to a head when he was filming director John Boorman's 1972 masterpiece, "Deliverance." Reynolds was in great shape, and used to doing his own stunts, so he decided to take a dangerous dive off a waterfall, as opposed to using a dummy. The stunt ended up cracking his tailbone, with the one silver lining being that Reynolds was sure it looked great on camera. Unfortunately, when he asked Boorman how it looked, the director replied, "it looked like a dummy going over the falls."
#1: Kate Winslet
"Titanic" (1997)
Celebrities have been known to sign a lot of different things at conventions or in person, but there are some items they're just not too keen on seeing brought up by a fan. Kate Winslet has such an item, and it's any photo from her famous nude scene in "Titanic." The actress doesn't sign these pictures for fans, saying how she feels "uncomfortable" when people bring it up. Winslet has added that she didn't intend for that scene to be passed around as much when she first shot that scene for director James Cameron back in 1997.