Top 10 Sex Deaths in Movies

In the case of these characters, the climax really is the end. Join as we count down our top 10 sex deaths in movies.
For this list, we're taking a look at those gruesome and unfortunate movie scenes where a character is sent to heaven before they're sent to hell.
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#10: Snake Bite
“Snakes on a Plane” (2006)
We start with one of the more unique deaths on this list, as a load of snakes breaks out of their cage and causes terror on an airplane. Among their first victims are a couple of young, doped up horn balls who hope to join the mile high club. Unfortunately, their application is denied because his trouser snake wasn’t the only snake invited. A serpent sneaks in through the ceiling and breaks up the party, snapping and biting at the couple while they’re at their most vulnerable. With mother effin snakes all over the mother effin plane, it was bound to happen sooner or later.
#9: Risky Fellatio
“The Last House on the Left” (1972)
If this graphic scene teaches us anything, it is to be wary of those you do wrong, and be even more wary if they propose to “service” you. In a vengeful scheme to get back at the man who raped and murdered her daughter, Estelle seduces the assailant Weasel and offers him a round of oral sex he won’t soon forget. With his hands tied and nearing climax, Estelle bites down, separating Weasel from his member for good and ensuring the thug will bleed to death.
#8: Tight Grip
“GoldenEye” (1995)
There’s rough and then there’s this. Xenia Onatopp is a woman of very specific kinks. This Georgian beauty derives genuine sexual pleasure from killing and causing pain to her partner. A Canadian admiral turned out to be one of the unlucky few to truly understand this ordeal. The admiral’s climax of pain arrives when Xenia locks the unsuspecting man in her ironclad thighs, suffocating him to death, while bringing herself to complete sexual bliss. Bond sure attracts some interesting ladies…
#7: Strictly Business
“Species” (1995)
Denying a member of a deadly alien species sex might’ve been easier for this distraught doctor if they didn’t come to Earth looking like this. In pursuit of a suitable host to impregnate her, Sil preys on Dr. Stephen Arden. Although he was fully aware of the alien’s heinous actions, Arden is deceived by a new hairdo and drawn into temptation. However, the good doctor realizes only after the deed is done just whom he bedded, and that’s when Sil dampens the afterglow and spoils the mood completely by killing him. You know what doesn’t get you killed by an alien with baby fever? Chastity.
#6: Double Spear
“A Bay of Blood” (1972)
When locked in the heat of deep sexual passion, it is still always important to watch your back. Finding his way into a home that was already broken into and occupied by a group of horny teens, this serial killer murders each of the unmindful victims before reaching the bedroom to find Duke and Denise doing the dirty deed. Arming himself with a spear and quietly sneaking up behind the couple, the murderer drives the weapon through each of their bodies, shish kabob style.
#5: Two for the Price of One
“American Psycho” (2000)
When having sex with a complete sociopath, expect things to get really dark really fast. Unfortunately, Patrick Bateman’s latest partners, Christie and Elizabeth, didn’t get this memo. Bateman was never much of a conventional lover, but when she witnesses screams and blood coming from underneath the covers, Christie frantically flees the scene, forcing a naked and bloody Bateman to chase her down his apartment hallway with a chainsaw. Making it as far as the staircase, Christie meets her end with a precise drop of the weapon through her body. That’s two bloody sex deaths for the price of one.
#4: Saw Decapitation
“The Cabin in the Woods” (2012)
Sex in the woods can be romantic and adventurous; however it can also prompt a serial killing, undead family to come and murder you. Jules and boyfriend Curt make their way to a more discreet area in the murky forest to get intimate, but are soon interrupted by the presence of the Buckner family. Being the valiant boyfriend that he is, Curt comes to Jules’ aid, but he’s injured by a knife to the back and a swift smack with a bear trap. Sure enough, Jules is soon locked in the bear trap and – with Curt looking on, horrified – she has her neck run through with a rusty saw.
#3: Doggystyle Decapitation
“Hatchet II” (2010)
Avery and Layton are rediscovering their love in the middle of a forest, while she bombards him with a number of random questions. Trying his best to concentrate on the task at hand, Layton remains unaware of Victor Crowley lurking in the woods behind him and soon pays the price for his inattentiveness. With his body still shaking uncontrollably, it takes Avery several moments to notice her mutilated boyfriend. Well, at least the killer saved the poor guy from that ridiculous game of 20 questions. Oh, and if you think Avery gets off scott-free, think again…
#2: Slit Throat
“Gone Girl” (2014)
Here’s a game of “who’s crazier?” that’s played out to the extreme. After many years of attempting to bait his ex-girlfriend back into his life, Amy finally arrives on Desi’s doorstep, planning to use the gullible admirer as a piece in her elaborate plan. Believing Amy to be a damaged, troubled woman, Desi offers to house and take care of her – or, depending on how you look at it, keeps her locked up in his house for his eyes only. In an unlikely turn of events, Amy soon rewards Desi with what he’s waited for all those years, but then slits his throat with a knife.
Before we unveil our number one pick, here are a few honorable mentions:
- Fun on the Farm
“Halloween 5: The Revenge of Michael Myers” (1989)
- Masked Stabbing
“Club Dread” (2004)
- Bathtub Castration
“I Spit on Your Grave” (1978)
- Acid Ingestion
“2001 Maniacs” (2005)
- Lust
“Se7en” (1995)
#1: The Tent Scene
“Jason Goes to Hell: The Final Friday” (1993)
If there’s one horror movie franchise that can’t stand the sight of horny teenagers, it’s “Friday the 13th.” It just seems to run in the Voorhees family! While doing his rounds, Jason – having possessed someone else’s body – finds a loving couple getting busy in a nearby tent, and – as is his way – is undeterred by this display of physical attraction or something as flimsy as nylon. While Deborah and Luke are in the throes of ecstasy, she receives a less-welcome pole straight through the stomach, which Jason pulls up through her torso, splitting her open. Talk about a mood killer.
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